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Vulpes Inculta 17/04/19(Wed)08:36 No. 24942 ID: dc6715

No, she didn't get turn into a blue fox, although she did get turn into a monkey in one episode by Monkey Fist. The blue fox and pink sloth are from that animal spirit quiz they did in the episode Animal Attraction, it also have a part where her parents did that same quiz and they were a teal cat and beige raccoon, and they are soul mates. From what the book said

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/21(Fri)11:38 No. 24945 ID: 97f659

> The blue fox and pink sloth are from that animal spirit quiz they did in the episode Animal Attraction
So you do remember. This is what the drawing is based on. You do realise that Transformation fan-arts don't have to be canon, right. Sometimes, they just inspire themselves from an episode.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/21(Fri)20:15 No. 24946 ID: 616bf7

Does anyone know of any Hentai anime with Transformation themes, the only one I have ever seen/heard of is The Legend of the Wolf woman.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/21(Fri)22:37 No. 24947 ID: f37190



Becumming 4 Vulpes Inculta 17/04/22(Sat)09:26 No. 24949 ID: 4ea738

File 149284601056.png - (165.71KB , 1280x681 , tmp_2016-1492805362_koportable_soarinpusspuss20630.png )

Anyone got the becumming 4 bonus content? Cat tf and the like.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/23(Sun)01:52 No. 24950 ID: 47b3ce


Vulpes Inculta 17/04/23(Sun)04:21 No. 24951 ID: fd334a

Is "My Pet Chipmunk" good?

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/23(Sun)04:22 No. 24952 ID: a967d9

Where can I get this ?

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/23(Sun)04:26 No. 24953 ID: 2f4af3

I just came here to post this and someone already did.

It's not even out yet, the artist will be selling it a furry convention in Japan in May

I want it!


Vulpes Inculta 17/04/23(Sun)05:36 No. 24954 ID: 659c34

Your link is a 16kb file..

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/23(Sun)05:57 No. 24955 ID: 67ee91

It's really bad. Not worth the money as far as Transformation goes. If you enjoy shrinking and giantess domination stuff then you'll enjoy it.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/24(Mon)06:29 No. 24959 ID: 082e65

File 149300816124.jpg - (909.56KB , 1600x1200 , a2.jpg )

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/24(Mon)21:45 No. 24960 ID: 0ee40d

File 14930631594.jpg - (106.74KB , 945x630 , cute tails.jpg )

Seth-Rah 17/04/26(Wed)00:16 No. 24961 ID: 8c94b3

Seems mir has a raffle up on her FA


Vulpes Inculta 17/04/26(Wed)04:21 No. 24962 ID: 8be976

She is also massively behind on paid works

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/26(Wed)05:29 No. 24963 ID: 08f8e3

Been waiting for her to color an old pic for 14 months now.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/27(Thu)10:24 No. 24964 ID: 3e5e1f

File 149328144959.jpg - (1.33MB , 11859x1100 , 1493220778_watsup_dragon-cuntboyknightresized.jpg )

Have a colored version of this

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/28(Fri)01:02 No. 24965 ID: fd334a

Damn, I keep seeing bends post more versions of becoming and I really can't tell if its worth it

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/28(Fri)03:31 No. 24966 ID: 8216d8

Yes. They are.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/28(Fri)07:08 No. 24967 ID: 987ef7

Can't tell if she's the unluckiest person on earth or not, but it seems like she's going through a disaster each time she updates.

While speaking as someone who's never given her money for a commission, I'm willing to cut her a bit more slack, maybe.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/28(Fri)09:33 No. 24968 ID: 0c6d0a

If she actually is having money problems again, it's pretty sad - and not because she's struggling, but because she could easily make up that money with better business sense and being more active. Could be building up Patreon incentives, offering stream commission more frequently, YCH auctions, making actual decent comics again, or even branching out to easy money with normie porn.

I bought some of her latest comics, and they were just depressing to look at. Much lazier and sloppier than the talent I saw from her 5+ years ago (Mir's Halloween series was epic for its time). I can't justify buying from her anymore. She's either burned out or barely cares enough to bother.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/28(Fri)10:34 No. 24969 ID: 8be976

She might not care anymore but keep crying poor and furries are suckers in paying.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/28(Fri)13:21 No. 24971 ID: 987ef7

File 14933784811.jpg - (943.19KB , 2550x3300 , pg5.jpg )

>I bought some of her latest comics, and they were just depressing to look at. Much lazier and sloppier than the talent I saw from her 5+ years ago (Mir's Halloween series was epic for its time). I can't justify buying from her anymore. She's either burned out or barely cares enough to bother.

