Looking for an xtube video with a dog slave. He has his tail plug in and his on his hands and knees lapping his master cock. It was posted on here awhile back.
File 133952909396.jpg - (141.09KB , 725x966 , tumblr_lkcjke5ogv1qht9t4o1_1280-725x966.jpg )
Alright /men, I would appreciate some sauce on this beautiful man.
>>112474 Patrick Dunne from Randy Blue
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sauce on the bottom?
Anyone know who these bottoms are?
>>112539 The color photo bottom is Noah Brooks.
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Anyone know the name of this guy?
>>112544 Thank you!!
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Anyone know who this muscle bottom is?
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anyone know what video this shot is from?
Does anyone know what movie this is from? This is the hottest thing I've ever seen http://fuckyeahmuscles.tumblr.com/post/21430623491/gifs
>>112553 looks like something from bel ami. kris evans on top, dario dolce in the middle, can't quite make out who's sucking dick
>>112431 dante and nathaniel I believe
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anyone know if there's a video of this?