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Anonymous 14/09/26(Fri)07:29 No. 120700

File 141170937389.jpg - (217.05KB , 672x802 , tumblr_n9gn0oxyb21qg22hlo1_1280.jpg )

Anyone know who this is? Is there more of him?

Anonymous 14/09/26(Fri)11:27 No. 120703

File 14117236322.jpg - (133.50KB , 1080x719 , Aeschylus was daunting.jpg )

google and tineye turned up only tumblrs and blogs that don't credit the source (arrrrrg). anyone have any insight? :)

Anonymous 14/09/27(Sat)00:54 No. 120704

Those jpg-dump blogspots are the bane of my existence.

Adam Gumula by Bell Soto for Caleo Magazine

Photo is by Hans Fahrmeyer; don't feel like digging through his prodigious body of work to find the full set, but this site has a couple extras from the same series:
Sounds like they're not real models, so you probably won't find anything more that isn't from him.

Anonymous 14/10/03(Fri)03:46 No. 120725


AHH! thank you thank you! happy to dig through Fahrmeyer's stuff to find more :)

i reward you with all my internet points

which scene is this? mayanyone advise who that guy? Anonymous 14/10/06(Mon)01:05 No. 120735

File 141255033334.gif - (869.55KB , 728x160 , 354620_9d801af8f533364dd84905da38f8fb02.gif )

anyone know the source of this pic? Anonymous 14/10/12(Sun)07:19 No. 120754

File 141309115179.jpg - (80.85KB , 640x960 , tumblr_n8ckfySScs1tx2dg0o1_1280.jpg )

i tried reverse image search but i can't seem to find anything on it

who is this? Anonymous 14/10/16(Thu)03:29 No. 120770

File 141342298982.jpg - (56.76KB , 800x600 , bigdickblow-81.jpg )

anyone know where this is from?

Anonymous 14/10/20(Mon)07:39 No. 120786


anyone have the other parts of this video??

lwufjjch 14/10/20(Mon)15:33 No. 120787

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