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Axillia!!SvAQplL2L4 17/04/08(Sat)06:59 No. 24886 ID: 99b561

I know what you mean, i was once a proponent of "ALWAYS pay the artist", but i've been burned on stuff that has a single teaser image / cover, and then turned out to be damn disapointing so many times that i snapped one day and decided i would simply post anything i was disapointed with so others don't have to make the same mistake i did.

Over time that shifted to me basically pirating EVERYTHING first, and then only buying the stuff i think is worth it / i want to see more off in the future after the fact.

bendzz 17/04/08(Sat)09:09 No. 24887 ID: ff9137

File 149163537787.png - (2.09MB , 1914x1440 , teaser1 _big.png )

That's why I use comic panels for the cover/teaser images. Well, that and laziness.

Axillia!!SvAQplL2L4 17/04/08(Sat)11:17 No. 24888 ID: 99b561

i can't say i've ever been disappointed by your pay content bendzz, i must however confess that i've never payed for it BEFORE seeing it either.

What i will say tho is that your "community management" / "audience interaction" skills are leaps and bounds above some other creators, which is why i've never posted your stuff anywhere.

Unlike Locofuria for example, who is at the top of my shitlist.

When "Mirror of Mischief" was announced i simply asked under the anouncement how many of the 17 pages would feature original scenes/content, as all of the preview images released were simply re-drawn scenes from the episode it was based on, and i didn't want to be burned once again.

Instead of getting an answer, or even simply being ignored my post was deleted within the hour, and i was blocked to comment on any content posted on locofurias DA account.

It's a shame really, as the original content in it didn't disapoint at all, and i would have endorsed buying it, but i do believe in responding in kind, so hostile disrespect is what i believe he deserves.

On a related note - here everyone, help yourself to some locofuria:
Mirror of Mischief - https://file.io/PVB0rX
Harpie's World - https://file.io/O9ev3b

Cacoethic Cavalier 17/04/08(Sat)13:48 No. 24889 ID: adeaac

Definitely used to be an unwritten rule, but I think the mods have abandoned this thread. Honestly, I don't blame them.

Nope! This circlejerk needs to happen once every three to six months. But don't worry- nothing ever gets better!

Cacoethic Cavalier 17/04/08(Sat)17:23 No. 24890 ID: adeaac

File 14916650158.png - (589.86KB , 1600x1200 , bunTF.png )

Sorry for being a bit of a grumpy old man there...

Have some doodles. Bendzz likes bun TFs, so.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/08(Sat)18:26 No. 24891 ID: d99a5a

File 149166881898.jpg - (132.41KB , 1280x1024 , tumblr_onn5t5k95h1t8swb1o1_1280.jpg )

Topics and situations that play locofuria are common
Take the fame of existing series to be able to sell their "stories"
That's why many artists no longer work with
Other than that according to is not very good person
It annoys, insults and exploits the artists who work with it.
So that in the end put your logotype and say that it is "original work"

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/10(Mon)08:54 No. 24893 ID: d99a5a

File 149180726358.jpg - (259.79KB , 943x1112 , Synthean-492914-Sowgirl_Erica.jpg )

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/10(Mon)15:08 No. 24896 ID: 90e637

Anyone have study break by sortimid

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/10(Mon)17:37 No. 24897 ID: 1c4cb2

File 149183863967.jpg - (849.79KB , 1720x2416 , IMG_1449.jpg )

Here is study break by sortimid


Vulpes Inculta 17/04/11(Tue)01:27 No. 24898 ID: 75d2b6

Do you know the artist of this?

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/11(Tue)02:33 No. 24899 ID: 45a381

cora blue

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/11(Tue)03:48 No. 24900 ID: b5dcce

Could you reupload?

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/11(Tue)04:39 No. 24901 ID: 90e637

Hey the study break link doesnt work for me could you redo it thanks

Gamefriend 17/04/11(Tue)10:38 No. 24902 ID: 1c4cb2


Do you haven an link to an page of
the artist?

