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Anonymous ## Mod ## 11/10/18(Tue)10:22 No. 101444 Stickied

File 131892614864.jpg - (25.57KB , 400x400 , norequests.jpg )

Rules of /men/:

1.) "who is this, source, does anyone have more, what series is this from" etc. go in this thread. If you can answer, reply in this thread, if you can't, don't.

2.) New threads should have at least three relevant images. Anything less will be considered a request thread and will be subject to deletion and/or banning.

3.) No furry or illegal content. Use the "Report Post" function if you see illegal or rule violating content.

4.) If you want to camwhore, just post as much as you can and go from there. If you just post one image and ask if /men/ wants more, your thread will be deleted in accordance with rule #2 and you will be banned for 1 day or more.

5.) This board is for gay porn only. Gay discussion goes on /fag/. Cross-dressing goes on /cd/. Traps go on /di/.

Anonymous 12/03/15(Thu)05:33 No. 109369

File 133178597991.jpg - (49.50KB , 550x321 , 1331699740102.jpg )

Anyone know who they are? Have more? Know the source? I want the rest~

Anonymous 12/03/15(Thu)11:34 No. 109378

I have a memory of a clip that showed 2 guys making love on what looked like a black sand beach. Anyone know the source? I'd really appreciate it.

Anonymous 12/03/15(Thu)19:17 No. 109387

does anyone here remember a cute blond camwhore? he was kind of sort, a little scruffy and extremely cute. had a bunch of nudes.

Anonymous 12/03/15(Thu)21:35 No. 109389

File 133184373466.png - (196.64KB , 479x377 , Untitled.png )

Anyone know who this guy is? I recall seeing another vid of him jacking off, but I couldn't find it again.

Anonymous 12/03/16(Fri)05:19 No. 109400

Anyone have more of him?

Anonymous 12/03/16(Fri)06:39 No. 109403

Do you have Skye L, Joshua T., Maverick K., or Jack C. from C4vids (now privoy)?

Anonymous 12/03/16(Fri)07:26 No. 109404


Need to know where that's from and how I can get more. Holy shit.

Anonymous 12/03/16(Fri)11:26 No. 109407

I can't find the source of this image I found on /hm/ http://images.4chan.org/hm/src/1331579207093.png

Who's the bearded guy?

Anonymous 12/03/16(Fri)19:30 No. 109421

Hey anyone know how to get around the HD block on gayforit? It's becoming annoying.

Anonymous 12/03/16(Fri)20:10 No. 109423

Second the request for: Skye L, Joshua T., Maverick K., or Jack C. from C4vids (now privoy)?

Also, does anyone have Brandon from fratpad, aka Andy Honda?

Anonymous 12/03/16(Fri)22:11 No. 109428

video for this?

Anonymous 12/03/17(Sat)01:51 No. 109434

File 133194551848.jpg - (36.99KB , 500x667 , 1331785818810.jpg )

Odd question, but does anyone know where this dick was originally posted?

Anonymous 12/03/18(Sun)00:40 No. 109746

Does anyone know where the full video is to this?
OR possibly the one where they get fucked by Alex Medina (NOT the other way around.)
btw they're the Andrus twins.

Anonymous 12/03/18(Sun)19:23 No. 109874

File 133209498819.jpg - (85.40KB , 500x423 , tumblr_lqeh3tPs0J1r26luao1_500.jpg )

Source? Lately I've been obsessed with big bears...

Anonymous 12/03/18(Sun)20:57 No. 109876

Seriously? Try the very first Google result for "andrus twins".

Anonymous 12/03/18(Sun)20:59 No. 109877

Oh, sorry. The fifth Google result for the specific videos you're talking about.

Anonymous 12/03/19(Mon)03:19 No. 109884

File 133212356680.jpg - (186.48KB , 1067x1600 , 128424692514.jpg )

Anybody know who this guy is?

Anonymous 12/03/19(Mon)03:21 No. 109885

Sources on these?

Anonymous 12/03/19(Mon)03:32 No. 109886

File 133212432374.gif - (496.60KB , 316x176 , tumblr_leiua4aQsu1qdot54o1_r1_400.gif )

Obviously Sean Cody but does anyone know which model this is?

