File 132037437010.gif - (308.78KB , 500x296 , tumblr_ltpq8jFAA61qg3fzoo1_500.gif )
source on this guys?
>>102258 The bottom is Alex Stevens. He has a lot of vids over at Eurocreme, so that might be a good place to start.
Anyone know who this is?
>>102270 luis from ;D Souce on top?
>>102272 Ralph Woods.
>>102240 i just learned that it's called a nape piercing
I'm looking for a black and white photo of an old school air force dude wearing a side cap and showing his ass, I need this pic!
File 132050730037.jpg - (61.19KB , 520x702 , 1320500781787.jpg )
Anyone know the name of the guy on the right.
>>102271 Any links?
anyone has sauce plz? found these two photos separately but they have to be related and there has to be moar!
File 132055785314.jpg - (83.57KB , 413x700 , tumblr_loa4brtcey1qjmzq6o1_500.jpg )
who is this guy, halp
Does anyone know where i can find more Fraternity X Videos? I've seen But that's it. Cant seem to find anymore on that or other sites.