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Anonymous 12/06/14(Thu)07:10 No. 112535

Patrick Dunne from Randy Blue

Anonymous 12/06/14(Thu)13:10 No. 112538

File 133967221456.jpg - (122.63KB , 495x682 , gaysauce.jpg )

sauce on the bottom?

Anonymous 12/06/14(Thu)13:49 No. 112539


Anyone know who these bottoms are?

Anonymous 12/06/14(Thu)18:11 No. 112544

The color photo bottom is Noah Brooks.

Anonymous 12/06/15(Fri)02:43 No. 112548

File 133972098846.jpg - (217.27KB , 500x700 , 131364613689.jpg )

Anyone know the name of this guy?

Anonymous 12/06/15(Fri)03:02 No. 112549

Thank you!!

Anonymous 12/06/15(Fri)03:04 No. 112550

File 133972227412.jpg - (90.38KB , 500x539 , hotmusclebottom.jpg )

Anyone know who this muscle bottom is?

Anonymous 12/06/15(Fri)03:27 No. 112551

File 133972366393.png - (267.44KB , 500x373 , blondeassdam.png )

anyone know what video this shot is from?

Anonymous 12/06/15(Fri)05:28 No. 112553

Does anyone know what movie this is from?
This is the hottest thing I've ever seen

Anonymous 12/06/15(Fri)08:49 No. 112555

looks like something from bel ami. kris evans on top, dario dolce in the middle, can't quite make out who's sucking dick

Anonymous 12/06/15(Fri)11:20 No. 112556


dante and nathaniel I believe

Anonymous 12/06/15(Fri)17:18 No. 112559

File 133977349678.jpg - (57.86KB , 830x553 , tumblr_lv8n5nZ8aK1qbj2lfo1_1280.jpg )

anyone know if there's a video of this?

Anonymous 12/06/16(Sat)01:30 No. 112560

File 133980303089.jpg - (67.28KB , 400x600 , 1339733915554.jpg )

Excuse the caption, it was from a thread on 4chan. But it's still extremely hot.

Of course the question is source.

Anonymous 12/06/16(Sat)06:20 No. 112566


Johan Akan

Anonymous 12/06/16(Sat)11:33 No. 112569


Anyone know the sauce?

Anonymous 12/06/16(Sat)12:25 No. 112571

interested in the first gif. looks familiar. i think its that quinn guy i dunno? he's an underwear model. im not sure if thats him. but i would like to know.

Anonymous 12/06/16(Sat)13:10 No. 112573

File 133984501940.gif - (398.30KB , 410x188 , tumblr_m5mvk6u9lM1rq1wz3o1_500 (1).gif )

source on this please? [;

Anonymous 12/06/16(Sat)16:47 No. 112575

Anyone know a vid on where 4 guys draw straws and the guy with the shortest was bottom? I wish I remember more details.

Anonymous 12/06/16(Sat)16:54 No. 112576

The second pic is from Fratmen. I can't remember the guy's name off the top of my head though.

The one bottoming is Skyelr Bleu, who has done plenty for Helix Studios.

Anonymous 12/06/16(Sat)18:59 No. 112577

Does anybody know of any videos that start off with condoms but end bareback?

Anonymous 12/06/17(Sun)12:00 No. 112588

File 13399271512.gif - (3.93MB , 200x148 , 133935401013.gif )

Joining this request and also what is the source of this gif

Anonymous 12/06/17(Sun)16:00 No. 112590

wheres this from?

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