>>116296 Thirding this - someone has to know?
File 136295594215.jpg - (21.58KB , 500x375 , source.jpg )
Anyone have sauce on this? thanks.
File 136296321960.jpg - (20.40KB , 500x299 , BBw9n-FCIAA7jvV_jpg large.jpg )
sauce for this please. i have a feeling it's bel ami, but not sure
>>116416 4th pic is from "That 70's Gay Porn Movie", Randy Blue.
>>116523 Bel Ami: Scandal In The Vatican
>>116524 Thank you!
Anyone have sauce on these dudes? thanks!
ok who the hell is the bottom!? http://25.media.tumblr.com/6b377ddcb0048fed39bdc617535af73b/tumblr_mg6rus7tpg1rdzwuso1_400.gif
>>116274 Must be your lucky day! Left pic > guy was known as chickenwaffles during his daring xtube days. http://iloveasianmen.tumblr.com/tagged/chickenwaffles >>116524 Thanks anon
>> 116431 The top is Rafael Alencar, maybe that can help you search? He has a lot of videos @_@
>>116085 The guy is Tristan Tran. He's back and hunkier now, with a new slightly modified screename.
>>116501 Right pic is Derek Cruz http://www.alsgaypornstars.com/derekcruz.html
who is this? and why do i find this hot http://24.media.tumblr.com/5517e6d668a75dcee74a449823788673/tumblr_mjaojxVS0z1qjfwkto1_500.gif
File 136310617731.gif - (484.49KB , 280x210 , cocksucking.gif )
Anyone have sauce on this gif of a vintage porn?
File 136312740042.jpg - (70.09KB , 694x465 , bask.jpg )
anyone know where this is from?
>>116542 It's from Rub Him and I am pretty sure the top is Tyler Saint.
File 136326630956.gif - (497.35KB , 500x273 , tumblr_lwkyasClIl1ql1mowo1_500.gif )
Anyone know who this is? http://www.hardsextube.com/video/118951/
I'm trying to find this exact massage video: http://video.xnxx.com/video1293660/gay_guys_massaging_straight_men_-_massage_bait_-_video-25 Anybody know who the actors are, or have a link to a full vid or torrent? It's so hard to find the exact video from Massage Bait without titles or anything...
>>116567 oh nevermind, I searched the names they mentioned in the video and here it is: http://www.xvideos.com/video3662250/massage_bait-jonathan_cole
source pls http://25.media.tumblr.com/c4538665112e80001de506a02fddb68b/tumblr_mi3263gEuQ1r8os6yo1_500.gif
>> bottom is Alex Marte & it's probably from a Men At Play video!
source or names? http://www.gayboystube.com/video/169904/two-boys-in-the-kitchen
holy shit. i just saw this and.. i dont know what to say. im not sure if its porn but.. you never know maybe someone knows the source for this video http://k1mkardashian.tumblr.com/post/45554031278/christopherdornersmasterplan-u-already-kno-what
@116577 That's from Black Spark
>>116578 have you watched the full version? link?
>>116577 >>116578 No, it's from Out In Public-Video Store Fucking!
>>116590 it is from black spark. i just checked it out.
found this on /hm/ its probably impossible but any source? http://images.4chan.org/hm/src/1363707845323.jpg
File 136376851796.gif - (514.62KB , 245x183 , 1363715061468.gif )
Anyone know who this guy is? there's more gifs of him floating around playing with his asshole. i reverse google searched and didn't get a name.