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Anonymous ## Mod ## 11/10/18(Tue)10:22 No. 101444 Stickied

File 131892614864.jpg - (25.57KB , 400x400 , norequests.jpg )

Rules of /men/:

1.) "who is this, source, does anyone have more, what series is this from" etc. go in this thread. If you can answer, reply in this thread, if you can't, don't.

2.) New threads should have at least three relevant images. Anything less will be considered a request thread and will be subject to deletion and/or banning.

3.) No furry or illegal content. Use the "Report Post" function if you see illegal or rule violating content.

4.) If you want to camwhore, just post as much as you can and go from there. If you just post one image and ask if /men/ wants more, your thread will be deleted in accordance with rule #2 and you will be banned for 1 day or more.

5.) This board is for gay porn only. Gay discussion goes on /fag/. Cross-dressing goes on /cd/. Traps go on /di/.

Anonymous 12/05/31(Thu)03:34 No. 112285

Help? XD

d0dea7 12/05/31(Thu)21:45 No. 112294

File 133849351787.jpg - (70.40KB , 604x972 , bd21a9b5-ac0c-4298-8593-043c92e6f780.jpg )

Does anyone know if there's a video that corresponds to this image?

Anonymous 12/06/01(Fri)14:22 No. 112305

File 133855335411.jpg - (75.75KB , 800x541 , tumblr_m4fwi6EIdF1qgv1i6o1_1280.jpg )

Does anyone know if this is from something?

Anonymous 12/06/02(Sat)00:28 No. 112311

File 13385897376.jpg - (104.93KB , 750x603 , 130340761590.jpg )

Source of this pic?

NPrime!!VkZmIvBQNm 12/06/02(Sat)03:21 No. 112314


College Dudes 24/7. The guy with the cum on his face is Ryan Dyser and the other guy is Gabe Krol.

Anonymous 12/06/02(Sat)15:53 No. 112320

does anyone know where i can find more of this guy or what his name is? he reminds me of a guy a used to know. The first pics from BaitBus and the seconds from HazeHim, but i dunno where the third one is frome.

Anonymous 12/06/02(Sat)19:02 No. 112321

File 133865656746.jpg - (332.08KB , 600x899 , tumblr_m4nye0bhLp1qc1pjbo1_1280.jpg )

can I get some sauce on the guy on the right?

Anonymous 12/06/02(Sat)20:15 No. 112323

File 133866091162.gif - (769.81KB , 500x282 , tumblr_m4azc8EnuT1r8qkqoo1_500.gif )

is there a link to this?

Anonymous 12/06/03(Sun)09:04 No. 112333

That's from Cocky Boys "Phenix Saint & Bobby Clark Nail Seth Knight!"
The guy on the right is Bobby Clark.

Anonymous 12/06/03(Sun)09:18 No. 112334

File 133870791462.jpg - (31.21KB , 384x512 , torsonumacho.jpg )

Anyone know who this is?

Chris+Crocker 12/06/04(Mon)12:15 No. 112355


My future husband O_O

Anonymous 12/06/05(Tue)03:49 No. 112367

File 133886099216.jpg - (53.63KB , 500x349 , tumblr_lfgx8986JA1qdtng0o1_500.jpg )

sup /men/,

need ur help. i think there is jack roys on this photo, can any1 tell me the sauce?


Anonymous 12/06/06(Wed)04:02 No. 112390

This is one of my biggest pet peeves of porn. One of the actors is fucking hot as shit. Hot enough to speak to my raging boner. And then the other is so ugly I can't go through with watching the porn.

Anonymous 12/06/07(Thu)03:54 No. 112395

File 133903404735.jpg - (623.84KB , 1035x1280 , Grab In The Woods.jpg )

is there a full video to this? because that would be beautiful :3

and, is there sauce to this pic?

Anonymous 12/06/07(Thu)06:42 No. 112396


Pic is from Men.com: “Paintball” with Rafael Alencar and Leon Knight.

Anonymous 12/06/07(Thu)09:58 No. 112398

Anyone got a video of Sean Lawrence from men at play?

Anonymous 12/06/07(Thu)13:17 No. 112400

File 133906782536.gif - (486.14KB , 500x280 , tumblr_lndoggVBz41qm1qbho1_500.gif )


Anonymous 12/06/08(Fri)05:05 No. 112409

File 133912473152.png - (543.99KB , 500x708 , bigolbum.png )

sauce on this bottom?

