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Anonymous 09/10/13(Tue)02:19 No. 52285 ID: 454591

find a girlfriend

Anonymous 09/10/13(Tue)11:06 No. 52297 ID: d74395

Learn to script, it's worth it. Or DownThemAll. I will not post archives.
Why do you think I have no girlfriend?

Anonymous 09/10/13(Tue)14:34 No. 52300 ID: 75152f

Fuck your scripting.
Learn a real language and get paid to write.

Scripting is for kiddies!

Anonymous 09/10/13(Tue)22:00 No. 52315 ID: d74395

You'd write and compile a program just to download images from a chan?

Anonymous 09/10/14(Wed)17:26 No. 52347 ID: 1bc7fe

Yeah, I don't think that's necessary. On unix, one would do something not entirely unlike this:

wget -o /tmp/mun_temppi.$$ $1 grep -o <*img +src[ \t]*=[ \t]*\"[[^\"].]*\.[(jpg)(gif)(png)]\".*[(>.*</img>)(/.*>)] - $1 > /tmp/mun_temppi.$$ cat /tmp/mun_temppi.$$ | grep -o [[^\"].]*\.[(jpg)(gif)(png)] > mun_temppi.$$ cat /tmp/mun_temppi.$$ | wget rm /tmp/mun_temppi.$$

I haven't tested this.

Anonymous 09/10/14(Wed)18:02 No. 52348 ID: abcc52


lawl look at her kid in the car window hahahah

Anonymous 09/10/15(Thu)01:07 No. 52364 ID: a40bce

this thread is meaningless with a sharebee or multiupload link

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