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/men/ - Sexy Beautiful Men

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Anonymous ## Mod ## 11/10/18(Tue)10:22 No. 101444 Stickied

File 131892614864.jpg - (25.57KB , 400x400 , norequests.jpg )

Rules of /men/:

1.) "who is this, source, does anyone have more, what series is this from" etc. go in this thread. If you can answer, reply in this thread, if you can't, don't.

2.) New threads should have at least three relevant images. Anything less will be considered a request thread and will be subject to deletion and/or banning.

3.) No furry or illegal content. Use the "Report Post" function if you see illegal or rule violating content.

4.) If you want to camwhore, just post as much as you can and go from there. If you just post one image and ask if /men/ wants more, your thread will be deleted in accordance with rule #2 and you will be banned for 1 day or more.

5.) This board is for gay porn only. Gay discussion goes on /fag/. Cross-dressing goes on /cd/. Traps go on /di/.

anonymous 14/03/03(Mon)10:17 No. 119539

anyone have any more videos of this guy? he took down his xtube videos. super hot:


Anonymous 14/03/03(Mon)14:11 No. 119541

Sauce on these?

Anonymous 14/03/03(Mon)19:58 No. 119542

Looking for a video of some "straight" frat guys in college who take a bunch of shots, including a body shot of tequila, and then fuck... Please!

Anonymous 14/03/06(Thu)19:54 No. 119545


where is this from? (:

Anonymous 14/03/11(Tue)03:03 No. 119557


Grayson & Raymond - Sean Cody

Anonymous 14/03/12(Wed)13:33 No. 119559

File 139462761816.gif - (920.47KB , 500x266 , tumblr_m76tg9tdvy1r2fdgno1_r1_500.gif )

where is that from

Anonymous 14/03/14(Fri)03:39 No. 119563


Bumping this one because I want to know if anyone has any idea what they're talking about.

Anonymous 14/03/15(Sat)20:34 No. 119571

"Andy and Tim" from Blacks on Boys. I have no clue who Tim is because the top's name is Hole Hunter.

Anonymous 14/03/25(Tue)22:11 No. 119621

File 139578190142.jpg - (19.09KB , 245x245 , balletrocks15_1360361655.jpg )

gif on the right is from XTube member balletrocks15 (www.xtube.com/community/profile.php?user=balletrocks15).

He's handsome but he wears too much makeup in most of his vids IMO.

michaelerin from tumblr Carolinian 14/03/27(Thu)06:05 No. 119628

So, this admittedly hot dude was all over tumblr, and had a few videos on pornhub, (including a tumblr-famous one of him jacking off on the beach), and they've all vanished. But does anything vanish from the internet, truly? Has anyone here perhaps saved any of these videos?


Source beezl 14/03/27(Thu)20:06 No. 119636

File 139594721422.jpg - (42.62KB , 500x400 , 1915573308.jpg )

Anybody have the source of rhis hotty or is it just a one off?

Anonymous 14/03/29(Sat)14:52 No. 119641

there was this one video i found once, with a guy teasing this other guys asshole with a red blowpop maybe? some kind of small red sucker shaped like that. Then he kept licking it.

The video i found was only a preview, the full version being a paid download from some site. I want to say it was gaypenis but that probably is wrong.

It stands out because i was looking for incest at the time.

Anonymous 14/03/30(Sun)09:03 No. 119645

Anybody knows from what video is this from?
The only clue is the model is named 'Nat Turnher'.

Anonymous 14/03/31(Mon)02:40 No. 119650


try searching lollipoptwinks.

Anonymous 14/03/31(Mon)02:41 No. 119651


try searching lollipoptwinks.

Anonymous 14/04/02(Wed)13:46 No. 119663


does anyone have a name for this guy?
i've seen this video a few times uploaded under different titles and im just dying to see if hes got any more out there

Anonymous 14/04/03(Thu)09:51 No. 119670

Trying to find a video, pretty sure I saw it on Xtube like two weeks ago but can't find it since then. Three twinks in front of what looked like a webcam (recorded obviously), about 20 minutes long if I recall. DP at some point, with the receiver commenting that he's "unfuckable" at the end of the video. Anybody know?

Anonymous 14/04/04(Fri)03:26 No. 119676

I know this guy was known as LoFi, but are there any other pics of him?

