File 133209498819.jpg - (85.40KB , 500x423 , tumblr_lqeh3tPs0J1r26luao1_500.jpg )
Source? Lately I've been obsessed with big bears...
>>109746 Seriously? Try the very first Google result for "andrus twins".
>>109876 Oh, sorry. The fifth Google result for the specific videos you're talking about.
File 133212356680.jpg - (186.48KB , 1067x1600 , 128424692514.jpg )
Anybody know who this guy is?
Sources on these?
File 133212432374.gif - (496.60KB , 316x176 , tumblr_leiua4aQsu1qdot54o1_r1_400.gif )
Obviously Sean Cody but does anyone know which model this is?
>>109886 That looks like Ethan's dick (one of the longest dicks on SC and uncut).
File 133213209869.jpg - (322.96KB , 400x1045 , alexhernan3.jpg )
Sauce? Looks like it's an old Cobra video...
File 133214412718.gif - (498.81KB , 500x700 , Dylan Register - Wall.gif )
>>109884 This would be Dylan Register. Only ever did 2 videos IIRC, one solo and one with his then-boyfriend I believe. He has a tumblr if you want to follow him there
>>109885 The first pic is a scene from hazehim
does anyone have more or knows where more of the blond guy can be found?
Does anyone know who this is, or have any more pictures of him?
File 133226982951.gif - (396.51KB , 500x282 , 1331148628659.gif )
I'm very aware this is a long ass shot, but does anyone have the source or vid for this gif? Looks hot as fuck
>>109932 I've seen it before it's non-porn though. The atmosphere got me going, but it's just kissing, if I remember correctly it's on YouTube.
File 13323117702.jpg - (300.83KB , 800x1203 , tumblr_lzbujbRwj71qc2bcno1_1280.jpg )
Any on this guy? Just wondering along
>>109884 Dylan Scoville