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Anonymous 10/09/29(Wed)06:36 No. 93371 ID: 353d7b

the paper that this film fails to cite was actually disproven, there is no significant evidence for any sperm specialization at all.

Anonymous 10/09/29(Wed)10:26 No. 93376 ID: 71920d


Anonymous 10/09/29(Wed)11:36 No. 93380 ID: 2dbaff

Holy. Shit.

Holy Grail of lesbian porn here.

If there girls are faking then they should start acting for real, not just in porn.


Anonymous 10/09/29(Wed)12:13 No. 93382 ID: 022259


Fucking gorgeous, best thing I've seen in this thread for awhile.

Anonymous 10/09/29(Wed)19:03 No. 93406 ID: 373a26

>the paper that this [porn] film fails to cite


Anonymous 10/09/29(Wed)21:23 No. 93408 ID: 4bf330

.....its so beautiful

Anonymous 10/09/29(Wed)21:25 No. 93409 ID: b5fa72

File 128578829989.jpg - (43.78KB , 351x440 , 128352170858.jpg )

I came.

Then I dawww'd.

Seriously, them falling asleep together like that at the end was fucking adorable.

Thank you, sir.

Anonymous 10/09/30(Thu)02:24 No. 93413 ID: 44bb3e


Now THAT is what this thread is all about. Excellent work sir

Anonymous 10/09/30(Thu)06:35 No. 93415 ID: 4d8226

What? You're saying that not only are the situations non-factual, but now I can't even count on my porn to have good science? That's not what the enlightenment is supposed to be based on dammit!

Anonymous 10/10/01(Fri)08:32 No. 93454 ID: eab05b

For whatever reason, this link seems to redirect straight back to spankwires homepage. I has a sad.

Anonymous 10/10/01(Fri)12:26 No. 93457 ID: 36901a


Here's a depositfiles D/L link for it; I know this isn't the rapidshit thread but I can't stand idly by while people are deprived of epic lesbian porn.

Filesize 548MB.

Anonymous 10/10/01(Fri)12:27 No. 93458 ID: 36901a

Hahaha, I forgot the link. Durrrrr.

Here you go - http://depositfiles.com/en/files/ixno778eo

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