Hah, and I thought it was just me.

Definitely noticed it in this particular comic. Hard to imagine that this is what was actually commissioned when the meat of the sequence is literally packed into an itty bitty frame.

bendzz 17/04/28(Fri)16:18 No. 24972 ID: ff9137

I'll probably post some new cheaper comics in coming months, you can decide on those.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/28(Fri)20:37 No. 24973 ID: 0ee40d

as someone who is into feral type tf with a bonus love for Identity Death...is there anything in there for me?

the ID is a bonus, not necessary.

i also enjoy his style of people losing recognition of someone.

bendzz 17/04/28(Fri)22:50 No. 24974 ID: ff9137

File 149341264639.png - (1.90MB , 1700x1289 , BSB1 _s.png )

These two have almost totally lost their humanity to the TF

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/30(Sun)02:17 No. 24976 ID: fd5fa6



Vulpes Inculta 17/04/30(Sun)04:44 No. 24977 ID: 47b3ce

File 149352028610.jpg - (478.82KB , 732x1024 , 102c5e48dc653ffb680805724e3ebb4415eff-f.jpg )

There was an extra page not in the preview, shows the start of the TF at least.

Seth-Rah 17/04/30(Sun)23:28 No. 24978 ID: 4f501f



Loved the new comic btw

Will you be doing any more human > feral pay comics again in the coming months? Those are things really worth looking forward to.

I remember your one comic that was posted before of a worker getting changed by some trigger words that was really entertaining.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/01(Mon)00:49 No. 24979 ID: 08f8e3

File 149359259665.jpg - (364.21KB , 772x1037 , tumblr_nbe3vcKbtn1ti7bwyo1_1280.jpg )

Pretty much.
I mean she does have seem to have some sort of debilitating illness and she got screwed over by some porn hosting site iirc. That said, she doesn't seem to do much aside from panic stream commissions. Her commission prices are also terribly steep for the quality. Yet she still had time to go protest Trump. I dunno it's hard to get a read on her.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/01(Mon)03:18 No. 24980 ID: 0c6d0a

I assume she just overexaggerates and enjoys the ensuing pity parade. It's like this for a lot of artists and writers that don't want to make content anymore but still want to somehow remain relevant. No content but plenty of journal spam.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/01(Mon)03:27 No. 24981 ID: 47b3ce


Is it easy to follow Kagerofu? His current twitter is protected, and I have no clue if I should make a pretend Japanese account with TF art to get accepted or not.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/01(Mon)07:35 No. 24982 ID: 08f8e3


Eh... I wouldn't go that far yet.
But her behavior does seem... odd.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/01(Mon)08:26 No. 24983 ID: f37190


cockamouse 17/05/01(Mon)09:05 No. 24984 ID: ebd814

¿who is the artist?

Seth-Rah 17/05/01(Mon)12:43 No. 24985 ID: 4f501f



Gamefriend 17/05/01(Mon)12:43 No. 24986 ID: 936f21

Name of the artist is watsup.
Here the link to his fur affinity account.

bendzz 17/05/01(Mon)22:05 No. 24988 ID: ff9137

worker getting changed by trigger words? Not sure which one you're talking about.

And yeah I hope to do another comic or two soon, save up before I dive back into game code. Waiting a year between each is hell on my credit score.

Seth-Rah 17/05/02(Tue)00:18 No. 24989 ID: 877a87


Similar to what you did here I guess.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/02(Tue)10:45 No. 24990 ID: 2f4af3




A pixiv gallery I enjoyed. This artist doesn't do much as far as showing a transformation process, but they seem interested in werecreature anatomy.

