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Vulpes Inculta 17/08/29(Tue)04:43 No. 25934 ID: 604f7a

This is by SentR all there stuff is on transfur


Ion Transformations 17/08/30(Wed)05:27 No. 25936 ID: 06cf5d


Gonna post some 7chan Exclusive pieces here if u want more feel free to check out my tumblr https://iontransformations.tumblr.com/

TfTrade 17/09/07(Thu)23:42 No. 26006 ID: 732916

Anybody up to do a collection trade? I got around 6 gb of tf collected for around 2 years. This doesn't sound like much because I should have started saving a long time ago, but I got a lot of relatively unknown (imo) japanese stuff in there as well as a few private commissions, and stuff that has been deleted. Sorry, I won't be including paystuff in this.

I'd say around half of it is mermaid tf because that's my main thing, but there's also a lot of centaur, naga, inanimate, feline, dog, etc in there as well. I should warn that it's almost 100% composed of forced or undesired tf.

Loki 17/09/08(Fri)04:23 No. 26007 ID: 0ad4ed

I'm willing to trade

TfTrade 17/09/08(Fri)06:28 No. 26008 ID: 732916


Alright, email [email protected] and we'll get started. Anyone else who wants to trade is welcome to do this also. Is mega the best place to upload a huge folder like this?

TfTrade 17/09/08(Fri)06:40 No. 26009 ID: 732916

Oh also, I messed up the file size. The reason it's so big is because I have another gallery downloaded and all the images from the old tf threads as well downloaded. I will include these, but my collection itself is only like 2 gigs. Still some unseen, lost, and rare pics in there though.

Vulpes Inculta 17/09/10(Sun)01:01 No. 26015 ID: 47b3ce

File 150499808542.jpg - (2.74MB , 4500x1200 , 1504988118033.jpg )


Vulpes Inculta 17/09/10(Sun)10:09 No. 26016 ID: c4589f

What price ?

Vulpes Inculta 17/09/10(Sun)10:11 No. 26017 ID: c4589f

What price ?
[email protected]

Vulpes Inculta 17/09/11(Mon)00:06 No. 26019 ID: 345eb9

Why are you asking about price? They said trade not for sale.

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