Anonymous 12/06/08(Fri)05:51 No. 112410

File 133912747692.gif - (1.00MB , 500x375 , tumblr_m33pdaZRQj1qcl13oo1_r1_500.gif )

Can someone tell me what video this is from please?

Anonymous 12/06/08(Fri)05:58 No. 112411

anyone know this daddy's name?

Anonymous 12/06/08(Fri)06:19 No. 112413

File 133912919215.gif - (0.98MB , 500x375 , sauceonthispic.gif )

source on this gif?

Anonymous 12/06/08(Fri)07:15 No. 112414

File 133913252477.gif - (216.86KB , 177x289 , 1320601105189.gif )

/men/, I am in desperate need of a video.

I am fairly certain I discovered it here, but the post seems to be deleted. The video is of a blond guy screwing a person in the dorm room, and the blond top often looks directly in the camera. They are doing it doggy style on a mat. The video then switches to them both on the bed, where the bottom goes on top cowgirl style.

Please, /men/, I really loved this video and would truly appreciate it if anyone knows where to find it. Thank you.

Request 12/06/09(Sat)01:27 No. 112420

So there is a video. Young twinky guy, with an anero prostate massager. He lays on his bed, puts in the anero, and allyou can see is his taint and his throbbing dick. He never touches his dick, but he has several VIOLENT, knee knocking orgasm. One of the best videos EVAR. I would love it if anyone knew where to find it. Kthanxs

Anonymous 12/06/09(Sat)02:55 No. 112422

It's the second video: http://anerosbrasilblog.blogspot.com.br/search/label/Vídeos

Anonymous 12/06/09(Sat)06:31 No. 112423

File 133921628067.jpg - (154.58KB , 407x640 , tumblr_m597n7uq461qcg7nio3_500.jpg )

sauce on this pls?

Anonymous 12/06/09(Sat)18:31 No. 112431

File 133925948110.jpg - (72.07KB , 678x755 , act16.jpg )

Sauce pleazz

Trombonium 12/06/09(Sat)19:41 No. 112433

File 133926371348.jpg - (68.68KB , 442x609 , 1339206234812.jpg )

Anyone know what this picture is from?

Anonymous 12/06/09(Sat)20:59 No. 112434

That's definitely a chaosmen video, don't know who the models are though.

Sean Cody - Lance & Ethan
Specifically the behind-the-scenes part.

Anonymous 12/06/10(Sun)07:57 No. 112438

Anyone know who this is?

Anonymous 12/06/10(Sun)08:35 No. 112439

Tim Kruger

Anonymous 12/06/10(Sun)08:53 No. 112440

Either Ajay or Micky of Frat Men.

Anonymous 12/06/10(Sun)09:14 No. 112441

Pavel and Karl

Anonymous 12/06/10(Sun)09:15 No. 112442

No, although both models were with Jet Set Men. The short one is Marc Stone (goes by Chuck Williams now in bodybuilding) and the taller one is Derek Lang.

Anonymous 12/06/10(Sun)19:08 No. 112446

I think it's Dominick Trojan giving head, but I'm not sure in what mmovie.

Anonymous 12/06/10(Sun)20:04 No. 112451

File 133935146267.jpg - (74.18KB , 600x816 , timkruger1.jpg )

Similar, but that's definitely not Tim in those gifs.

Anonymous 12/06/12(Tue)04:58 No. 112458

does anyone know where a series of car shop porns are? they all were in one mechanic shop and for the most part were gang bang videos. i remember that one of them was that the client had had his car fixed but couldnt pay, so they all made him their bitch. another was that one of the guys from the first video i mentioned was talking to a guy who hadnt been there, which led to them fucking. can anyone help find them? they were so hot. i feel like there were three more to the series, too, but i dont quite remember

Anonymous 12/06/12(Tue)10:46 No. 112467

Looking for an xtube video with a dog slave. He has his tail plug in and his on his hands and knees lapping his master cock. It was posted on here awhile back.

Anonymous 12/06/12(Tue)21:24 No. 112474

File 133952909396.jpg - (141.09KB , 725x966 , tumblr_lkcjke5ogv1qht9t4o1_1280-725x966.jpg )

Alright /men, I would appreciate some sauce on this beautiful man.

Anonymous 12/06/14(Thu)07:10 No. 112535

Patrick Dunne from Randy Blue

Anonymous 12/06/14(Thu)13:10 No. 112538

File 133967221456.jpg - (122.63KB , 495x682 , gaysauce.jpg )

sauce on the bottom?

