File 141072001885.jpg - (165.94KB , 440x800 , 3919-set.jpg )
>>120398 carl bodman on
>>120298 404 not found....
Anyone know who this guy is? It's odd that it'd be so hard to find a model in a watermarked image, but I can't find any photographer's website, much less anything about this guy beyond the fact that he's half-Thai.
File 141170937389.jpg - (217.05KB , 672x802 , tumblr_n9gn0oxyb21qg22hlo1_1280.jpg )
Anyone know who this is? Is there more of him?
File 14117236322.jpg - (133.50KB , 1080x719 , Aeschylus was daunting.jpg )
google and tineye turned up only tumblrs and blogs that don't credit the source (arrrrrg). anyone have any insight? :)
Those jpg-dump blogspots are the bane of my existence. >>120700 Adam Gumula by Bell Soto for Caleo Magazine >>120703 Photo is by Hans Fahrmeyer; don't feel like digging through his prodigious body of work to find the full set, but this site has a couple extras from the same series: Sounds like they're not real models, so you probably won't find anything more that isn't from him.