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Anonymous 12/04/06(Fri)06:02 No. 110573


Hmm yep that most definitely is Parker London, Sad thing is I searched a few place using his name and was not able to find this scene.

Would someone be kind enough to find the vid/posy it here?

Anonymous 12/04/06(Fri)10:41 No. 110576

File 133370168074.jpg - (172.95KB , 472x543 , 1332820368384.jpg )

Any idea on who the guy on the right is? Thanks in advance ~

Anonymous 12/04/06(Fri)12:29 No. 110579

I used to have that video on my XTube favourites list, but it has since gone, so either the video or account has been deleted. I actually used to save all my fave XTube videos to my HDD and that would have been among them, but my HDD died a few months back and I didn't have a backup :'(

Anonymous 12/04/08(Sun)01:04 No. 110633

File 133383987726.gif - (495.33KB , 500x240 , tumblr_lxtuhmgPXF1r6dh8fo1_500.gif )


NPrime!!VkZmIvBQNm 12/04/08(Sun)02:26 No. 110634


Jeff, from Sean Cody.

Anonymous 12/04/08(Sun)10:04 No. 110652

File 133387222537.gif - (1.49MB , 225x168 , 1331340075420.gif )

Can I have some riding videos? Something similar to this gif would be perfect and cumming from that is a plus.

Anonymous 12/04/08(Sun)15:40 No. 110655

I think that guy got a sex change.
Seen loads of people requesting more info on him on /b/

Anonymous 12/04/08(Sun)19:37 No. 110665

File 133390663452.jpg - (36.05KB , 480x640 , 1333217613363.jpg )

Anyone know anything about this twink?

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