Slight guro warning.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/02(Tue)11:46 No. 24991 ID: 47b3ce



Next yata doujin is coming out during kemoket. Too bad it's only sold on melonbook and not alice so I'll probably skip it. There's also another EdgeDiver doujin coming out for another event.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/02(Tue)20:56 No. 24992 ID: 6a7d9a

Curse having this fetish and not being born in the country of glorious Nippon transformation art.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/03(Wed)05:49 No. 24994 ID: 580947



Given how paranoid Ka is, I doubt you could get into his inner circle without fluent moonspeak and original works. Even the Japanese imageboard TF threads reveal absolutely nothing in terms of leaks or otherwise. Ka's got it all under lockdown as far as I know. Heard through the grapevine that this is due to a graphic designer job and Ka's taking no chances at all at letting things leak.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/05(Fri)08:30 No. 25000 ID: 962b2a

Curse having ANY fetish and not being born there.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/06(Sat)06:58 No. 25001 ID: c4d6dc

Anyone got a link to a good Erotic TF Fiction site, or a link to their favorite TF story?

Axillia!!SvAQplL2L4 17/05/06(Sat)09:52 No. 25002 ID: 20d785


Focus on Animal / Anthro:

Focus on TG:

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/08(Mon)09:28 No. 25004 ID: 724e2d

File 149422853560.png - (295.14KB , 637x627 , furdynamo.png )

Anyone have locofuria's old work (like pan turning into a werewolf)?

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/08(Mon)19:40 No. 25005 ID: 2b5d8a

File 149426525582.jpg - (28.58KB , 178x315 , image.jpg )

TFW Lobo Leo is finally back making high quality werewolf girl transformation art...but it's $20 per creation for the full package.

I absolutely adore his art, but I don't have anywhere near the cash on hand for a Patreon based around "per creation".

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/08(Mon)20:05 No. 25006 ID: 2b5d8a



Oh but before I forget, customary TF Dump

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/08(Mon)20:14 No. 25007 ID: 2b5d8a

>Check his Patreon again
>It's back to "per month" again

Well looks like I was in despair over nothing

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/10(Wed)04:38 No. 25008 ID: c7f0d0

File 149438393094.jpg - (401.49KB , 1280x1083 , 001.jpg )

Changing Dog Girl Azusa

Good stuff

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/11(Thu)07:37 No. 25011 ID: 63bab4

File 149448107224.jpg - (186.10KB , 719x1112 , c_ea_5qu0aaksuj_by_nothere3-db8rk6m.jpg )

Well looks like the Virtue Signalers are using TF stuff now.
New zine with money going to the SPLC ._.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/11(Thu)20:21 No. 25013 ID: d2ca26

Damn it, people, KEEP POLITICS OUT OF MY PORN!!!

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/12(Fri)02:19 No. 25014 ID: c7f0d0

Well it's mainly because most TF/Furry artists are 'oppressed' queer leftist social justice warriors... A bunch of them are female and are specifically the ones that meet the above criteria. Their twitter feed is full of it.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/12(Fri)07:24 No. 25015 ID: 32f24e

File 149456665684.jpg - (870.67KB , 1000x2165 , 1494111571_chesshire88.jpg )

> TF/Furry artists are 'oppressed' queer leftist social justice warriors
Really? Most of the TF artists I've seen are rather apolitical.

>Bunch are female
Only ones I recall being female are Arania, Mir and Chesire88(maybe)

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/12(Fri)10:19 No. 25016 ID: 0c6d0a

If you checked the website credits, it's mostly dudes that made this. Not sure why you're projecting on the chicks that draw our porn.

There's also Jitensha and Angrboda who have pretty much said squat about politics, religion, or other trigger subjects. Chesshire is a guy but his OC is female.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/12(Fri)19:02 No. 25022 ID: 32f24e

File 149460856960.jpg - (147.06KB , 1280x625 , 1492403682_cyrusphyshor_trouble_on_the_subway_smal.jpg )

ahhh right, how could I forget Angrboda. I mostly know Jit through Shrinking stuff though... but she does do some TF.
Didn't know bout Chessire, thanks for the info.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/13(Sat)00:03 No. 25023 ID: 67ee91

Actually Angrboda's doctorboda twitter page is jam packed with politics and sjw shit.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/13(Sat)01:32 No. 25024 ID: 08f8e3

I should not have looked.
It's a good thing I can separate art from the artist.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/13(Sat)03:07 No. 25025 ID: 4e1ea3

File 149463764082.jpg - (1.25MB , 5000x1200 , IMG_8271.jpg )

Oh rad, guess I know who to follow

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/13(Sat)15:05 No. 25026 ID: 988fcd

There are two posts guaranteed to be in any TF thread:

1) Why can't I find a girl who likes this stuff??
2) I wish all women in the world would turn into ugly things they hate while they cry. That would serve the feminazis right!