Anonymous 12/03/19(Mon)04:06 No. 109887

That looks like Ethan's dick (one of the longest dicks on SC and uncut).

Anonymous 12/03/19(Mon)05:41 No. 109890

File 133213209869.jpg - (322.96KB , 400x1045 , alexhernan3.jpg )

Sauce? Looks like it's an old Cobra video...

Anonymous 12/03/19(Mon)09:02 No. 109897

File 133214412718.gif - (498.81KB , 500x700 , Dylan Register - Wall.gif )


This would be Dylan Register. Only ever did 2 videos IIRC, one solo and one with his then-boyfriend I believe. He has a tumblr if you want to follow him there

Anonymous 12/03/19(Mon)17:31 No. 109901

The first pic is a scene from hazehim


Anonymous 12/03/20(Tue)06:06 No. 109923

does anyone have more or knows where more of the blond guy can be found?


Anonymous 12/03/20(Tue)18:36 No. 109931

Does anyone know who this is, or have any more pictures of him?

Anonymous 12/03/20(Tue)19:57 No. 109932

File 133226982951.gif - (396.51KB , 500x282 , 1331148628659.gif )

I'm very aware this is a long ass shot, but does anyone have the source or vid for this gif? Looks hot as fuck

Anonymous 12/03/21(Wed)04:14 No. 109945


I've seen it before it's non-porn though. The atmosphere got me going, but it's just kissing, if I remember correctly it's on YouTube.

Anonymous 12/03/21(Wed)07:36 No. 109950

File 13323117702.jpg - (300.83KB , 800x1203 , tumblr_lzbujbRwj71qc2bcno1_1280.jpg )

Any on this guy? Just wondering along

Anonymous 12/03/21(Wed)08:02 No. 109951


Dylan Scoville


Anonymous 12/03/21(Wed)08:31 No. 109953

Source on these two, please?

Anonymous 12/03/21(Wed)10:48 No. 109955

File 133232331233.jpg - (47.77KB , 500x313 , 109954.jpg )

reposting this because the person who posted >>109954 can't read, but i want to know too... any sauce on this?

Anonymous 12/03/21(Wed)16:21 No. 109962

File 133234328287.png - (381.09KB , 467x700 , tumblr_lr1g37PSQu1qf8mc7o1_500.png )

Anyone know who this is?

Anonymous 12/03/21(Wed)17:29 No. 109965

Second pic is from OutInPublic


Anonymous 12/03/21(Wed)18:21 No. 109966

File 133235051674.jpg - (260.92KB , 600x800 , tumblr_lsp6nvCcUM1qhcrza.jpg )

Someone got a video of him?

NPrime!!VkZmIvBQNm 12/03/21(Wed)19:20 No. 109967


Is he wearing meatballs on his ears?

Anonymous 12/03/21(Wed)20:13 No. 109970

I hope he's not. But his ears aren't that much important for me.

Anonymous 12/03/21(Wed)23:51 No. 109976

File 133237031726.jpg - (92.03KB , 500x449 , tumblr_lzk61g0hKW1rpj5z4o1_r1_500.jpg )

Any more for this guy?

Anonymous 12/03/22(Thu)05:37 No. 109988

>109962 I believe the guy getting rimmed is Marco Blaze

Anonymous 12/03/22(Thu)07:01 No. 109991

No... But you have my support, brother! He is gorgeous. And officially a role-model for me; we have similar body types.

Anonymous 12/03/22(Thu)16:18 No. 110002

who is this?? is there more than this set?

Anonymous 12/03/22(Thu)17:28 No. 110005

yes but are there any other sets of the guy? does he have a tumblr of his own? etc.

Anonymous 12/03/22(Thu)21:11 No. 110016


Cheers! Disappointed its not what I hoped, but still pretty hot

Anonymous 12/03/22(Thu)22:16 No. 110017

Why does he have potatoes in his ears?

Anonymous 12/03/23(Fri)06:34 No. 110036

Ah, well I don't know. Sorry.

