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Anonymous 15/03/27(Fri)05:50 No. 121308

File 142743180889.gif - (1.99MB , 500x333 , request2.gif )

Where is this from

Anonymous 15/03/30(Mon)12:37 No. 121317


He goes by Tyler.


Anonymous 15/04/01(Wed)05:25 No. 121322

File 142785870167.jpg - (456.66KB , 919x600 , tumblr_njiofvr8R51s4hlp5o1_1280.jpg )

I really need the source for this, at least the studio that produced it. I've been looking for over an hour now...

Anonymous 15/04/03(Fri)11:27 No. 121331


you've been looking over an hour and still haven't found it? i found it in under ten minutes, one handed, without using my keyboard.

you should know the photo you posted is heavily photoshopped. the video is not of a threeway and there's no cum all over the bottom's face.

keeping that in mind, do you still want the source, you dumb bitch?

Anonymous 15/04/03(Fri)20:52 No. 121333

i cant take this. been searching for hours. still no source:

i dont recognize what studio this is from tbh

Lala312 15/04/04(Sat)04:04 No. 121335

Anybody knows where can I fid the full video and who are the actors?


Thanks in advance!

Lala312 15/04/04(Sat)04:36 No. 121336


Top is Adrian Long and bottom is Isaac Jones.
You are welcome.

PS: It's a flip fuck ;D

Anonymous 15/04/04(Sat)15:10 No. 121337

i know this is sean zevran but whos the top? https://media.8ch.net/him/src/1424169607833-0.gif

joe jones 15/04/07(Tue)19:51 No. 121345

i wanna be fucked by men. joe

Anonymous 15/04/12(Sun)02:43 No. 121365


Vinnie, he has some "wrestling" tape and strips at adonis lounge innyc.

Anonymous 15/04/13(Mon)04:29 No. 121367

Does anyone know the source on this?

Anonymous 15/04/14(Tue)01:21 No. 121375


Anonymous 15/04/14(Tue)01:23 No. 121376



Anonymous 15/04/17(Fri)15:40 No. 121385

File 142927802738.jpg - (21.40KB , 300x374 , image.jpg )

Long shot, but anyone know the source of this snapchat pic??

reply to 121385 Anonymous 15/04/22(Wed)23:04 No. 121404


This is the pic but don't know who the guy is.

Does anyone know the what video this is or where a full thing could be found??


Anonymous 15/04/24(Fri)02:27 No. 121405

File 142983525681.jpg - (22.04KB , 500x260 , 11034200_10152646510312397_5420844950829362771_n.jpg )

Where is this from?

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