anyone have more pics of him?
The two names I've sen him under are Chad Blaine and Luke.
I think he was going by Luke in the shots where he looks older, with short hair and outdoors.
>>119952 i read there was a video of him anyone have it, also anyone have anymore pics of him
I've been looking for this one video forever... It's probably fan-made, but it's two guys jerking off, edited to look like it's to eachother, to the song 'Love is a stranger' by Annie Lennox. Anyone know where I can find this utter gem again?
>>117218 His name is seth storm he has a facebook and instagram as well. Good luck
>>117157 Helix studios, Cum in hungry asshole with Rad Matthews and Dustin Reeves
>>119030 Bumping this one again. no google results source?
>>119749 still nothing on this one?
File 140194098975.gif - (0.98MB , 500x278 , tumblr_mciul1RQrN1r258uwo1_500.gif )
Who is this? Nobody on tumblr will tell me and google images is failing me.
>>120015 Found in less than 5 minutes using google images search and tumblr. Work on your searching skills. Vito Galo & Adam Killian