NPrime!!VkZmIvBQNm 12/03/23(Fri)08:29 No. 110040


I think this might be the same guy: http://www.cam4.com/sandusky02

Anonymous 12/03/24(Sat)01:57 No. 110062


Allen Clippinger

Anonymous 12/03/24(Sat)02:10 No. 110065


Machofucker - Powerpack


this? Anonymous 12/03/24(Sat)15:19 No. 110079


I'd love to know where that is from please. ^ :3

109955 Bite+My+Crank 12/03/25(Sun)01:44 No. 110095

Pretty sure this was identified as either Micky or Ajay, two twins on Fratmen and the incredibly lousy Fratmen Sucks. Check Waybig, you'll find better pix than either of those piece of shit sites.

Anonymous 12/03/25(Sun)08:00 No. 110105

File 133265525185.gif - (487.49KB , 500x261 , 1331150751143.gif )

What video is this?

NPrime!!VkZmIvBQNm 12/03/25(Sun)08:22 No. 110106


Cockyboys. The Gabriel Clark, Adrian Long, and Mason Star threesome.

noko Anonymous 12/03/25(Sun)17:48 No. 110117

File 133269050587.jpg - (39.40KB , 724x462 , 5374754.jpg )

just found this on the net. can any1 tell me source of this?

Anonymous 12/03/25(Sun)19:01 No. 110118


Most likely another debauched installment of the "Haze Him" brand... hot!

Anonymous 12/03/26(Mon)00:04 No. 110123

File 133271306069.png - (408.67KB , 640x960 , IMG_1429.png )

Wasn't there a thread with all of this guys pics not too long ago?

Anonymous 12/03/26(Mon)07:19 No. 110136


He's samgamerguy on tumblr

Anonymous 12/03/26(Mon)07:29 No. 110137

File 133273976040.jpg - (62.31KB , 500x711 , angel-3-nextdoormale-01.jpg )


Anyone got any of this guy's videos? Particularly interested in the one from the link.

Anonymous 12/03/27(Tue)21:41 No. 110172

Anyone know if there is a video of this?: http://esvault.tumblr.com/post/19672528658/uk-straight-lads-on-webcam

Anonymous 12/03/27(Tue)22:07 No. 110173

anyone got this - http://cocksuckervideos.com/46016.html video or have anything with the twinky guy? His name's Sonny and he's from hard brit lads.

Anonymous 12/03/28(Wed)22:35 No. 110203

File 13329669295.jpg - (24.81KB , 800x533 , img_0198.jpg )

Anyone have any of Josh Osbourne's full length solo/fuck vids?
I'd very much appreciate some of him ^_^

Anonymous 12/03/29(Thu)20:56 No. 110233

File 133304741412.jpg - (30.39KB , 409x512 , tumblr_l2uj3f3S0L1qbtjlvo1_500.jpg )

Sauce on this guy? I've seen another pic of him in another thread here.

Anonymous 12/03/29(Thu)23:28 No. 110246

Hottest pictures i've ever seen

Anonymous 12/03/30(Fri)00:34 No. 110262

File 133306046433.jpg - (43.51KB , 800x600 , 1285433869102.jpg )

Does anyone have the sauce of these guy or more pictures.

Anonymous 12/03/30(Fri)00:59 No. 110265

I second this

Anonymous 12/03/30(Fri)01:10 No. 110268


He's not a model, he have a account on xtube


Anonymous 12/03/30(Fri)01:13 No. 110269

File 133306279299.jpg - (40.91KB , 480x640 , 1269378027092.jpg )


Anonymous 12/03/30(Fri)01:45 No. 110272


oh god yes. please let there be moar

Anonymous 12/03/30(Fri)07:01 No. 110290

Anyone know these 2 guys?
I think i've seen their pics on here before.

Anonymous 12/03/30(Fri)08:46 No. 110296

first is underage

Anonymous 12/03/30(Fri)18:34 No. 110308

That's the picture from the other thread that I was asking about. But are there more?

Anonymous 12/03/31(Sat)04:19 No. 110318


Second pic is Michael Horta

Anonymous 12/03/31(Sat)04:21 No. 110319

File 133316047494.png - (472.69KB , 642x482 , cap.png )

Anyone know who the guy is in these 2 vids?



