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Anonymous 12/08/28(Tue)04:28 No. 113978

I'm trying to find a picture and I think it had a Freshmen or Fratmen watermark. The guy was naked apart from red socks. There may have been a motorbike in the picture but I'm not sure.

Anonymous 12/08/29(Wed)04:26 No. 113992

File 134620718055.gif - (0.96MB , 500x320 , tumblr_lyz2jeMt641r1ah2oo1_500.gif )

/r/ing sauce

Anonymous 12/08/29(Wed)05:36 No. 113994

File 134621138021.jpg - (4.47KB , 160x120 , 20e8bce37a951.jpg )

Please, I need to know where to find this video. I've been looking for ages.

Anonymous 12/08/29(Wed)06:33 No. 113995



The top is Caleb Moreton, I believe.

Anonymous 12/08/29(Wed)09:24 No. 113996


If you only could go until the second page..

The top is Vince Clark and the bottom Bill Adams. The movie is Champs from Falcon Studios. I don`t the year but it`s from the 70s.


Anonymous 12/08/29(Wed)10:52 No. 113997

File 13462303622.png - (637.42KB , 649x499 , Untitled.png )

Would be very grateful for the sauce on this


Anonymous 12/08/30(Thu)12:02 No. 114010

This is long shot, since I don't even have an image. But there was this video I saw on Tumblr a few times. Basically there's this guy who you can only see from the chest downward standing on a porch or something and there are other guys around him. Front guy tugs down his shorts and starts playing with his half hard dick. Doesn't last for more than a minute, but it's really hot.

Anonymous 12/08/30(Thu)20:49 No. 114013

Sean Cody - Jordan & Ethan

Anonymous 12/08/31(Fri)12:00 No. 114026

File 134640723058.gif - (470.31KB , 250x513 , tumblr_lvnzlvH7301qlxnwoo1_400.gif )

Does anyone know who this Handsome Man is? He does a lot of work for Passion-hd and is one of the few good looking straight porn stars.
They never give his name though...

The video this is from is f a n t a s t i c

(drag the picture into google's reverse image search)

Anonymous 12/09/01(Sat)00:51 No. 114034


Don't know his name, but you can find more of him at passion-hd.com

Anonymous 12/09/01(Sat)00:55 No. 114035


lol. that's the kid from charlie and the chocolate factory.

Anonymous 12/09/01(Sat)13:17 No. 114039

File 134649824267.gif - (461.24KB , 416x268 , 1346494603146.gif )

spent ages looking for this gif
please have sauce

Who dat Anonymous 12/09/02(Sun)00:32 No. 114041

Does anyone have any idea who this man is in the video... I Have seen him in broke straight boy videos before... Just want to get more of him...


Anonymous 12/09/02(Sun)03:08 No. 114050

File 134654812983.jpg - (41.17KB , 604x405 , tumblr_m5mh339G901qgmflro1_1280.jpg )

Please, who the fuck is the guy on the right?!

Anonymous 12/09/02(Sun)04:00 No. 114051

File 13465512371.gif - (480.19KB , 500x348 , tumblr_lmaqsxebO61qfmav8o1_500.gif )

anyone know who this is?

MatchuTiger 12/09/02(Sun)06:47 No. 114053

File 134656123998.jpg - (35.07KB , 702x524 , Ronald_Reagan_Ending_The_Cold_War_dotjaypeg.jpg )

Does anyone know where to get the original video of this? The shit you find on porn sites is just bits and pieces, it would appear.

Izzame 12/09/03(Mon)02:43 No. 114062

Anyone know who the top is in this video and if he has any more floating around?


Anonymous 12/09/03(Mon)02:57 No. 114063

File 134663386949.gif - (847.36KB , 375x266 , tumblr_m8u5keUrny1rpc6qbo1_400 (1).gif )

Sauce on this?

Anonymous 12/09/03(Mon)05:02 No. 114064

That's men.com's Impatient Patient

Anonymous 12/09/03(Mon)11:17 No. 114066

found a vid one time, was a long clip of russian orgies, lots of uniforms, most were pretty young, was really hot. started with two guys in uniform walking into a building, there was funny wallpaper, guys cumming everywhere. anybody else know what I'm talking about?

Anonymous 12/09/03(Mon)23:36 No. 114068



Anonymous 12/09/04(Tue)03:51 No. 114069


Awesome, thanks mate :)

Anonymous 12/09/04(Tue)13:56 No. 114073

c4vids torrent please.

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