>>105080 http://www.dudetubeonline.com/2011/09/bigdicknickclark.html
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Does anyone know who this is? I sort of remember it being a bel ami photo session.
>>105110 I remember that video. He "came" but no cum came out... the ending was very awkward.. boner killer. Gorgeous guy though.
Anyone know who this is? http://ungloryhole.com/gay-public-videos/she-grab-his-dick-so-hard_gh9193.html He's also here: http://www.outinpublic.com/t1/trailer/op9213/tattoo-shop-fucking.htm
>>105005 >>104998 Anyone know the original source? Quality of the version on tube sites is blurry.
>>105129 Yes! I remember that part now, maybe that's why I deleted the video in the first place. Still would like to see it again though.
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Helix Studios: Cody Cachet and Max Morgan A download link for this would be AWESOME. pic related
>>104656 There's another thread that is right here >>105056.
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This man, I must know who he is.
>>105189 That's Brodie from BukBuddies.