File 136189333811.gif - (811.47KB , 416x289 , assfuckgif.gif )
Anyone have sauce on this? Thanks.
File 136195955638.gif - (0.99MB , 500x250 , tumblr_mi7ut3urm61r3wrv0o1_500.gif )
Hi! Does anyone have a video source of this gif? or the name of the guy. Thank you!
>>116365 Jake Bass >>116349 DylanLucas - Lance Alexander & Bradley Hudson
>>116367 Thank you!!
>>116326 He has other various videos on his tumblr as well.
Anyone have source on these? all are from different videos. thank you!
File 136217712660.png - (825.67KB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2013-03-01-22h29m32s80.png )
/sup/ men, what's the name of the top in this pic? has he ever get fucked in some porn? thx Anyone know where I can find more of this? I've seen the "Part 1" video.
>>116296 Bumping for this, hot damn! Anyone know these guys' names?
>>116427 top is dominik trojan bottom is billy dexter scene is from "summer camp 2" by ayor studios ok i cant find the source for this gif. the bearded guy looks hot. whats his name!?
>>116431 SeanCody - Pavel & Stu
File 136236820120.gif - (0.99MB , 500x279 , youme.gif )
anyone got sauce on the original gif? I saw this posted to tumblr and I'm curious how terrible this is going to be, haha.
>>116444 I think it's this judging from the description at the bottom: