>>109932 I've seen it before it's non-porn though. The atmosphere got me going, but it's just kissing, if I remember correctly it's on YouTube.
>>109932 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23llJ7Rxl9o
File 13323117702.jpg - (300.83KB , 800x1203 , tumblr_lzbujbRwj71qc2bcno1_1280.jpg )
Any on this guy? Just wondering along
>>109884 Dylan Scoville http://www.romancexcore.com/index.php/tag/dylan-scoville/
Source on these two, please?
File 133232331233.jpg - (47.77KB , 500x313 , 109954.jpg )
reposting this because the person who posted >>109954 can't read, but i want to know too... any sauce on this?
File 133234328287.png - (381.09KB , 467x700 , tumblr_lr1g37PSQu1qf8mc7o1_500.png )
Anyone know who this is?
>>109953 Second pic is from OutInPublic http://www.outinpublic.com/t7/trailer/show-me-your-talent_101908.html#play
File 133235051674.jpg - (260.92KB , 600x800 , tumblr_lsp6nvCcUM1qhcrza.jpg )
Someone got a video of him?
>>109966 Is he wearing meatballs on his ears?
I hope he's not. But his ears aren't that much important for me.
File 133237031726.jpg - (92.03KB , 500x449 , tumblr_lzk61g0hKW1rpj5z4o1_r1_500.jpg )
Any more for this guy?
>109962 I believe the guy getting rimmed is Marco Blaze
>>109400 No... But you have my support, brother! He is gorgeous. And officially a role-model for me; we have similar body types.
who is this?? is there more than this set?
>>110002 http://wwtt.tumblr.com/post/18839144948/paulinmass-solo-play
>>110004 yes but are there any other sets of the guy? does he have a tumblr of his own? etc.
>>109945 >>109946 Cheers! Disappointed its not what I hoped, but still pretty hot
>>109966 Why does he have potatoes in his ears?
>>110005 Ah, well I don't know. Sorry.
>>110002 >>110004 >>110005 >>110036 I think this might be the same guy: http://www.cam4.com/sandusky02