Anonymous 14/04/04(Fri)03:28 No. 119677

there, all the ones I have so far. I've seen thumbnails of others but the pics are down, does anyone else have them saved?

Anonymous 14/04/04(Fri)08:37 No. 119678

File 139659346596.jpg - (314.72KB , 800x1200 , tumblr_n2wbmjGTc21t8vo5uo1_1280.jpg )

Anyone know where I can find more of this?

Anonymous 14/04/06(Sun)09:55 No. 119686

File 139677090638.gif - (0.98MB , 480x320 , tumblr_n2p3n6XNTK1ts4hwho1_500.gif )

Does anyone have sauce on this gif? So wanting to know where this is from!

Anonymous 14/04/08(Tue)00:18 No. 119688

OMFG someone PLEASE find this source

Anonymous 14/04/09(Wed)16:07 No. 119692

Well i gave it a look but it wasn't in there. I think i found it after stumbling through nudevista, but i'm not sure how many links away.

Anonymous 14/04/10(Thu)06:53 No. 119701


I've got something you want.


Scroll to the bottom for a download link.

Anonymous 14/04/16(Wed)06:17 No. 119731

File 139762186215.png - (206.40KB , 638x365 , Screen Shot 2014-04-15 at 10_06_35 PM.png )

who is this guy

Anonymous 14/04/17(Thu)20:14 No. 119736

Sauce on these, anybody?

Anonymous 14/04/18(Fri)05:35 No. 119738

File 139779214135.png - (1.09MB , 777x746 , 1397708177521_jpg (JPEG Image, 777 × 716 pixels.png )

Who's the kid on the right?

Anonymous 14/04/18(Fri)21:29 No. 119740

does anyone know that video where two guys are in the shower and they never really have sex but just touch each other and end up on a bed giving each other handjobs

Anonymous 14/04/21(Mon)10:44 No. 119749

File 139806987627.gif - (855.99KB , 500x260 , tumblr_mg00dmH3rO1qjipi2o1_500.gif )

Anyone which video this is from? Or who is the guy?

Anonymous 14/04/25(Fri)05:28 No. 119782

File 139839649019.gif - (971.54KB , 220x127 , tumblr_n2227v16OR1t231szo1_r1_250.gif )

Does anyone have the sauce on this??

Anonymous 14/04/29(Tue)04:48 No. 119807

File 139873969359.gif - (497.92KB , 375x169 , tumblr_lkcrfkDL9g1qazii1.gif )

Could it be Spencer (Dustin Zito) & Travis from Fratmen?
sounds like it could be a lot of things especially from fratmen

Anonymous 14/04/29(Tue)16:41 No. 119808

I'm looking for a certain spanking video. It used to be around this board, but I can no longer find it.

The video had to do with a bespectacled guy and a blonde twink, the former spanking the other over his car or something of the sort.

Names of actors/movie/links would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Anonymous 14/05/03(Sat)19:33 No. 119827

looking for a video of a guy jerking off. was posted here some months ago. started with him already in his red boxers. face was only visible when he adjusted the webcam, maybe twice or three times. kept looking a couple of times to his right (window/door?). had a chain necklace. that's all I can remember.

Anonymous 14/05/04(Sun)02:56 No. 119829

does anyone have a pass or a video of Gentleman Handling?


Anonymous 14/05/08(Thu)05:36 No. 119841

File 139952016129.png - (1.11MB , 1612x722 , Pornautes_Mario.png )

anyone have this full vid

a link...password? something ;_;?

New Ike09 14/05/08(Thu)15:58 No. 119842

Can someone help me please to find these scenes!?

Anonymous 14/05/10(Sat)17:45 No. 119861

Anyone know where these guys are from? Source? http://www.desaxxx1.com/images/a348.gif

Anonymous 14/05/13(Tue)04:35 No. 119869

Anyone know who the guy in this is?

Anonymous 14/05/13(Tue)04:44 No. 119870

Does anyone know who this guy is? he's got a whole series of selfies, but they're all scattered around the internet...

Anonymous 14/05/15(Thu)01:27 No. 119872

i just need to know if anybody at least has seen these pictures before, if you know where they are from even better

Anonymous 14/05/17(Sat)14:05 No. 119878

File 140032835022.png - (595.17KB , 500x750 , tumblr_n08pb9Q0xE1si245xo1_500.png )

Who are these guys?! Someone, anyone. Please!

