>>118646 How is chloroforming someone "hilarious"?
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sup /men/, i need to find out who this guy is. screencaps are taken from guys go crazy 42. he has a striking tattoo on the left side of his neck. thx
http://25.media.tumblr.com/56f85b638118393ba20ac6f34501ea11/tumblr_mtblaakcbF1rj80k1o1_250.gif this shit is impossible to find but im hoping you guys know it
ok last one http://31.media.tumblr.com/2392f621c075d0161659ddaf6d306827/tumblr_mt286x0gDv1r5hvf9o1_500.gif
http://24.media.tumblr.com/e039b9677d2c5ef2207ceb60c8c23f48/tumblr_mgulpzeQOA1qi857wo3_500.gif google failed me
What video are these gifs from? http://gay-is-great.tumblr.com/post/55458117092/daddystoyboy-sexually-curious-teenage-son The logo is blurred out on the last pic and Google Reverse Image has found nothing.
help http://31.media.tumblr.com/8b53adc4c014ac8ed48b0ebcb6f2e86b/tumblr_mrwe6p5AmR1qf9fo8o1_500.gif
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Anyone know who this guy is?
looking for a vid of a young marine who jerks off watching tv in his full uniform. it sounds generic but was hot snd i can't find it anymore.
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just found this picture of damon phoenix on the internet. does anybody know where it's from and if there's moar of it?
http://31.media.tumblr.com/cd1f764e04b1f83be58694026e1f7af0/tumblr_msxv7vI6Ua1s7rn89o1_500.jpg who
>>118725 gaycastings brad
http://armpitstain.tumblr.com/post/62775794314 does anyone know what this is from?
>>118738 Randy Blue - Jordan Levine and Levi Michaels https://www.gay-torrents.net/torrentdetails.php?torrentid=5c5298d8e66b19c33352d272144a75dfe9c4cbefda95536c
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Anyone know source on this?