I cant find hot webcam vid that I've stumbled upon few months ago. It involved two young guys, twinish looking, possibly brothers fucking. One of them was wearing a cap, possibly red. Please help, I'm horny ^ ^
File 137555600361.gif - (1.51MB , 388x222 , tumblr_mjbuv0obfC1s696who3_400.gif )
Any clue where this one might be from? http://supremeporn.tumblr.com/post/54785444342/collegejocks
>>118066 I know that the bottom went by the name "Ashton." He did stuff mostly for Broke Straight Boys and that family of studios back in 2010 or so. There's a cutoff studio (?) logo in the lower right corner. I can't make it out though. If you find it, do tell us. I like him~ >>118040 That's Chris Porter being cum upon. >>117775 That's Fraternity X video "The After Party" probably.
the guy's name is Erin Levova. Apparently he likes doing stuff with his twin brother. Anyone got some more stuff from him?
File 137564782925.gif - (833.78KB , 450x263 , gaybubblebuttfacesitting.gif )
please tell me someone has sauce on this gif?!
>>118071 allegedly it's fake. it's just him.
Any sauce on these gifs?
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sauce on this would be very much appreciated! thanks.
>>118080 First source is http://gaysexistheanswer.tumblr.com/post/9725952420 It says it's Bryce Tucker and Chris Bines and that setting is one that's used by Randy Blue a lot. Second source is http://thehomosexuallyfrustrated.tumblr.com/post/45380017412/dennis-mikkelson-x-andre-boleyn It says it's Dennis Mikkelson x Andre Boleyn of Bel Ami. >>118079 It's from Sean Cody, Abe and Brent. >>118077 Source is http://tastybro.tumblr.com/post/34779288838 It says it's Campbell Stevens, Brady Jensen and Bryan Cole and the other GIF says that it's something from Next Door Studios.
File 137571747732.gif - (0.95MB , 500x250 , tumblr_mqi3s3gxtC1spgyepo1_500.gif )
Source of this? Please... just... please.
>>118093 Michael Fitt
File 13757571036.jpg - (63.16KB , 451x600 , the_guy_site-josh_5_6051_9.jpg )
Anyone have a video of this guy? It's Josh from TheGuySite. All my searches lead to dead links.
http://31.media.tumblr.com/41b7d76c1a077ccaaa40cd2afbfc7c60/tumblr_mlbmwt3Q4K1qg7j2mo1_500.gif gonna need source for this
>>118114 Source is http://www.gay-gifs.com/post/38368270781/suck-dick-save-the-world-video "Truckee blows Javin in Suck Dick Save The World 3"