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Anonymous 14/02/28(Fri)12:56 No. 119521

File 139358860853.jpg - (53.40KB , 620x927 , 1900068_10152244105079594_608833314_n.jpg )

more a question on rules: so only gay stuff, but can I contribute with threesome pictures? guy, guy, girl?

Anonymous 14/02/28(Fri)21:29 No. 119522

Anyone have a link to the video of this? http://mercuryjones.tumblr.com/post/65892283628/wakey-wakey

Anonymous 14/03/01(Sat)11:54 No. 119523


Anonymous 14/03/02(Sun)01:27 No. 119528

I am pretty sure you are the same person who asked this question on 4chan and perhaps even started a thread about it. MMF would be considered bisexual and bisexual porn does not belong in /men/ or in /hm/ or any other GAY porn forums. I am not against bisexuality or any sexual orientation for that matter, but I don't want to have to scroll through straight/bi porn when I am looking for gay porn. That is why it says in the rules, very clearly, gay porn only.

Anonymous 14/03/02(Sun)02:32 No. 119529


source/video on these please??

anonymous 14/03/03(Mon)10:17 No. 119539

anyone have any more videos of this guy? he took down his xtube videos. super hot:


Anonymous 14/03/03(Mon)14:11 No. 119541


Sauce on these?

Anonymous 14/03/03(Mon)19:58 No. 119542

Looking for a video of some "straight" frat guys in college who take a bunch of shots, including a body shot of tequila, and then fuck... Please!

Anonymous 14/03/06(Thu)19:54 No. 119545


where is this from? (:

Anonymous 14/03/11(Tue)03:03 No. 119557


Grayson & Raymond - Sean Cody

Anonymous 14/03/12(Wed)13:33 No. 119559

File 139462761816.gif - (920.47KB , 500x266 , tumblr_m76tg9tdvy1r2fdgno1_r1_500.gif )

where is that from

Anonymous 14/03/14(Fri)03:39 No. 119563


Bumping this one because I want to know if anyone has any idea what they're talking about.

Anonymous 14/03/15(Sat)20:34 No. 119571

"Andy and Tim" from Blacks on Boys. I have no clue who Tim is because the top's name is Hole Hunter.

Anonymous 14/03/24(Mon)12:54 No. 119616

i cant access the video!

Anonymous 14/03/25(Tue)22:11 No. 119621

File 139578190142.jpg - (19.09KB , 245x245 , balletrocks15_1360361655.jpg )

gif on the right is from XTube member balletrocks15 (www.xtube.com/community/profile.php?user=balletrocks15).

He's handsome but he wears too much makeup in most of his vids IMO.

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