File 132073984076.gif - (492.59KB , 500x250 , tumblr_ltcg2fretm1r299x9o1_500.gif )
Sauce on this gif?
>>102368 Exactly what I was after! Love you lots :D
File 132079633580.jpg - (30.07KB , 374x497 , tumblr_lpef4v7iWT1qg2lwbo1_400.jpg )
Anyone have any noodz of Steve Kardynal? I am dying to see what he's packing.
>>102427 Is this he? I love how he stares at you while stroking his junk.
File 132081633197.png - (262.00KB , 667x582 , Screen Shot 2011-11-08 at 10_21_37 PM.png )
Please can I have this??
>>102189 >>102189 >>102189 he also had a really deep voice
File 132082970338.jpg - (36.21KB , 600x900 , 286451164_l.jpg )
>>102335 Huh. I'd also like to know. Attached is the one I've come across.
>>102429 it's a start :)
>>102369 >>102374 there you go ;)
Does anyone have a link for simon rex's hot sessions III video? Can't seem to find it anywhere.
>>102435 >>102436 ty, ty. ;) love you guys. I am willing to post a picture of my ass for the full version of: >>102429 I'm in college, and I'm decently fit... I don't know if that's enticing to you guys.
>>102455 a download link btw. not a torrent.
>>102322 On the right it's Jason Pitt.
File 132092721343.jpg - (49.75KB , 720x540 , tumblr_lu5e5bNo451qg2lwb.jpg )
>>102428 Hot guy, but not him unfortunately...
>>102348 EnglishLads
>>102455 both links came from me :D Unfortunately, I couldn't find a full vid of the other one :(