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Anonymous 14/06/05(Thu)06:03 No. 120015

File 140194098975.gif - (0.98MB , 500x278 , tumblr_mciul1RQrN1r258uwo1_500.gif )

Who is this? Nobody on tumblr will tell me and google images is failing me.

Anonymous 14/06/07(Sat)11:40 No. 120024


Found in less than 5 minutes using google images search and tumblr. Work on your searching skills.

Vito Galo & Adam Killian

Anonymous 14/06/17(Tue)06:18 No. 120110

File 140297873716.gif - (1.12MB , 500x357 , tumblr_n6o1d8uzA81rt5j1oo1_500.gif )

Where is dat from

Anonymous 14/06/17(Tue)13:33 No. 120112

Anyone know this guy or have more videos of him? http://www.gaytube.com/media/93902/Muscle_dude_jerking_off/

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