Anonymous 14/05/17(Sat)14:49 No. 119879

File 140033098084.gif - (0.98MB , 410x224 , tumblr_n0932euv5W1r1400zo1_500.gif )

Same guys as my previous post.

Anonymous 14/05/20(Tue)18:05 No. 119892

The watermarked site on the first image has source.
It's Brandon Bronco being sucked by Addison Graham for Next Door Buddies "Truth or Dare".

Anonymous 14/05/24(Sat)20:43 No. 119920

It's Justin Owen and Jarec Wentworth, from RandyBlue: http://www.randyblue.com/video/gay-porn-stud-jarec-wentworth-makes-justin-owen-sit-on-his-long-thick-cock/2730

Anonymous 14/05/24(Sat)22:54 No. 119921

I feel creepy that I just happen to know this because I don't think he has much of a web presence.

Anonymous 14/05/25(Sun)09:04 No. 119923

ok why is rb always down? it cant open on my side.

Anonymous 14/05/26(Mon)20:37 No. 119936

anyone have more pics of him?

Reply to 119936 & 119937 Anonymous 14/05/26(Mon)22:19 No. 119938

The two names I've sen him under are Chad Blaine and Luke.

Reply to 119936 & 119937 Anonymous 14/05/26(Mon)22:21 No. 119939

Reply to 119936 & 119937 Anonymous 14/05/26(Mon)22:25 No. 119940

Reply to 119936 & 119937 Anonymous 14/05/26(Mon)22:28 No. 119941

Reply to 119936 & 119937 Anonymous 14/05/26(Mon)22:31 No. 119942

I think he was going by Luke in the shots where he looks older, with short hair and outdoors.

Anonymous 14/05/27(Tue)18:56 No. 119948

Anonymous 14/05/27(Tue)18:57 No. 119949

Anonymous 14/05/27(Tue)18:58 No. 119950

Anonymous 14/05/27(Tue)18:58 No. 119951

Anonymous 14/05/27(Tue)19:01 No. 119952

Anonymous 14/05/28(Wed)20:50 No. 119962


i read there was a video of him anyone have it, also anyone have anymore pics of him

Anonymous 14/05/28(Wed)21:13 No. 119963

I've been looking for this one video forever... It's probably fan-made, but it's two guys jerking off, edited to look like it's to eachother, to the song

'Love is a stranger' by Annie Lennox. Anyone know where I can find this utter gem again?

Anonymous 14/05/29(Thu)13:34 No. 119964

His name is seth storm
he has a facebook and instagram as well. Good luck

Anonymous 14/05/29(Thu)14:02 No. 119966

Helix studios,
Cum in hungry asshole with Rad Matthews and Dustin Reeves

Anonymous 14/05/30(Fri)12:16 No. 119974


Bumping this one again.

Anonymous 14/06/04(Wed)12:10 No. 120010

still nothing on this one?

Anonymous 14/06/05(Thu)06:03 No. 120015

File 140194098975.gif - (0.98MB , 500x278 , tumblr_mciul1RQrN1r258uwo1_500.gif )

Who is this? Nobody on tumblr will tell me and google images is failing me.

Anonymous 14/06/07(Sat)11:40 No. 120024


Found in less than 5 minutes using google images search and tumblr. Work on your searching skills.

Vito Galo & Adam Killian

Anonymous 14/06/17(Tue)06:18 No. 120110

File 140297873716.gif - (1.12MB , 500x357 , tumblr_n6o1d8uzA81rt5j1oo1_500.gif )

Where is dat from

Anonymous 14/06/17(Tue)13:33 No. 120112

Anyone know this guy or have more videos of him? http://www.gaytube.com/media/93902/Muscle_dude_jerking_off/

Anonymous 14/06/20(Fri)18:37 No. 120130

File 14032822677.gif - (967.10KB , 300x154 , nom nom nom.gif )

I've got a request for /men/.

I saw this straight porn gif on Reddit of this chick's ass basically sucking on a guy's cock. Can anyone find a gay porn version with a guy showing the same amount of anal control?

Anonymous 14/06/23(Mon)03:35 No. 120149


Seconded. I had all of his vids from Xtube on my old laptop but that broke. Could never find again=(

Anonymous 14/06/26(Thu)05:25 No. 120178

Anyone ever found the full version of this? It's been around forever.


