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Vulpes Inculta 17/08/08(Tue)01:52 No. 25643 ID: 003503


Yo, here to share some porn again. Message me at [email protected] with a request for whatever, I'll send the link(s) your way.

I've got most of what's been posted here and elsewhere in the last few years, newer stuff like interludes 6 included. Note that Cavitees is only madame's web - if anyone has Tangy's Spell (or anything new in general) I'd appreciate it. Not including Locofuria this time because I'm pretty sure like everything of his is on e-hentai now for some reason??

I'll respond to emails for some time, but if it's past like a week don't count on it.

Also - got a shitload of curated and meticulously organized futa dick growth (part of my personal directory in third image) some people on here were weirdly interested in last time around - I've updated it and put it on mega in 5 parts totaling something like 13gb, if you're interested in that make a note of it as well. I have a couple imgur albums and misc images in a thread on halfchan's /d/ right now too if you want to get an idea without dowloading, but this ain't the place for linking it. Not including the corruption or gender bender stuff from last time though, got rid of them as I flesh them out and create directories for them as well, maybe next time.

Vulpes Inculta 17/08/08(Tue)04:16 No. 25661 ID: 003503



Since I've already got a few people asking, here's what's in the "other". Plus some misc tf images so that everything's not just windows explorer.

Vulpes Inculta 17/08/08(Tue)10:18 No. 25663 ID: cf78be

File 15021802876.png - (236.36KB , 612x792 , d191495bcae28d3c91ec954013dac1b4438bf1f9cde25bc23c.png )

Any MirandaLeigh? Someone posted a few pdfs a while back, but it was hardly a fraction of her paywalled stuff. If you've got the alien soldier sequence, that'd be fantastic.
Pic related is a teaser for said sequence. Six years and I've still never seen it.

Vulpes Inculta 17/08/08(Tue)10:47 No. 25664 ID: 003503



Not really, no. I picked up one set at some point, but it didn't have much, and I don't really know anything about her to say what I do or don't have. Didn't interest me that much, as they're more just individual pics rather than comics with a story, and ideally sex of some sort. Pic related's all I got.

Vulpes Inculta 17/08/10(Thu)01:30 No. 25723 ID: ceb654


Not TF, but I don't suppose you've got Giant Hunting?

Vulpes Inculta 17/08/10(Thu)02:47 No. 25724 ID: 888a9d



Nope, only ever what people have posted in these kinds of threads - which generally doesn't include macro-micro stuff. I'm personally missing Metamorph of Jitensha's, which I was going to ask for but it's actually easy enough to find just googling so never mind that I guess!

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