ive been looking for the source for this im not sure if it exists http://25.media.tumblr.com/94a8b969cdf2dab6eae0a7ade2822620/tumblr_mgqfxaUxJo1qm7ydno1_400.jpg
>>101444 http://flavorsaver.tumblr.com/post/50256342213/pick-a-ginger Just wonder where at least one of these guys are from? ..
Does anyone know what video this photo set is from?
File 136998842414.gif - (0.99MB , 500x250 , powerbottomgif.gif )
File 137005398932.jpg - (198.05KB , 875x581 , srgtslate+allmerican+10.jpg )
This guy go's by the name sergeant slate on All American Heroes - Anyone else know if he's done stuff with other studios?
>>117428 Original Sinners - Jake Genesis & Jesse Santana
Source, anybody?
Who is he? When I reverse image search these photos I'm led to this guy that looks /nothing/ like these photos. Are there more etc?
anyone have the rest of this? it's jeremy hall and turk mason but i can't seem to find it anywhere :/ http://www.gaytube.com/media/59043/Coach_Fucks_Cute_Boy/
>>117457 He used to have a tumblr [http://acomplexsituation.tumblr.com/] but I guess he deleted it recently. He never posted nudes anyway.