Anonymous 12/06/14(Thu)13:49 No. 112539

Anyone know who these bottoms are?

Anonymous 12/06/14(Thu)18:11 No. 112544

The color photo bottom is Noah Brooks.

Anonymous 12/06/15(Fri)02:43 No. 112548

File 133972098846.jpg - (217.27KB , 500x700 , 131364613689.jpg )

Anyone know the name of this guy?

Anonymous 12/06/15(Fri)03:02 No. 112549

Thank you!!

Anonymous 12/06/15(Fri)03:04 No. 112550

File 133972227412.jpg - (90.38KB , 500x539 , hotmusclebottom.jpg )

Anyone know who this muscle bottom is?

Anonymous 12/06/15(Fri)03:27 No. 112551

File 133972366393.png - (267.44KB , 500x373 , blondeassdam.png )

anyone know what video this shot is from?

Anonymous 12/06/15(Fri)05:28 No. 112553

Does anyone know what movie this is from?
This is the hottest thing I've ever seen

Anonymous 12/06/15(Fri)08:49 No. 112555

looks like something from bel ami. kris evans on top, dario dolce in the middle, can't quite make out who's sucking dick

Anonymous 12/06/15(Fri)11:20 No. 112556


dante and nathaniel I believe

Anonymous 12/06/15(Fri)17:18 No. 112559

File 133977349678.jpg - (57.86KB , 830x553 , tumblr_lv8n5nZ8aK1qbj2lfo1_1280.jpg )

anyone know if there's a video of this?

Anonymous 12/06/16(Sat)01:30 No. 112560

File 133980303089.jpg - (67.28KB , 400x600 , 1339733915554.jpg )

Excuse the caption, it was from a thread on 4chan. But it's still extremely hot.

Of course the question is source.

Anonymous 12/06/16(Sat)06:20 No. 112566


Johan Akan

Anonymous 12/06/16(Sat)11:33 No. 112569

Anyone know the sauce?

Anonymous 12/06/16(Sat)12:25 No. 112571

interested in the first gif. looks familiar. i think its that quinn guy i dunno? he's an underwear model. im not sure if thats him. but i would like to know.

Anonymous 12/06/16(Sat)13:10 No. 112573

File 133984501940.gif - (398.30KB , 410x188 , tumblr_m5mvk6u9lM1rq1wz3o1_500 (1).gif )

source on this please? [;

Anonymous 12/06/16(Sat)16:47 No. 112575

Anyone know a vid on where 4 guys draw straws and the guy with the shortest was bottom? I wish I remember more details.

Anonymous 12/06/16(Sat)16:54 No. 112576

The second pic is from Fratmen. I can't remember the guy's name off the top of my head though.

The one bottoming is Skyelr Bleu, who has done plenty for Helix Studios.

Anonymous 12/06/16(Sat)18:59 No. 112577

Does anybody know of any videos that start off with condoms but end bareback?

Anonymous 12/06/17(Sun)12:00 No. 112588

File 13399271512.gif - (3.93MB , 200x148 , 133935401013.gif )

Joining this request and also what is the source of this gif

Anonymous 12/06/17(Sun)16:00 No. 112590

wheres this from?

Anonymous 12/06/17(Sun)20:15 No. 112593

bumping. anyone? please

Anonymous 12/06/17(Sun)21:36 No. 112594

First gif looks familiar. Anyone know where it's from?

Anonymous 12/06/18(Mon)19:52 No. 112612

Found the vid for the first gif. Anyone know who it is?

Anonymous 12/06/18(Mon)20:35 No. 112616

bump bump bump for this.

Anonymous 12/06/19(Tue)01:32 No. 112620

File 134006234135.jpg - (41.08KB , 500x333 , allthatass.jpg )

anyone know who this bottom boy is?

Anonymous 12/06/19(Tue)07:20 No. 112627

its either luda wayne or lukas wild.....you sooo need to google image search things lol

Anonymous 12/06/19(Tue)07:22 No. 112628

why don't you tell that to everyone on here then. don't be snarky. douche.

Anonymous 12/06/19(Tue)07:25 No. 112629

File 13400835166.jpg - (97.56KB , 467x700 , bradstar.jpg )

anyone know what video this is from? one of the bottoms is brad star.

Anonymous 12/06/19(Tue)07:37 No. 112630

bump for sauce

Anonymous 12/06/19(Tue)07:38 No. 112631

DAMN. bumping for this one.

