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Anonymous 11/06/01(Wed)12:49 No. 130532 ID: d63503


Anonymous 11/06/01(Wed)18:41 No. 130536 ID: 9b016c

Wow, that was actually awesome. Haha! It was so strange watching people in porn trying to keep in character -- with the voices and everything. Lulzy as hell, and damn fappable.

Anonymous 11/06/02(Thu)17:53 No. 130595 ID: 14f29b


Anonymous 11/06/02(Thu)21:35 No. 130601 ID: 79a40c


it's so weird that shes not even trying to be pretty or anything, she just is. Awesome, maybe its also cus she looks like someone i know in real life, anyone know her name or if she made anymore? I would love to see more of her.

Anonymous 11/06/02(Thu)21:41 No. 130604 ID: b52932


That irritated look on her face all throughout? Caused by the simpering fuckwad who won't stop talking, even when she blows him. Some guys shouldn't do porn.

Anonymous 11/06/03(Fri)00:31 No. 130611 ID: 78e5e7



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