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Anonymous 14/04/16(Wed)06:17 No. 119731

File 139762186215.png - (206.40KB , 638x365 , Screen Shot 2014-04-15 at 10_06_35 PM.png )

who is this guy

Anonymous 14/04/17(Thu)20:14 No. 119736


Sauce on these, anybody?

Anonymous 14/04/18(Fri)05:35 No. 119738

File 139779214135.png - (1.09MB , 777x746 , 1397708177521_jpg (JPEG Image, 777 × 716 pixels.png )

Who's the kid on the right?

Anonymous 14/04/18(Fri)21:29 No. 119740

does anyone know that video where two guys are in the shower and they never really have sex but just touch each other and end up on a bed giving each other handjobs

Anonymous 14/04/20(Sun)14:28 No. 119746

http://www.xvideos.com/video675334/find_a_hotter_bubble_butt_than_this Who is that

Anonymous 14/04/21(Mon)10:44 No. 119749

File 139806987627.gif - (855.99KB , 500x260 , tumblr_mg00dmH3rO1qjipi2o1_500.gif )

Anyone which video this is from? Or who is the guy?

Anonymous 14/04/25(Fri)05:28 No. 119782

File 139839649019.gif - (971.54KB , 220x127 , tumblr_n2227v16OR1t231szo1_r1_250.gif )

Does anyone have the sauce on this??

Anonymous 14/04/29(Tue)04:48 No. 119807

File 139873969359.gif - (497.92KB , 375x169 , tumblr_lkcrfkDL9g1qazii1.gif )

Could it be Spencer (Dustin Zito) & Travis from Fratmen?
sounds like it could be a lot of things especially from fratmen

Anonymous 14/04/29(Tue)16:41 No. 119808

I'm looking for a certain spanking video. It used to be around this board, but I can no longer find it.

The video had to do with a bespectacled guy and a blonde twink, the former spanking the other over his car or something of the sort.

Names of actors/movie/links would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Anonymous 14/05/03(Sat)19:33 No. 119827

looking for a video of a guy jerking off. was posted here some months ago. started with him already in his red boxers. face was only visible when he adjusted the webcam, maybe twice or three times. kept looking a couple of times to his right (window/door?). had a chain necklace. that's all I can remember.

Anonymous 14/05/04(Sun)02:56 No. 119829

does anyone have a pass or a video of Gentleman Handling?


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