File 149064872041.jpg - (14.61KB , 320x240 , 535_Creampie_Creampie.jpg )
can someone, plese, for the love of all that is Holy, please tell me where this is from? I think it's Brasilian or alike?
File 149132980699.gif - (1.93MB , 540x304 , tumblr_odnjeeuN9g1vbtvsao1_540.gif )
anyone please?
File 149305330745.gif - (461.25KB , 320x240 , tumblr_l6vyqy1o3B1qd7y2xo1_400.gif )
been looking for this one for a while. any help? does anyone know what video this is from?
File 149820932357.png - (1.57MB , 941x1074 , daddy.png )
yo so tho bottom in this and the 'masseur' in this i managed to find some shots from these videos after i figured it was BigDaddy but nothing else & no name, pls halp
>>122941 The bottom used the name Ashton during that period. He did a few videos each for HazeHim, College Boy Physicals and Broke Straight Boys. It looks like all of his work was online though, so no video releases. He slowly gained more tattoos as time went on as well. I think he might have a random bareback video on a defunct website (whose name escapes me) when he first started because he has long hair and no tattoos in that one.