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d0dea7 12/02/06(Mon)06:41 No. 107299

I believe he is "Reid" from Chaos Men.
I uploaded all of the Addison vids I have here:

Does anyone know what movies these are from? The clips infuriatingly end before the cameras show any faces.
Yes, I'm a sucker for frot vids.

Anonymous 12/02/06(Mon)23:06 No. 107325

File 132856595853.gif - (483.19KB , 500x376 , tumblr_lxoroxBxOu1qg3fzoo1_500.gif )

I know this is from an actual video that's floating around somewhere- anyone have a link or copy?

Anonymous 12/02/07(Tue)04:24 No. 107332



Anonymous 12/02/07(Tue)05:35 No. 107333

File 132858930842.gif - (508.65KB , 500x279 , tumblr_lyzv8nkZe71ql9yy0o1_500.gif )

I know one of the guys is Ace Rockwood, but whom is the other?

Anonymous 12/02/07(Tue)09:41 No. 107335

Pretty sure that should be 'who', not 'whom' since he is the subject. I figured it would be rude to correct your grammar and not provide any information, so I did a brief search, and found your man. It looks like he is Avi Dar, also from Lucas Entertainment.

Legal link to the scene: http://www.lucasentertainment.com/scenes/play/avi_dar_and_ace_rockwood

I leave it to you to find your own free stream, if it exists.

Just an 'FYI' for how I found this out. I searched Ace on http://www.iafd.com/ to see what movies he was in, and who he performed with. Then I just did quick google searches of the actors together to find pictures of the scene to confirm. This was my first time doing this, and it took me about 15 min.

Anonymous 12/02/08(Wed)01:12 No. 107363

Hey, just wondering, around a month ago, there was this rape thread, and this person posted around four to five links, and one video was super hot.

Did anyone save them?

Anonymous 12/02/08(Wed)05:37 No. 107369



Does anyone have sauce on this littler fucker?

Anonymous 12/02/08(Wed)05:38 No. 107370

<img src="http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lbmn2cCbU71qbt6pbo1_500.jpg">
<img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lh8af8Fh3hc/TvnIRx1JKII/AAAAAAAAAbM/9qAU4sB-nUs/s640/tumblr_lulonsYxFN1qjahwuo1_500.jpg"> sauce?

Anonymous 12/02/08(Wed)16:07 No. 107397

File 132871367744.jpg - (103.14KB , 996x245 , 02.jpg )

sup /men/,

i need to know who this sean cody model is. thanks!

Anonymous 12/02/08(Wed)16:17 No. 107398

Byron. More specifically it's Byron and Jamie, oral only scene though.

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