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/11(Tue)10:55 No. 24903 ID: 1c4cb2

I really want it but my Mega.nz account got suspended
because the postings I did in this threat :/

Gamegfriend 17/04/11(Tue)11:00 No. 24904 ID: 1c4cb2

Here it is. Hope the link works


SomeGuy 17/04/12(Wed)04:30 No. 24905 ID: 604f7a


Vulpes Inculta 17/04/12(Wed)07:27 No. 24906 ID: bd64e2

File 149197483715.png - (1.08MB , 1024x792 , canine_cola_by_nothere3-db3qd7s.png )

Any source for the image?

A+None+Named+Mouse 17/04/12(Wed)07:35 No. 24907 ID: 2d58d9



Vulpes Inculta 17/04/12(Wed)09:03 No. 24908 ID: ee1934

File 149198059593.png - (210.90KB , 1000x726 , 1491459682_yogoat_nothere3-small.png )

Was gonna answer you but put it aside for later.Seems someone already has, Great.

Some+Guy 17/04/12(Wed)18:53 No. 24909 ID: 038320

@ Bendzz,
I know that you dont want that people pirate your stuff, but many people pirate it only to see if it`s worth buying. Also there are many how want your stuff but will never pay for porn, including me.

Some+Guy 17/04/12(Wed)18:54 No. 24910 ID: 038320

Also the people who want to buy it regulary are not on this boards.

BigBunny 17/04/12(Wed)19:02 No. 24911 ID: 038320


I know,
so could someone please upload atleast one Becumming-Comic? If Benzz blocking MEGA than maby on other portals?

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/12(Wed)23:35 No. 24912 ID: 255599

Damn too late again

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/13(Thu)02:07 No. 24913 ID: 97840b

I found two things:



But I wonder where we can get the full pictures.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/13(Thu)08:33 No. 24914 ID: 236ad4

Ah sorry meant the source of the image I was replying to: >>24891

But thanks anyway!

SomeGuy 17/04/13(Thu)23:17 No. 24917 ID: 353c66


rollcall 17/04/14(Fri)02:31 No. 24918 ID: d3a178

File 149212990038.png - (236.67KB , 612x792 , kim_possible_mutation_by_hyperflannel-db1je2y.png )

Anyone have pearl of the amazon #2 by locofuria?

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/14(Fri)03:10 No. 24919 ID: 47b3ce



Vulpes Inculta 17/04/14(Fri)06:31 No. 24920 ID: 412e54




Vulpes Inculta 17/04/14(Fri)06:32 No. 24921 ID: 412e54

File 149214432990.png - (508.56KB , 1280x775 , e9cd6324b3cd91eec98a87967c68cd11.png )


Gamefriend 17/04/14(Fri)22:52 No. 24923 ID: 4652ce

File 149220315645.png - (440.98KB , 1280x427 , tumblr_oeysytpFks1uomye8o1_1280.png )

Here it is.

Hope it'll hold longer

Seth-Rah 17/04/15(Sat)01:32 No. 24925 ID: 672e1c

Apparently my card cannot pay in yen

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/15(Sat)08:58 No. 24926 ID: 0671e0

Paypal allowed on that site? Maybe that can be a middle man to convert the currency.

Seth-Rah 17/04/16(Sun)03:43 No. 24927 ID: 672e1c

Didn't see the option when trying to find it. Might have mislooked it, if it's there I would probably get it.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/17(Mon)08:16 No. 24929 ID: 20e6b4

looks nice but is theri a English translation

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/17(Mon)08:34 No. 24930 ID: ce6339


Happy Easter!

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/17(Mon)08:46 No. 24931 ID: 54d7b7

Solone stuff

Some+Guy 17/04/17(Mon)20:29 No. 24932 ID: 74bd0d



Anyone who knows good tf/ tg games?
I heard Bendzz would develop one?

Some+Guy 17/04/17(Mon)20:30 No. 24933 ID: 74bd0d



Some+Guy 17/04/17(Mon)20:30 No. 24934 ID: 74bd0d


bosco 17/04/18(Tue)01:03 No. 24935 ID: e413d0

File 149247023545.png - (1.01MB , 1600x474 , 1487905722_littlenapoleon_changelingtale1600.png )

Changeling tale by little napolean is a promising game/interactive novel
Anyone have tiger tease by maxgrowth?