Anonymous 12/06/20(Wed)16:59 No. 112650

that's brad star & donny wright fucks chris porter

Anonymous 12/06/21(Thu)03:12 No. 112662


anyone know the actor(s) names or the episode code? (BB*****, something like that, but with numbers instead of asterisks)

Anonymous 12/06/21(Thu)10:22 No. 112664

That's tbb9252, "Cole is Back and Hungry" from Dec 2, 2011.
If you can tell us who that main guy is, he's hot.

Anonymous 12/06/22(Fri)00:27 No. 112673

File 134031763222.jpg - (294.20KB , 600x800 , 1340259585959.jpg )

any sauce on this guy

Anonymous 12/06/22(Fri)01:41 No. 112674

a buffed up version of james jameson, i think

Anonymous 12/06/24(Sun)00:13 No. 112698

I want to know, how this type of guys is called. I mean the kind, that they are extremely feminine, they do their nails, sometimes you can even confuse them with a girl. Is there a word for that? 'Cause I need to find more like that on the internet.
(I don't mean traps, I mean exactly the kind seen in these pictures)

Also requesting the name, of the right one in the first pic (in the white shorts). I know the other one is Arvie Madison.

If you have any links with moar of both of them, they are wellcome.

Anonymous 12/06/24(Sun)00:38 No. 112699

Requesting the picture of a guy half sitting on a desk - half standing, wearing only an open white shirt if I recall correctly and having an erection. He was black haired.

Anonymous 12/06/24(Sun)01:37 No. 112700

try tomgirl, femboy, or metrosexual, it's the clossest i've got :3

Anonymous 12/06/24(Sun)06:51 No. 112705

Alright, /men/. Don't fail me now. I'm looking for this gem:


Yes, I'm talking about Boy Band, made in 2002 by Catalina videos. I need to see this; the whole thing. Does anybody have a download link or video link?

Anonymous 12/06/24(Sun)12:36 No. 112707

Thanks but it didn't help me with my search.. Anyone else?

Anonymous 12/06/24(Sun)16:05 No. 112715

File 134054672463.jpg - (181.68KB , 640x480 , 009.jpg )

Hey all. Looking for a downloadable source that this pic is from. I know that Tingle is a bit weird but Link more than makes up for it ;D

Anonymous 12/06/24(Sun)17:29 No. 112717

File 134055175023.jpg - (109.48KB , 642x455 , src.jpg )

can anyone tell me the source of this?


Anonymous 12/06/25(Mon)03:20 No. 112727

That's Peter Le.

Anonymous 12/06/25(Mon)03:22 No. 112728

File 134058735730.jpg - (160.44KB , 768x1024 , Marc & Derek_Apr03_23.jpg )

Here's a bigger one.

Anonymous 12/06/25(Mon)05:00 No. 112730


Anonymous 12/06/26(Tue)06:49 No. 112746

File 134068615791.gif - (895.80KB , 484x247 , tumblr_m476ow1Ic81rtjxk5o1_500.gif )


Anonymous 12/06/26(Tue)12:03 No. 112750

File 134070502057.jpg - (1.51MB , 1498x3045 , 83d28d4538592da4bb2174d5185cd8ee.jpg )


the guy is damien esco

the vid is: Dam Esco takes the 8.5 inches of Dylan Cox by Eric Videos

Anonymous 12/06/26(Tue)20:25 No. 112754

looking for a video posted on 7chan previously. It had 3 twinks in a kitchen. The guy being fucked had spiked black hair with highlights and he was cum swapping with the other. PLEASE.

Anonymous 12/06/27(Wed)00:36 No. 112762


Anyone know which video this one is? The look on his face when his back is licked is fucking hot.

Anonymous 12/06/27(Wed)05:00 No. 112774

File 134076601796.png - (315.16KB , 426x544 , tumblr_lp0f323d841qm9wqto1_500.png )

any ideas of the source?

Anonymous 12/06/27(Wed)06:48 No. 112776

the top is spencer reed and the bottom is phillip aubrey. it was a shoot for lucas entertainment. the name is something like "men in tights" or something along those lines.

Anonymous 12/06/27(Wed)07:40 No. 112777

oh, thank you SO much.


Anonymous 12/06/27(Wed)18:16 No. 112783

ericvideos.com - Dam Esco takes the 8.5 inches of Dylan Cox

Anonymous 12/06/28(Thu)11:58 No. 112810

Does anyone have any MusclePrince they can upload?

Anonymous 12/06/28(Thu)13:14 No. 112812

Does anyone remember the URL for Markus bollingmo's porn tumblr?

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