>>116427 top is dominik trojan bottom is billy dexter scene is from "summer camp 2" by ayor studios
http://25.media.tumblr.com/d6170f0f74b8c25bf0f2880259c4e9c2/tumblr_mhe7irpOVN1rab4ejo1_500.gif ok i cant find the source for this gif. the bearded guy looks hot. whats his name!?
>>116431 SeanCody - Pavel & Stu
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anyone got sauce on the original gif? I saw this posted to tumblr and I'm curious how terrible this is going to be, haha.
>>116444 I think it's this judging from the description at the bottom: http://www.waybig.com/blog/2012/04/19/falconstudios-hungover-landon-conrad-spencer-fox-dylan-hauser-jimmy-durano-connor-maguire/
Does anyone have any full length videos of this guy? Known as Toby from Boyfun collections, Caleb Atkins from Bel Ami, as well as Tomase, & Ota
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Sauce on this? Specifically who the guy is at the front.
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Anyone have this full video? http://free.boyfetishcentral.com/54ghi/f1.php?nats=NDkuMS4xMC4xMi4wLjQ4OTYuMC4wLjA
Does anyone know who these boys are? http://25.media.tumblr.com/6f962d0f93ebb0aacbb21945479cc630/tumblr_mgbdsaYazm1rkkls4o1_500.gif
http://25.media.tumblr.com/e05f1f567dcf3ccc020f37191a4ddcd5/tumblr_mf5alk2o3a1rog67ko1_500.gif HOLY SHIT WHO IS THAT!??
Any info on these?
>>102741 >>102741 >>102741 >>102741 >>102741 same!
>>116444 Not sure who the bottom is, but the top is Parker London, if that helps any.
>>116498 Benjamin Godfre - He has done a couple of jerk off vids, but the guy is mainly a model. >>116501 1st pic, the guy doing the spanking is Carter Jacobs.
Does anyone have the full video of this? http://www.gaytube.com/media/264324/Amateur_threesome/
>>116296 Thirding this - someone has to know?
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Anyone have sauce on this? thanks.
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sauce for this please. i have a feeling it's bel ami, but not sure
>>116416 4th pic is from "That 70's Gay Porn Movie", Randy Blue.
>>116523 Bel Ami: Scandal In The Vatican
>>116524 Thank you!
Anyone have sauce on these dudes? thanks!