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Anonymous ## Mod ## 11/10/18(Tue)10:22 No. 101444 Stickied

File 131892614864.jpg - (25.57KB , 400x400 , norequests.jpg )

Rules of /men/:

1.) "who is this, source, does anyone have more, what series is this from" etc. go in this thread. If you can answer, reply in this thread, if you can't, don't.

2.) New threads should have at least three relevant images. Anything less will be considered a request thread and will be subject to deletion and/or banning.

3.) No furry or illegal content. Use the "Report Post" function if you see illegal or rule violating content.

4.) If you want to camwhore, just post as much as you can and go from there. If you just post one image and ask if /men/ wants more, your thread will be deleted in accordance with rule #2 and you will be banned for 1 day or more.

5.) This board is for gay porn only. Gay discussion goes on /fag/. Cross-dressing goes on /cd/. Traps go on /di/.

Anonymous 12/04/03(Tue)17:44 No. 110446


Anonymous 12/04/03(Tue)18:50 No. 110449

Don't know the video, but the pizza guy is Parker London if that helps.

Anonymous 12/04/03(Tue)18:52 No. 110450

Is there video of this guy?

Anonymous 12/04/03(Tue)19:41 No. 110451


Anonymous 12/04/04(Wed)06:32 No. 110470


i second this

Anonymous 12/04/04(Wed)06:56 No. 110472

does anybody have any vids from privoy (previously c4vids)?
this would be much appreciated (clearly)

Anonymous 12/04/04(Wed)11:33 No. 110491

File 133353202312.jpg - (36.89KB , 640x480 , HWS_180.jpg )

Just wondering if anyone has the game Hunk Workshop.

Want this so bad Ducky 12/04/04(Wed)21:58 No. 110505

File 133356950419.gif - (428.11KB , 440x209 , salactnis.gif )

I've been trying to get the source of this with no luck. I've tried searching the watermark in the top right but I can't find anything on that either, maybe I have the spelling wrong. I originally discovered this on tumblr, and the notes implied it did come from some movie. I'd appreciate any help, even advice on how to search for this. Thanks for listening.

Anonymous 12/04/04(Wed)22:13 No. 110511

File 133357038860.jpg - (56.55KB , 500x643 , tumblr_m1yrtxSFII1qcvh00o1_500.jpg )


esper 12/04/04(Wed)22:47 No. 110513


Wondering if anyone knows where I can download the full vid for the video called Saddle Tramp. I have tried gay-torrents and ourgtn with no luck.

Video is a scene from the film:

Anonymous 12/04/05(Thu)07:19 No. 110528

anyone know who he is?

Anonymous 12/04/05(Thu)07:25 No. 110530

Zack Randall

Anonymous 12/04/05(Thu)07:25 No. 110531

Zach Randall, he's in some pretty hot, raunchy movies, but I never did like the mustache look.

Anonymous 12/04/05(Thu)07:34 No. 110533

Thanks anon...i found this "[Saggerzskaterz] Zack Randall Diary of a Piss Whore" ... I gonna be a happy night =)

Anonymous 12/04/05(Thu)08:17 No. 110536

File 133360665614.png - (277.78KB , 643x382 , screenshotty.png )

Does anyone happen to know the xtube account this video was originally posted on?


It's hot as fuck and I really want to download it, but downloadhelper doesn't work on that site.

Trifixion!!D5AzMuZTH3 12/04/05(Thu)10:10 No. 110538

The use of Crystal Castles in this video is odd... though, that is one cute little cock sucker. Wouldn't mind seeing more.

Anonymous 12/04/05(Thu)12:27 No. 110541

no idea who he is srry

Anonymous 12/04/06(Fri)01:48 No. 110564


Anonymous 12/04/06(Fri)06:02 No. 110573


Hmm yep that most definitely is Parker London, Sad thing is I searched a few place using his name and was not able to find this scene.

Would someone be kind enough to find the vid/posy it here?

Anonymous 12/04/06(Fri)10:41 No. 110576

File 133370168074.jpg - (172.95KB , 472x543 , 1332820368384.jpg )

Any idea on who the guy on the right is? Thanks in advance ~

Anonymous 12/04/06(Fri)12:29 No. 110579

I used to have that video on my XTube favourites list, but it has since gone, so either the video or account has been deleted. I actually used to save all my fave XTube videos to my HDD and that would have been among them, but my HDD died a few months back and I didn't have a backup :'(

Anonymous 12/04/08(Sun)01:04 No. 110633

File 133383987726.gif - (495.33KB , 500x240 , tumblr_lxtuhmgPXF1r6dh8fo1_500.gif )


NPrime!!VkZmIvBQNm 12/04/08(Sun)02:26 No. 110634


Jeff, from Sean Cody.

