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Anonymous 14/03/29(Sat)14:52 No. 119641

there was this one video i found once, with a guy teasing this other guys asshole with a red blowpop maybe? some kind of small red sucker shaped like that. Then he kept licking it.

The video i found was only a preview, the full version being a paid download from some site. I want to say it was gaypenis but that probably is wrong.

It stands out because i was looking for incest at the time.

Anonymous 14/03/30(Sun)09:03 No. 119645

Anybody knows from what video is this from?
The only clue is the model is named 'Nat Turnher'.

Anonymous 14/03/31(Mon)02:40 No. 119650


try searching lollipoptwinks.

Anonymous 14/03/31(Mon)02:41 No. 119651


try searching lollipoptwinks.

Anonymous 14/04/02(Wed)13:46 No. 119663


does anyone have a name for this guy?
i've seen this video a few times uploaded under different titles and im just dying to see if hes got any more out there

Anonymous 14/04/03(Thu)09:51 No. 119670

Trying to find a video, pretty sure I saw it on Xtube like two weeks ago but can't find it since then. Three twinks in front of what looked like a webcam (recorded obviously), about 20 minutes long if I recall. DP at some point, with the receiver commenting that he's "unfuckable" at the end of the video. Anybody know?

Anonymous 14/04/04(Fri)03:26 No. 119676



I know this guy was known as LoFi, but are there any other pics of him?

Anonymous 14/04/04(Fri)03:28 No. 119677



there, all the ones I have so far. I've seen thumbnails of others but the pics are down, does anyone else have them saved?

Anonymous 14/04/04(Fri)08:37 No. 119678

File 139659346596.jpg - (314.72KB , 800x1200 , tumblr_n2wbmjGTc21t8vo5uo1_1280.jpg )

Anyone know where I can find more of this?

Anonymous 14/04/06(Sun)09:55 No. 119686

File 139677090638.gif - (0.98MB , 480x320 , tumblr_n2p3n6XNTK1ts4hwho1_500.gif )

Does anyone have sauce on this gif? So wanting to know where this is from!

Anonymous 14/04/08(Tue)00:18 No. 119688

OMFG someone PLEASE find this source

Anonymous 14/04/09(Wed)16:07 No. 119692

Well i gave it a look but it wasn't in there. I think i found it after stumbling through nudevista, but i'm not sure how many links away.

Anonymous 14/04/10(Thu)06:53 No. 119701


I've got something you want.


Scroll to the bottom for a download link.

Anonymous 14/04/16(Wed)06:17 No. 119731

File 139762186215.png - (206.40KB , 638x365 , Screen Shot 2014-04-15 at 10_06_35 PM.png )

who is this guy

Anonymous 14/04/17(Thu)20:14 No. 119736


Sauce on these, anybody?

Anonymous 14/04/18(Fri)05:35 No. 119738

File 139779214135.png - (1.09MB , 777x746 , 1397708177521_jpg (JPEG Image, 777 × 716 pixels.png )

Who's the kid on the right?

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