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Any new pics of this guy? Anonymous 17/09/15(Fri)09:17 No. 123044


Any new pics of this guy? What's his name and story? Also if he doesn't want this posted just say so and I can delete. Thank you

Anonymous 17/09/18(Mon)12:37 No. 123049


Who are they pls i cant find anythingggggg

Anonymous 17/10/10(Tue)12:02 No. 123056

Does anyone who has been on /men/ for a long time remember a camboy who fucked himself with a banana in like 2010? Ive been looking all over for it and I know i first saw it here :(

Anonymous 17/10/11(Wed)11:14 No. 123058

File 150771326847.gif - (2.70MB , 540x660 , tumblr_onzqw5ztr11tep8s5o1_540.gif )

Anyone know the performer names (especially the top) or the video this is from?

Anonymous 17/10/11(Wed)11:47 No. 123059


Does anybody know the name of any of the actors here?

Anonymous 17/10/12(Thu)08:58 No. 123060

That is Donny and Perry from Sean Cody.

That is Maximillion Kong getting sucked by Johnny Rapid from Str8 to Gay's "Hometown Return." The tone of the pic tells you it's from MEN.

That is Derek & Immanuel from Sean Cody.

Anonymous 17/11/07(Tue)23:51 No. 123077


Corbin fisher Cain and Taylor

Anonymous 17/11/07(Tue)23:55 No. 123078

camwhore from ages ago, he went as "adonis kun".

Anonymous 17/11/08(Wed)00:00 No. 123079


Boris Orla/Roman Koroza

Anonymous 17/11/24(Fri)22:32 No. 123091

File 151155917317.gif - (1.89MB , 245x350 , tumblr_oixwpr65eM1rmhddso1_250.gif )

@122998 Somehow my reply doesn't work.
That's from TimSuck - Truckee Rivers sucking Zach Blunt (possibly)

Anyone know where this is from? Loks like cockyboys but Í couldn't find it.

Anonymous 17/12/28(Thu)13:41 No. 123125

File 151446489218.jpg - (87.87KB , 1440x480 , 3113.jpg )

sup /men/

can you tell me the actors of this scene pls?

Anonymous 18/01/18(Thu)05:17 No. 123136

Thank you. Does anyone know if Adonis Kun done anything new or maybe has like.. a dating profile out there? I'd love to try my luck lol

Anonymous 18/02/02(Fri)11:29 No. 123139

File 15175673947.jpg - (47.25KB , 325x265 , unbenanntff.jpg )

any idea who this is or where it's from?

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