Anonymous 12/04/08(Sun)10:04 No. 110652

File 133387222537.gif - (1.49MB , 225x168 , 1331340075420.gif )

Can I have some riding videos? Something similar to this gif would be perfect and cumming from that is a plus.

Anonymous 12/04/08(Sun)15:40 No. 110655

I think that guy got a sex change.
Seen loads of people requesting more info on him on /b/

Anonymous 12/04/08(Sun)19:37 No. 110665

File 133390663452.jpg - (36.05KB , 480x640 , 1333217613363.jpg )

Anyone know anything about this twink?

Anonymous 12/04/08(Sun)22:37 No. 110668

http://tumblinwithhotties.tumblr.com/post/19742691548 Do you knwo who this guys is? This video was on xvideos but its not anymore. THX

Anonymous 12/04/09(Mon)02:14 No. 110670

source? http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_li377whUrc1qdmkbpo1_500.jpg Google reverse image search wasn't very helpful.

Anonymous 12/04/09(Mon)21:13 No. 110863

File 133399878365.jpg - (30.01KB , 600x804 , nakedphotog.jpg )

Does anyone know the name of this photographer, or have anymore from the set? I know he shot another guy like this along with some women. If anyone can help me find the source I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

Anonymous 12/04/09(Mon)22:13 No. 110865


It's by artist Ryan McGinley (he's kind of from the VICE magazine and Dash Snow corner, really hip, very good photos)


Anonymous 12/04/09(Mon)22:15 No. 110866

Okay two requests here. First image is 18mancuk. I can't find the one vid of his I've seen, just wondering if anyone know's of any others?
Second picture (ignore the girl) is of some guys at a party. Both are super hot. There IS a vid as I've seen a really low quality version of it, and just wondered if anyone had a link to a better one.

Anonymous 12/04/09(Mon)22:15 No. 110867

My bad, uploaded the pics the wrong way around. 18mancuk is the blonde guy

Anonymous 12/04/10(Tue)01:44 No. 110875

File 133401506115.gif - (0.97MB , 500x458 , 1333955688729.gif )

Would anyone happen to know the name of the video that this .gif was taken from?

Anonymous 12/04/10(Tue)03:39 No. 110879

Billy Hicks, YouLoveJack

Anonymous 12/04/10(Tue)04:08 No. 110883


That's definitely him, but it appears to be a different video. In any case, thanks for your help.

Anonymous 12/04/10(Tue)10:03 No. 110887

he made 2 for youlovejack. try the second one

Anonymous 12/04/10(Tue)20:15 No. 110892

Yeah he got a haircut, so much hotter without the mop i think

Anonymous 12/04/11(Wed)07:05 No. 110906

File 133412070876.png - (98.93KB , 172x395 , Screen Shot 2012-04-10 at 11_00_48 PM.png )

does anyone have links to any of Rhett's videos from Straight College Men? please and thank you! :3

Anonymous 12/04/12(Thu)03:00 No. 110923

File 133419240258.gif - (0.97MB , 500x257 , tumblr_lxu5vw7ta01r2fdgno1_500.gif )

Sauce on this gif?

Anonymous 12/04/12(Thu)13:20 No. 110933

i love rhett i think hes so cute and has a huge cock but i realized one day that his face kind of resembled the drawing style of wallace and gromit lol

Anonymous 12/04/13(Fri)08:20 No. 110949

That's are definitely Christian Wilde getting sucked by Jake Steel. From the amount of facial hair on Jake Steel's face, I think it's from Soft Away of the "studio" Big Dicks At School.

Anonymous 12/04/14(Sat)00:30 No. 110969

File 133435620324.jpg - (41.32KB , 324x454 , 133427834169.jpg )

name/sauce plz :3

Anonymous 12/04/14(Sat)00:52 No. 110970


Frank Defeo

Anonymous 12/04/14(Sat)00:57 No. 110972

File 133435784670.jpg - (51.95KB , 700x393 , Untitled.jpg )

Does anyone know where I can find the rest of this video?

Anonymous 12/04/14(Sat)05:52 No. 110976

File 133437553792.jpg - (125.10KB , 768x509 , tumblr_m2c9tpNqFZ1r0yl8do1_1280 (1).jpg )

Anyone know who this is?

Anonymous 12/04/14(Sat)19:51 No. 110992


Anyone know who the two guys are?

