Any new pics of this guy? What's his name and story? Also if he doesn't want this posted just say so and I can delete. Thank you
Who are they pls i cant find anythingggggg
Does anyone who has been on /men/ for a long time remember a camboy who fucked himself with a banana in like 2010? Ive been looking all over for it and I know i first saw it here :(
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Anyone know the performer names (especially the top) or the video this is from? Does anybody know the name of any of the actors here?
>>123059 That is Donny and Perry from Sean Cody. >>123058 That is Maximillion Kong getting sucked by Johnny Rapid from Str8 to Gay's "Hometown Return." The tone of the pic tells you it's from MEN. >>123049 That is Derek & Immanuel from Sean Cody.
>>120796 Corbin fisher Cain and Taylor
>>123044 camwhore from ages ago, he went as "adonis kun".
>>122955 Boris Orla/Roman Koroza
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@122998 Somehow my reply doesn't work. That's from TimSuck - Truckee Rivers sucking Zach Blunt (possibly) Anyone know where this is from? Loks like cockyboys but Í couldn't find it.
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sup /men/ can you tell me the actors of this scene pls?
>>123078 Thank you. Does anyone know if Adonis Kun done anything new or maybe has like.. a dating profile out there? I'd love to try my luck lol