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Vulpes Inculta 18/05/02(Wed)06:39 No. 26477 ID: 949a17

File 152523599135.jpg - (217.28KB , 1166x1500 , Rrol673.jpg )

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/02(Wed)19:41 No. 26478 ID: 67d7bb

This reminds me of a comic where 2 men are transformed into a rabbit and something else and sold. I can't remember what it was called though

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/03(Thu)03:52 No. 26479 ID: 731ab2

Unforgettable by Jitensha?

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/04(Fri)14:54 No. 26481 ID: bc1492

Yeah, that's the one

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/05(Sat)04:15 No. 26483 ID: 71918f

File 152548652689.png - (709.27KB , 1364x1979 , athletic_changes_by_tigertwins-dc72avu.png )

Does anyone have the full version of this?

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/05(Sat)04:15 No. 26484 ID: 71918f

File 152548655424.png - (1.18MB , 2076x1392 , raw_powerlifting_by_tigertwins-dc6o9ry.png )

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/05(Sat)04:16 No. 26485 ID: 71918f


Vulpes Inculta 18/05/05(Sat)09:40 No. 26486 ID: b7635e

Found it here: http://dlbooks.to/detail/WSO7oCDPU8

It would be amazing if someone translated it.

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/05(Sat)09:52 No. 26487 ID: a6f409

Does anyone know who the artist of the second image is?

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/05(Sat)19:55 No. 26488 ID: ca343f

Pic ruined.

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/06(Sun)00:45 No. 26489 ID: 71918f


Vulpes Inculta 18/05/07(Mon)16:21 No. 26492 ID: 35f61d

Any hope of a reup for Jitensha's My Pet Fetter Girl? Can't find it anywhere

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/07(Mon)16:22 No. 26493 ID: 35f61d


I meant My Pet Ferret Girl*

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/09(Wed)01:16 No. 26494 ID: f8b062



coockmouse 18/05/09(Wed)04:16 No. 26495 ID: e580e8


Vulpes Inculta 18/05/11(Fri)12:01 No. 26498 ID: a99083

Thank you so much

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/11(Fri)23:05 No. 26499 ID: 6f0350


Hey there!

I am looking for 2 pic I can't find anywhere anymore (the artist probably took them off his FA account and I made the mistake to not download it.)

I don't know the artist who did it, but I can tell you its content:

it was made up like a mock-up of an RPG game. The main char, anthro canine, fought against a bunch of lizard guys. Not sure what species they exactly were again. He was low on health and took a mysterious potion. He ended up as a she and as their breeding slave. It was two pics, the first showed the fight, first results of the TF, and the second one was a few month later, the former guy now visibly pregnant, while giving blowjobs to two of those lizard tribe. They were talking about something with the tribe leader, like he will use her, too. Something like that. Some details I may remember wrong.

In exchange I will give you more of my collection. Have this for now, one of my fav sequences.

Source: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/18083201/

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/16(Wed)16:33 No. 26502 ID: bbb0c4

File 152648122761.png - (700.08KB , 697x979 , -transfur-transformation-yiff-transformation-42780.png )

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/17(Thu)15:09 No. 26503 ID: 3575ef



Vulpes Inculta 18/05/17(Thu)19:59 No. 26504 ID: 3575ef


Vulpes Inculta 18/05/18(Fri)05:33 No. 26505 ID: 83e7ea

Was just coming here to post that. God DAMN

Source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=68794942

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/25(Fri)03:59 No. 26506 ID: 47b3ce

File 152721355033.jpg - (300.40KB , 544x2080 , changed_2.jpg )

There's a neat steam game called Changed which has a bunch of TFs.

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/26(Sat)12:21 No. 26507 ID: 9eca8a



Gamefriend 18/05/26(Sat)14:37 No. 26525 ID: c68183

File 152733827853.png - (1.53MB , 1200x1200 , IMG_2561.png )


As a thank, for all the pictures and things postet so far. Not only art but also 3D and stories.
Hope everyone enjoys it.

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/27(Sun)14:29 No. 26551 ID: 85d120

Could you reupload pls? :/

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/27(Sun)14:32 No. 26552 ID: ad5fed

any chance for a reupload :( connection seems broken just as i was looking at it?

Axillia!!SvAQplL2L4 18/05/27(Sun)15:16 No. 26553 ID: 6548e7


was sadly only able to download 1/3 of the main folders before it got deleted from MEGA. Would be really cool if a reupload was possible.

Gamefriend 18/05/27(Sun)17:10 No. 26554 ID: 8910b7

Sorry guys, deleted it myself. Have to add a few things.
Will reload it today or tomorow :-)
But be fast than.

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/27(Sun)18:17 No. 26555 ID: b11616


Thank you my guy

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/27(Sun)18:17 No. 26556 ID: b11616


Thank you my guy

Gamefriend 18/05/28(Mon)10:07 No. 26558 ID: 5f958b


Gamefriend 18/05/28(Mon)10:07 No. 26559 ID: 5f958b

as promised here is the revised link

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/28(Mon)12:26 No. 26561 ID: 85d120


Vulpes Inculta 18/05/28(Mon)15:44 No. 26562 ID: b02552


Axillia!!SvAQplL2L4 18/05/29(Tue)09:33 No. 26563 ID: 66bfe6


I thank you a thousand times for this, has anything in folder 1 changed since the first upload? why is the unsorted one called 5 and not 4?

Gamefriend 18/05/29(Tue)10:28 No. 26564 ID: bd4a0e

In 1 where a few things added and folder 5 got a change in the name. There is a folder with 4 but that is not related to the topic.
Hope there was a good bunch of new stuff for you and everyone else :-)

Axillia!!SvAQplL2L4 18/05/29(Tue)12:24 No. 26566 ID: 66bfe6


I was asking because for ease of download i did zip folder downloads, if stuff has been added in 1), that means i need to re-download it to get the complete thing.

I don't even know how much of it is new, as i wanted to download everything before looking through it >.<

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/04(Mon)03:27 No. 26569 ID: e9e30d

File 152807564626.png - (267.78KB , 750x750 , 1501906473795.png )

Wow, That collection is legendary. You are a god amongst men.

Gamefriend 18/06/04(Mon)17:09 No. 26570 ID: 234069

No problem. Glad to see people are happy about it. Hope I could encourage some people to post again. lately there were very few posts. Would be nice to see some new pay-comics again.

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/05(Tue)05:30 No. 26571 ID: 00d5a9



Vulpes Inculta 18/06/06(Wed)01:02 No. 26572 ID: f72ee6


Vulpes Inculta 18/06/13(Wed)10:29 No. 26575 ID: 68b837

File 152887859120.jpg - (588.46KB , 1600x2000 , werehorse.jpg )

horse TF's are nice, not normally my go to fap animal for TF, but holy shit i love this picture.

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/13(Wed)20:28 No. 26576 ID: fba890

Great collection, but now I am curious, what is in folder 4?

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