NPrime!!VkZmIvBQNm 12/04/14(Sat)20:53 No. 110994


Kurt and Trey, from Sean Cody.

Anonymous 12/04/15(Sun)20:10 No. 111167

File 133451344274.jpg - (99.58KB , 671x593 , realTOPblond4DUDU.jpg )

I know this guy vid is on Dudu Sabatello, but it was posted through youtube and the quality is terrible, plus the lame music turn me off. Anyone got the original video with better quality ?

Anonymous 12/04/16(Mon)02:49 No. 111170

File 133453734252.gif - (1.86MB , 320x240 , 133451531548.gif )

Anyone know where this .gif is from?

Anonymous 12/04/16(Mon)03:09 No. 111171

Link to ANY copy of that vid plx. Looks fucking hot

Anonymous 12/04/16(Mon)05:50 No. 111174


Who is this? He is gorgeous!!

Anonymous 12/04/16(Mon)16:10 No. 111180

His name is James. It's from a Playgirl shoot I believe.

Anonymous 12/04/17(Tue)04:54 No. 111190


Bumping for this, i absolutely drool at the black haired one.

Anonymous 12/04/17(Tue)17:37 No. 111199

iirc, they have it on gay-torrents.net, in ...erm...applications or something like that. yeah.

Anonymous 12/04/18(Wed)05:53 No. 111209

Does anyone have any videos by this guy? I need more

Anonymous 12/04/18(Wed)10:19 No. 111214

anybody have any reliable sites for reasonable speed downloads?
I dont torrent porn because almost no one seens anything besides terrible shit like sean cody vs men.com.

every free file host is basically fucked now either waiting 2 hours per video or this "we only do uploads" bullshit.
its frustrating.

Anonymous 12/04/18(Wed)12:06 No. 111216

File 133474361325.gif - (478.22KB , 500x234 , 1334709820919.gif )

Anyone have a link to this vid?

Anonymous 12/04/18(Wed)22:03 No. 111222


You should check out his entire website, it's really hot ;)

Anonymous 12/04/19(Thu)04:38 No. 111228

mediafire and hotfile are good and rarely if ever limit download speed like the others. i download from 300-700 kbps. and thats a farcry from the 0-100kbps you get from those other sites lol

Anonymous 12/04/19(Thu)08:51 No. 111231

File 133481831292.jpg - (119.82KB , 470x700 , tumblr_m2orogzeiI1r15yneo1_500.jpg )

Who does this massive dick belong to?

Anonymous 12/04/19(Thu)09:39 No. 111232

the only issue seems to be mediafire files are being taken down like a mother and I'm having a hard time finding people who use hotfile or mediafire vs oron and all those other shitty ones

Anonymous 12/04/19(Thu)11:54 No. 111236

This is from Fraternity X

Anonymous 12/04/19(Thu)11:55 No. 111237

This is from Fraternity X

Anonymous 12/04/19(Thu)19:59 No. 111246

File 133485834044.jpg - (241.42KB , 550x825 , post-8652-1330909854.jpg )

What an abuse of photoshop, this is the original...
Anyway that's Benjamin Godfre, a 'model', has plently of other nudes about, just google him.

Anonymous 12/04/19(Thu)21:32 No. 111250

Any more of these?

Anonymous 12/04/19(Thu)22:46 No. 111252

Someone PLEASE help me. I fell in love with this guy ever since seeing this pic for the first time months ago. Can't stop thinking about him. Is there a name and/or more? Please help me out!

(Sorry for posting a link but I'm on a mobile device.

Anonymous 12/04/20(Fri)06:52 No. 111260

File 133489754422.jpg - (94.49KB , 1262x400 , Untitled.jpg )

Anyone know where I could find this vid?

timbowimbo 12/04/20(Fri)07:08 No. 111261

Does anyone have a link to this video?

Trombonium 12/04/20(Fri)07:13 No. 111262

Help with identification for the people in either of these pictures would be great.

Anonymous 12/04/20(Fri)07:35 No. 111264

File 133490010793.gif - (0.97MB , 248x248 , tumblr_m166qdQykd1qjzwvbo2_250.gif )

This is from a fuck tape called Wild Breed by Treasure Island Media, does anyone have a download to the full movie?

Anonymous 12/04/20(Fri)07:42 No. 111265

File 133490054793.jpg - (127.48KB , 1000x664 , tumblr_m235g930l91qgdmnzo2_1280.jpg )

anyone have more of him?

Anonymous 12/04/20(Fri)08:42 No. 111266

File 133490413727.jpg - (90.86KB , 489x700 , gahtey.jpg )

PLEASE someone tell me who this man is.

