Anyone know what or where the full vid of this is?
>>102084 Here's the rest of the collection for the first pic.
File 135483885918.jpg - (102.41KB , 570x737 , Keith19dave.jpg )
Pleaseee guys, anyone know what is this guy's name, or know where i can find more pics? I saw the whole photoset once, but it was years ago. It's driving me crazy
Anyone knows where more photosets from can be obtained? Particularly interested in Sven, Christy, Darren, Tom, Sharon, Marcel, Ray, Neil.
File 135503753041.gif - (0.97MB , 500x255 , tumblr_m98ri0MqBM1qef808o4_500.gif )
Does anyone know the source of this .gif? Thank you.
File 135513555370.jpg - (196.77KB , 801x613 , tumblr_lqeri6PhBG1qf7lodo1_1280.jpg )
Anyone know what/who this is?
File 13554309992.gif - (801.11KB , 500x255 , tumblr_mclytkY13e1rbp0e9o1_500.gif )
I love wet guys and this video looks amazing, does anyone know the source? By the way, I found >>115199 really hot too, who's the guy who's sucking?
File 135543138178.gif - (0.97MB , 500x213 , tumblr_medbaev4Gz1rirdtso3_500.gif )
Who's the bottom? The guy's really hot, does anyone knows the source?
File 135549688227.jpg - (26.78KB , 307x224 , image.jpg )
>>103609 Not true Sometime After this movie was filmed he was quoted saying something about enjoying gay sex more and this was the defining movie.
Sauce on these 2?
File 135559978881.gif - (963.69KB , 500x374 , tumblr_mb0ol4iMjP1qa1mgfo1_500.gif )
What is the source of this PLEASE?!