Here's the last page, along with a couple relevant images to this series (Pepper Clark from the series as the cause of the TF, plus one scene where Minka falls on Sunil while swinging from the day camp tree, as the TF starts). A story is provided on FA, if anyone wants to look, as it's a little long to post here imo.
And while this series isn't relevant to the request I'm about to make, anyone got Full Moon in the Jungle by Locofuria or the full version of Sue's Story by EmeraldEye. It's a TF-mating based comic where based on Cave Story, Sue Sakamoto mates with a mimiga and TFs into one, becoming a willing breeder for them by the last page. Here's page one, since the ones with human nudity/sex got removed later from there: https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=307571 Although maybe I can find it myself, now that I think about it... but still doesn't hurt to ask!