Anonymous 12/04/20(Fri)11:26 No. 111271

guy in the yellow shorts is reese rideout, don't know the other two sorry

Anonymous 12/04/20(Fri)14:01 No. 111272

Don't have a link, but that looks like Jeremy Lory.

The guy in the second picture is Dane Dekota from EnglishLads.

Anonymous 12/04/20(Fri)19:06 No. 111274

Many thanks! I found it here: http://www.xvideos.com/video205286/jemery_lory#802.5

Anonymous 12/04/20(Fri)22:07 No. 111276

File 133495245732.jpg - (63.31KB , 477x362 , tumblr_lqynduU2c31qbj857o1_500.jpg )

Anyone know where this video can be found?!


Anonymous 12/04/21(Sat)06:20 No. 111283

File 133498205437.jpg - (49.78KB , 574x580 , 57.jpg )

Long shot. Anyone know where this vintage pic came from? Had it for years and wondered if there's at least a set. thanks

Anonymous 12/04/21(Sat)07:36 No. 111284

I could only find it on this page of vintage french photos.

Anonymous 12/04/22(Sun)02:25 No. 111313

File 133505434823.gif - (497.75KB , 500x261 , tumblr_m2u5nvYUOX1ql0fyxo1_500.gif )

sauce on this please!

Anonymous 12/04/22(Sun)06:31 No. 111319


Where is this from? I remember watching this video long ago...

Anonymous 12/04/22(Sun)08:25 No. 111323


Its a bel amie porn I think. Without sound, its an incredible fuck but if you actually watch the movie, the studio ruined the whole thing with fake moans during editing. It was tragic.

Anonymous 12/04/22(Sun)11:23 No. 111327

Anyone have these videos?

Anonymous 12/04/22(Sun)13:19 No. 111328

It's bel ami called "The English Student".

Anonymous 12/04/22(Sun)15:19 No. 111330

I finally found that gif! i hope someone finds a video for that

NPrime!!VkZmIvBQNm 12/04/23(Mon)04:21 No. 111345


I know this isn't exactly what you were looking for, but the video is Jamie, Calvin & Oscar, from Sean Cody. I remember someone once posting a link to the entire video here before, perhaps a quick search will be able to yield results.

Anonymous 12/04/23(Mon)10:42 No. 111351

if ever you find it, please post it

Anonymous 12/04/24(Tue)09:17 No. 111375

Hi guys. I'm looking for a video of a muscled Asian dude jerking off on cam. He's wearing a hat and takes it off near the end of the vid.

Anyone got a link? Thanks in advance.

Anonymous 12/04/24(Tue)23:32 No. 111390

any body know who this model is from BelAmi?

Anonymous 12/04/25(Wed)01:20 No. 111396


It's probably one of this guys vids


Anonymous 12/04/25(Wed)03:24 No. 111408

File 133531704056.gif - (495.58KB , 430x255 , emo.gif )

Anyone know the sauce on this? Dont really like Emo dudes, but this is pretty awesome

Anonymous 12/04/25(Wed)03:31 No. 111409

It's not.

Hot guy though.

Anonymous 12/04/25(Wed)22:10 No. 111436

Anyone know the source of this?
I want the full video if possible, but anything helps.

looking for info/more WishIHadn&!FZj8obGww6 12/04/26(Thu)03:38 No. 111451

Used to have more of him but when I was sharing my laptop with my brother I had to delete my fap folder. I was recently going through my email inbox & I found a few pics of him I had emailed to myself but I can't find any more. I know he posted on several chans & frequented cam4 but I don't remember what name he posted under, if anyone has any info, links or more photos/vids of him please share. Sincere thanks

Anonymous 12/04/26(Thu)08:34 No. 111458

Source on any of these?

Anonymous 12/04/26(Thu)15:46 No. 111466


For pic #1, this is the first result I got when I did a Google reverse image search.


Anonymous 12/04/26(Thu)21:32 No. 111472

anyone know who this guy is?

Anonymous 12/04/27(Fri)03:02 No. 111478

Anyone know how to download from gayboystube.com? Realplayer and GetFLV dont work there

Anonymous 12/04/27(Fri)23:22 No. 111494

File 133556173682.gif - (0.97MB , 158x300 , tumblr_m0ewe2yaQu1qjzwvbo2_250.gif )


Anonymous 12/04/28(Sat)05:03 No. 111504

File 133558219441.gif - (0.97MB , 250x263 , tumblr_m2lxlqBAfl1qef808o2_250.gif )

Anyone know where this is from?

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