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jarf1234 13/06/22(Sat)14:25 No. 117674


Does anyone know who this is? I've seen another video of the same guy cumming.

Anonymous 13/06/27(Thu)07:32 No. 117715

Vid no longer available. any chance someone's got it saved or uploaded somewhere else? if it's the one I'm thinking of it was hot as fuck

Anonymous 13/06/29(Sat)22:50 No. 117734

What has become of this thread... No offense HCFM, but if you're going to promote this isn't the way. A majority of those vids are next to garbage and are a huge turn off. Spamming the thread isn't going to help you either, it's only going to make people stay away.

Anonymous 13/07/01(Mon)08:28 No. 117749


Anonymous 13/07/02(Tue)00:10 No. 117752

Just leave us with the homepage of your blog. There's no need to litter the thread with every single content of your page. Otherwise, it would be redundant. People can check it out for themselves.

Anonymous 13/07/03(Wed)08:57 No. 117759

I've been ignoring them so far, but now that someone has said something, I'd really rather you just fucked off. Even if 700 referrals/mo wasn't already a low number, setting Zero as your threshold is impractical spammer behavior.

Anonymous 13/07/04(Thu)02:34 No. 117762

you know, hcfwhogivesafuckm. If you're desperate enough for attention why not just start a thread of your own and you can put all your filth there?

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