Anonymous 14/06/26(Thu)08:42 No. 120180

File 140376496994.jpg - (267.12KB , 810x458 , 808c9c04a59e5dc60dfc94ae34d7c7f2.jpg )

Anyone has the source of Antonio Da Silva's films?
I can only find trailers :(


Pic related

Anonymous 14/06/26(Thu)22:21 No. 120185

File 140381411428.jpg - (90.12KB , 500x500 , tumblr_n5hk5rpKXP1tvp66ho1_500.jpg )

does anyone have vid from this? the blog already taken down...

sexy omg omg 14/06/26(Thu)23:46 No. 120187


Anonymous 14/06/29(Sun)00:14 No. 120203

Damn. I hope he's still on xtube.

Anonymous 14/06/29(Sun)00:16 No. 120204

Damn. I hope he's still on xtube.

TAKiNG Bjorn STROMBERG 14/06/29(Sun)21:51 No. 120207

F U C K !!!

Anonymous 14/07/08(Tue)12:35 No. 120242

There's this one video I saw a while ago, it was about these guys protesting or something, and all I remember after that was that a guy ends up being fucked by a bunch of dudes for about an hour, does anyone have that video?

internetalias 14/07/11(Fri)18:53 No. 120256


there's this gif set on tumblr of two men eating bananas
saying stuff like i like your banana; i think this banana is jamaiacan, this banana is cuban

link: http://theotternextdoor.tumblr.com/post/90121717576/skittle-happy-matt-if-anyone-can-send-me-the
what is the source of the vid?

Anonymous 14/07/12(Sat)11:49 No. 120258



Anonymous 14/07/15(Tue)17:12 No. 120271

Been looking for a porn actor for years. I saw a pic set of him jerking off, wearing red shorts and a wife beater, in a locker room. I think he used to be on Extra Big Dicks. Only distinguishing feature was a tattoo of his Italy on his chest and it said "La Costa Nostra" around it. Help?

Anonymous 14/07/19(Sat)09:38 No. 120279

File 140575553583.jpg - (28.52KB , 390x583 , 1405563051260.jpg )

Anyone know the guy on the right? Want to see more of him.

Anonymous 14/07/19(Sat)10:57 No. 120280

The studio at least is Sean Cody.

That's Serge Henir, aka Hercules X.

That's Hynek Lenard from William Higgins. I really liked him in his videos, but he only did a few at the turn of the century. He's mostly credited as Hynek then (no last name).

Anonymous 14/07/21(Mon)05:35 No. 120284


Seconding for this video series. Someone must have it! There's no way it was only on that site that got taken down

Anonymous 14/07/21(Mon)05:42 No. 120285

File 140591413470.jpg - (351.57KB , 1024x768 , 1324824424989 (1).jpg )

trying to find the complete set and video of these two. I can only find a few of the pics and some clips. I know the guys names are alex and ryan but that's it. Anyone know where to fine more?

Anonymous 14/07/22(Tue)15:03 No. 120291

File 140603419063.jpg - (43.95KB , 429x623 , Barney-Oakley.jpg )

So this guy apparently has a sex vid somewhere. His name's Barney Oakley, goes by Hunglikeamule on various sites.
Had a vid of him and an ex on pornhub but I cannot find it anywhere.

Help me, /men/, you're my only hope.

Anonymous 14/07/23(Wed)20:54 No. 120298

You hardly see their cocks but you can torrent it from https://www.gaytorrent.ru/details.php?id=22c40f1e16a8fbba64e3ffa153c73addbd86cbb3976820f4

Gay porn vid Anonymous 14/07/24(Thu)08:57 No. 120301

Tumblr took this video down but you can still see some stills if you hover over the video. Can anyone tell me where I can see the video?


Anonymous 14/07/27(Sun)00:05 No. 120312

File 140641233651.gif - (2.44MB , 295x221 , 1405565390290.gif )

does anyone know the source of this, who are the guys in it?

Anonymous 14/07/30(Wed)08:04 No. 120329

File 140670028233.jpg - (328.11KB , 1000x669 , 1406657789383.jpg )

I'm dying here, anybody have more of him???

Anonymous 14/08/01(Fri)20:28 No. 120338

Oh hey, that's me!

Anonymous 14/08/01(Fri)20:51 No. 120339

Really??? Where can I see more of you?

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