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/18(Tue)02:05 No. 24936 ID: e2d203

Is there any more to this? Feels like there should be more to this...

Some+Guy 17/04/18(Tue)15:32 No. 24937 ID: 858f10

Yeah he is working on it, but he has not finished it yet.
I mean free games, games who are full developed

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/18(Tue)16:42 No. 24939 ID: a72b37

>Kim turning into blue furry
but why? who decided they wanted that to exist?

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/18(Tue)18:16 No. 24940 ID: b64707

File 149253219721.jpg - (317.62KB , 885x596 , 0.jpg )

She isa blue fox. Missed that animalogy episode?

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/19(Wed)08:36 No. 24942 ID: dc6715

No, she didn't get turn into a blue fox, although she did get turn into a monkey in one episode by Monkey Fist. The blue fox and pink sloth are from that animal spirit quiz they did in the episode Animal Attraction, it also have a part where her parents did that same quiz and they were a teal cat and beige raccoon, and they are soul mates. From what the book said

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/21(Fri)11:38 No. 24945 ID: 97f659

> The blue fox and pink sloth are from that animal spirit quiz they did in the episode Animal Attraction
So you do remember. This is what the drawing is based on. You do realise that Transformation fan-arts don't have to be canon, right. Sometimes, they just inspire themselves from an episode.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/21(Fri)20:15 No. 24946 ID: 616bf7

Does anyone know of any Hentai anime with Transformation themes, the only one I have ever seen/heard of is The Legend of the Wolf woman.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/21(Fri)22:37 No. 24947 ID: f37190



Becumming 4 Vulpes Inculta 17/04/22(Sat)09:26 No. 24949 ID: 4ea738

File 149284601056.png - (165.71KB , 1280x681 , tmp_2016-1492805362_koportable_soarinpusspuss20630.png )

Anyone got the becumming 4 bonus content? Cat tf and the like.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/23(Sun)01:52 No. 24950 ID: 47b3ce


Vulpes Inculta 17/04/23(Sun)04:21 No. 24951 ID: fd334a

Is "My Pet Chipmunk" good?

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/23(Sun)04:22 No. 24952 ID: a967d9

Where can I get this ?

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/23(Sun)04:26 No. 24953 ID: 2f4af3

I just came here to post this and someone already did.

It's not even out yet, the artist will be selling it a furry convention in Japan in May

I want it!


Vulpes Inculta 17/04/23(Sun)05:36 No. 24954 ID: 659c34

Your link is a 16kb file..

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/23(Sun)05:57 No. 24955 ID: 67ee91

It's really bad. Not worth the money as far as Transformation goes. If you enjoy shrinking and giantess domination stuff then you'll enjoy it.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/24(Mon)06:29 No. 24959 ID: 082e65

File 149300816124.jpg - (909.56KB , 1600x1200 , a2.jpg )

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/24(Mon)21:45 No. 24960 ID: 0ee40d

File 14930631594.jpg - (106.74KB , 945x630 , cute tails.jpg )

Seth-Rah 17/04/26(Wed)00:16 No. 24961 ID: 8c94b3

Seems mir has a raffle up on her FA


Vulpes Inculta 17/04/26(Wed)04:21 No. 24962 ID: 8be976

She is also massively behind on paid works

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/26(Wed)05:29 No. 24963 ID: 08f8e3

Been waiting for her to color an old pic for 14 months now.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/27(Thu)10:24 No. 24964 ID: 3e5e1f

File 149328144959.jpg - (1.33MB , 11859x1100 , 1493220778_watsup_dragon-cuntboyknightresized.jpg )

Have a colored version of this

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/28(Fri)01:02 No. 24965 ID: fd334a

Damn, I keep seeing bends post more versions of becoming and I really can't tell if its worth it

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/28(Fri)03:31 No. 24966 ID: 8216d8

Yes. They are.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/28(Fri)07:08 No. 24967 ID: 987ef7

Can't tell if she's the unluckiest person on earth or not, but it seems like she's going through a disaster each time she updates.