Anonymous 12/03/31(Sat)07:27 No. 110325

File 133317166179.jpg - (69.87KB , 600x745 , 133161504365.jpg )

I once saw this video with two guys and one was made to eat pizza or something..
The top was really dominant and was shoving both a pizza and his dick down the bottom's throat if I remember correctly.
Does anyone know what video this is..?
picture unrelated but hot nonetheless

Anonymous 12/03/31(Sat)08:34 No. 110327

File 133317565044.gif - (484.98KB , 500x240 , 1332271029208.gif )

Anybody have sauce on this gif? Mainly looking for the name of the guy who's getting his dick sucked.

Anonymous 12/03/31(Sat)08:38 No. 110328


Thanks a bunch, anon.

Anonymous 12/03/31(Sat)22:28 No. 110366

Seconded like the fist of an angry god. That shits too hot for words.

Anonymous 12/04/01(Sun)00:25 No. 110369

not 100% sure on these but looks like:
1st. guy bottoming = levi from corbin fisher
2nd. guy licking = dario dolce from bel ami

Anonymous 12/04/01(Sun)01:52 No. 110372

Does anyone know where the first one is from?
Also the gif is obviously SC, but I dont know which model/video..,

Anonymous 12/04/01(Sun)02:31 No. 110374

Obviously from Thug Hunter but does anyone know if the top is anything else?

Anonymous 12/04/01(Sun)10:46 No. 110383

File 133327001321.jpg - (69.77KB , 600x841 , 1333137777707.jpg )

Anyone know these guy?

Anonymous 12/04/01(Sun)13:02 No. 110385

brock yurich

Anonymous 12/04/01(Sun)13:45 No. 110386

can someone tell the source please? http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m11i27NbFx1rqv85ko1_500.gif

Anonymous 12/04/01(Sun)20:54 No. 110388

File 133330649027.gif - (424.21KB , 450x235 , tumblr_lznx2zx8uH1r2j6z5o1_500.gif )

So hot. Sauce?

Anonymous 12/04/01(Sun)21:05 No. 110390

Dru (L) and Connor (R) from Corbin Fisher

Anonymous 12/04/02(Mon)03:06 No. 110410

This is really bugging me.
Does anyone know where I can find the video of a guy smoking a hookah and then his friend comes up with a camera and tells him to suck his dick?

I've been searching all over.

Anonymous 12/04/02(Mon)07:09 No. 110417

What photo set is this from and are there any hq versions of these photos?

Anonymous 12/04/02(Mon)08:09 No. 110418

File 133334698459.gif - (488.16KB , 500x281 , tumblr_lx76uxISFX1qkibo7o1_500.gif )


I've seen a video of this guy, but I can't find it to save my life...

Anonymous 12/04/02(Mon)12:47 No. 110422

Guys cumming on faces and then eating it is one of my big fetishes... can someone recommend me some videos where hot guys do that?

Also, http://hunksetc.tumblr.com/post/13778618746/cute-cumslut, hot as hell, please sauce.

Anonymous 12/04/02(Mon)18:43 No. 110426

File 133338501760.png - (340.20KB , 500x670 , 133333137823.png )

Sauce of the original video?

gaytorrents.org Anonymous 12/04/02(Mon)20:09 No. 110427

File removed. - ( )

Quick /men/! since qaytorrents.ru shut down, i need an invite to .org! i'll give my email to anyone who can provide this

Anonymous 12/04/02(Mon)20:29 No. 110428


try this one:

Anonymous 12/04/03(Tue)08:43 No. 110438

This has been popping up quite a bit recently, sauce?

Anonymous 12/04/03(Tue)11:07 No. 110440

File 133344402960.jpg - (40.61KB , 720x480 , octopus.jpg )

Does anybody know the name of this model? Or any other information about the shoot would be nice as well! Thanks.

Anonymous 12/04/03(Tue)11:44 No. 110441

Hey anons I found these on Tumblr and the pizza guys reaction was just hilarious, that look on his face.

Anyways just wondering does anyone have a link to this vid? I really want to see this now. Plz and thank you in advance.

Anonymous 12/04/03(Tue)16:22 No. 110445


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