Maybe if we had less of the second type of post, women who like this stuff wouldn't feel like all the men here hate them and want them to suffer, and then we'd have less of the first.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/13(Sat)17:19 No. 25027 ID: d2ca26

Looking... Looking... Looking...

Yeah, you're the first to bring either of those up here. And the thread is over 6 months old.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/13(Sat)19:48 No. 25028 ID: 08f8e3


I haven't seen either of those topics get brought up on here. Hell I haven't seen them brought up on infinity chan's tf board either.
Second this is a fetish, unless you can read peoples minds don't jump to conclusions.
This sounds more like psychological projection than a real issue in the tf community.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/13(Sat)22:12 No. 25029 ID: 60185b

Happens a lot on 4chan /d/ threads at least. /d/ is trash for a lot of reasons. /trash/ is a bit less awful, mostly because they're not in as much denial and you don't have mods with inscrutable definitions of what's furry versus non-furry transformation.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/14(Sun)00:20 No. 25030 ID: 5e8336

File 149471404460.png - (203.84KB , 1334x750 , IMG_3441.png )

Happens on this exact board (the thread this is from is a couple of pages back)

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/14(Sun)02:42 No. 25033 ID: 0fbe20

>Not sure why you're projecting on the chicks that draw our porn.

Because they're insecure. I'd think that would be fairly obvious.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/14(Sun)03:29 No. 25034 ID: 988fcd


Got to it before I could.

Look, I'm not trying to get down on anyone's fetishes. There is definitely a way to like humiliation/hard TF-type stuff that doesn't involve being shitty at people. It's just that I just saw this thread start to go in a "ugh, all those feminist sjws, amirite??" direction, and I wanted to say *before* it got to the level of "all women should turn into pigs" that, hey, y'know, maybe don't do that. Because then that's not just being okay with the shit that you like, that's making other people feel like they *can't* enjoy it too. It's pretty hard for a girl to feel like it's okay for her to enjoy all this cool fetish porn when it's surrounded by talk about how women should all turn into something disgusting to teach them a lesson.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/14(Sun)04:56 No. 25035 ID: 13ca75


And yet, it hadn't happened here until someone came around to complain about it.


The politics were dying down before you ( or >>25026 if you're different people ) brought it up again.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/14(Sun)07:11 No. 25036 ID: 47b3ce



I've only started looking at the western tf community sites "recently" and god everything seems so cancerous. I guess it's almost always the case for fetishes where it's better to just observe than do anything. Nip community seems nicer in that sense.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/14(Sun)13:44 No. 25037 ID: 988fcd


I wouldn't really consider the previous 9 posts all being about the politics of various artists "politics dying down"

But it looks like we're actually already on the same side here. We both seem to agree that talk like the stuff I highlighted isn't great, we're just disagreeing on whether I jumped the gun on it in this particular thread. So if the consensus is that's not what we're about here, great, that's what I was hoping to establish, and now that that's said, hopefully everyone can get back to that good good porn without worrying if there's going to be annoying shit mixed up with it.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/14(Sun)20:47 No. 25038 ID: bfe2b2

File 149478765950.jpg - (345.24KB , 1011x760 , 1413123 - Jak_and_Daxter Tess daxter slate.jpg )

Anyone know where I could panhandle for Giant Hunting? Since it ain't on-topic to this thread (besides the artist).
First suggestion was better tbh.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/15(Mon)05:21 No. 25040 ID: 337503

File 149481850358.png - (9.35KB , 265x276 , Capture.png )


Also some of his new stuff is up for free on his site here.


Vulpes Inculta 17/05/15(Mon)05:24 No. 25041 ID: 337503



Vulpes Inculta 17/05/15(Mon)08:51 No. 25042 ID: f82ab2

File 14948310782.jpg - (152.36KB , 1024x524 , biomechanics_of_lycanthropy_by_nothere3-da94akz.jpg )


I bought it so I can tell you if you're just in it for the art don't bother, unless you're into gore. Even then much of it was drawn like a logo or badge, and several pieces were phoned in. There was one TF, by Nothere3, which to avoid posting pay content I'll say was very similar to this attached (from deviantart).

There are about 300 pages of story that I haven't read.

It's a shame too, because with the Space edition it seemed like the franchise was starting to get good.

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