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Anonymous 11/06/17(Fri)05:59 No. 131223 ID: b5282c

File 13082831631.gif - (574.54KB , 140x173 , lol.gif )

What the fuck dude

Anonymous 11/06/17(Fri)08:10 No. 131224 ID: f3f928

File 13082910197.gif - (45.32KB , 207x237 , 129679331377.gif )


Does anyone have the rest of this video?

Anonymous 11/06/18(Sat)20:37 No. 131301 ID: d2488a

I'm a dane, and we saw that movie in 2nd grade with my classroom, when I was like 8 yrs old. Can't remember the name of the movie though.

Anonymous 11/06/18(Sat)20:43 No. 131302 ID: d2488a

Got the name of the movie though, "Det skaldede spøgelse" I can translate it to English as "The Bald Ghost"

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