While speaking as someone who's never given her money for a commission, I'm willing to cut her a bit more slack, maybe.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/28(Fri)09:33 No. 24968 ID: 0c6d0a

If she actually is having money problems again, it's pretty sad - and not because she's struggling, but because she could easily make up that money with better business sense and being more active. Could be building up Patreon incentives, offering stream commission more frequently, YCH auctions, making actual decent comics again, or even branching out to easy money with normie porn.

I bought some of her latest comics, and they were just depressing to look at. Much lazier and sloppier than the talent I saw from her 5+ years ago (Mir's Halloween series was epic for its time). I can't justify buying from her anymore. She's either burned out or barely cares enough to bother.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/28(Fri)10:34 No. 24969 ID: 8be976

She might not care anymore but keep crying poor and furries are suckers in paying.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/28(Fri)13:21 No. 24971 ID: 987ef7

File 14933784811.jpg - (943.19KB , 2550x3300 , pg5.jpg )

>I bought some of her latest comics, and they were just depressing to look at. Much lazier and sloppier than the talent I saw from her 5+ years ago (Mir's Halloween series was epic for its time). I can't justify buying from her anymore. She's either burned out or barely cares enough to bother.

Hah, and I thought it was just me.

Definitely noticed it in this particular comic. Hard to imagine that this is what was actually commissioned when the meat of the sequence is literally packed into an itty bitty frame.

bendzz 17/04/28(Fri)16:18 No. 24972 ID: ff9137

I'll probably post some new cheaper comics in coming months, you can decide on those.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/28(Fri)20:37 No. 24973 ID: 0ee40d

as someone who is into feral type tf with a bonus love for Identity Death...is there anything in there for me?

the ID is a bonus, not necessary.

i also enjoy his style of people losing recognition of someone.

bendzz 17/04/28(Fri)22:50 No. 24974 ID: ff9137

File 149341264639.png - (1.90MB , 1700x1289 , BSB1 _s.png )

These two have almost totally lost their humanity to the TF

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/30(Sun)02:17 No. 24976 ID: fd5fa6



Vulpes Inculta 17/04/30(Sun)04:44 No. 24977 ID: 47b3ce

File 149352028610.jpg - (478.82KB , 732x1024 , 102c5e48dc653ffb680805724e3ebb4415eff-f.jpg )

There was an extra page not in the preview, shows the start of the TF at least.

Seth-Rah 17/04/30(Sun)23:28 No. 24978 ID: 4f501f



Loved the new comic btw

Will you be doing any more human > feral pay comics again in the coming months? Those are things really worth looking forward to.

I remember your one comic that was posted before of a worker getting changed by some trigger words that was really entertaining.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/01(Mon)00:49 No. 24979 ID: 08f8e3

File 149359259665.jpg - (364.21KB , 772x1037 , tumblr_nbe3vcKbtn1ti7bwyo1_1280.jpg )

Pretty much.
I mean she does have seem to have some sort of debilitating illness and she got screwed over by some porn hosting site iirc. That said, she doesn't seem to do much aside from panic stream commissions. Her commission prices are also terribly steep for the quality. Yet she still had time to go protest Trump. I dunno it's hard to get a read on her.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/01(Mon)03:18 No. 24980 ID: 0c6d0a

I assume she just overexaggerates and enjoys the ensuing pity parade. It's like this for a lot of artists and writers that don't want to make content anymore but still want to somehow remain relevant. No content but plenty of journal spam.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/01(Mon)03:27 No. 24981 ID: 47b3ce


Is it easy to follow Kagerofu? His current twitter is protected, and I have no clue if I should make a pretend Japanese account with TF art to get accepted or not.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/01(Mon)07:35 No. 24982 ID: 08f8e3


Eh... I wouldn't go that far yet.
But her behavior does seem... odd.

Vulpes Inculta 17/05/01(Mon)08:26 No. 24983 ID: f37190


cockamouse 17/05/01(Mon)09:05 No. 24984 ID: ebd814

¿who is the artist?

Seth-Rah 17/05/01(Mon)12:43 No. 24985 ID: 4f501f



Gamefriend 17/05/01(Mon)12:43 No. 24986 ID: 936f21

Name of the artist is watsup.
Here the link to his fur affinity account.

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