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Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)20:12 No. 24781 ID: 94d7dc


Whew, that took some searching. I found who you're looking for. His name is Alessandro Deri and he goes by the tag, D.E.R.I

Below is the only public account of his that I've found. It's on a website called Pictaram.


Vulpes Inculta 17/03/16(Thu)20:29 No. 24782 ID: bfe2b2

I just don't like paying for porn on principle.
That said I donated to my favorite content creator due to this very thread. Figured I'd enjoyed so much so long for so little that they deserved it.

Peter B. 17/03/17(Fri)08:16 No. 24785 ID: 8c0897

File 148973499474.jpg - (24.45KB , 637x679 , Fursona-1.jpg )

I feel like being nice. This is a drawing of my fursona (on the right) with a random Australian Sheepdog furry girl. I was debating if I should draw more or do comics in this style. What do you guys think?

Loki 17/03/17(Fri)08:46 No. 24786 ID: fa1679

I like it.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/17(Fri)10:06 No. 24788 ID: fa48da

Seconded. I really like this style!

cockamouse 17/03/17(Fri)19:41 No. 24790 ID: 51f36d

there it is

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/17(Fri)22:14 No. 24791 ID: e21a9a



Knows someone the name
of the artist?

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/18(Sat)03:03 No. 24792 ID: c5101a

aogami, the artists website is shit but if you search sadpanda then your golden

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/19(Sun)06:50 No. 24795 ID: 64688e

Damn, I'm always late for Morphological Monster Manual and Interludes 6.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/19(Sun)14:20 No. 24797 ID: 9fe900


Anybody have Arania Kamiki donation art?

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/20(Mon)20:42 No. 24801 ID: 5377f6

File 149003893884.jpg - (866.39KB , 1200x1000 , a26fb6e60eff61d68f3356aff160c46f.jpg )

gallery removed. don't suppose you saved some of that did you?

Seth-Rah 17/03/21(Tue)02:22 No. 24802 ID: 968da6

It's still up

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/21(Tue)14:04 No. 24803 ID: a72b37

Context pls.

I recognize that Khajiit.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/22(Wed)01:04 No. 24804 ID: bfe2b2

File 149014105599.png - (533.21KB , 800x600 , 1.png )

I always took it as an expectations-vs-reality thing, since she was raised in a human province surrounded by human culture with human fashion sensibilities and would generally quite like to be human.
It's like cringe thread content without the cringe, since Katia's sympathetic & Plague's good.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/22(Wed)10:18 No. 24805 ID: 5afa68


No, he's right... All I'm getting is a sad panda.

...or is that the joke?

>>24804 The one thing I didn't expect to do checking the updates on this thread was to burst out laughing. (unless it's at the faces in a watsup comic...) I'm saving that.

cockamouse 17/03/22(Wed)21:49 No. 24806 ID: 51f36d

To ax ex-hentai (for see the galleries and not the sad panda) you must register in e-hentai, and then delete the cookies

but i will upload the gallery to mega more later anyway

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/22(Wed)21:56 No. 24807 ID: bfe2b2

Hot damn that simple?
I thought you had to download specific software. Or is that some Delete System32 shit?

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/23(Thu)03:07 No. 24808 ID: 77de4a

The plug-ins work, they just force the site to ask you for e-hentai login deets on the panda itself so you don't have to fuck around with cookies. Either way works, except when it doesn't and people bitch about the panda because they did something wrong/had something weird with their browser or whatever that made it break

I wrote a thing Skrime 17/03/23(Thu)04:43 No. 24809 ID: 001a88

Have a link to a story I wrote. It's not a drawing but I still think it may but up some of your alleys... It's also free to look at which I know you all love! ;)


Vulpes Inculta 17/03/27(Mon)19:00 No. 24814 ID: bb031d



Vulpes Inculta 17/03/27(Mon)19:01 No. 24815 ID: bb031d


Vulpes Inculta 17/03/28(Tue)16:29 No. 24817 ID: a72b37

fuck mate, you got me good

I thought that maybe after an entire year, Kazerad might have updated.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/28(Tue)19:16 No. 24818 ID: 67ee91

You can download software. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/sad-panda/bohapeiooecafommnlaiccilacgmkaoc

This chrome extension allows you to access exhentai.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/28(Tue)19:52 No. 24819 ID: 67ee91

I would actually translate this if someone paid me.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/29(Wed)19:44 No. 24822 ID: c8bfa4

File 149080945522.jpg - (182.93KB , 1113x1280 , 1485108790_maaiwile_tf_png.jpg )

Not how it works, mate. Either you join up with an established scanlation group, do a few things yourself to establish a portfolio and try to convince people to bite on you on one of the dedicated forums, or use e-hentai's dedicated bounty system (https://e-hentai.org/bounty.php) for for their specific currency (which I think people then convert into bitcoin?) to fulfill community-funded requests.

If you expect to be paid for work you need to do it through professional avenues, and for good reason - there's pretty thorough quality expectations for these, and scripts need to be laid out in a certain way and with ongoing communication channels between commissioner and translator to be worth cash. Most people (myself included) just translate/edit the pages themselves and post them on a relevant 4/7/8chan board for someone else to edit/upload if there's part of the process you don't know how to do - if you've got the time and motivation, consider just doing a quick write-up and posting it on /d/ or something, give back to the community.

Looking for images Clunkachunk58 17/03/30(Thu)00:47 No. 24824 ID: e62e6f

been looking for a three image sequence
werewolf tf-It starts out with a blonde girl with her hands on covering her ears she has jeans and i think a white shirt.There is a wolf ghost behind her and a noticeable bulge in pants and I think her hand has changed
Second image-she's tf'd almost completley and her pants bust open
Third image-her back is turned but her head is looking back towards the screen and she's gripping her balls
If someone could post images or a link or artists name it would be appreciated

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/30(Thu)03:11 No. 24825 ID: b87b7c



Is this it?

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/30(Thu)03:11 No. 24826 ID: b87b7c

File 14908363119.jpg - (118.97KB , 989x1280 , cearenbow_weregirl_tf_5_color_web.jpg )

And last page.

Thanks Clunkachunk58+ 17/03/30(Thu)06:02 No. 24827 ID: e62e6f

Thats it,thank you.

Cake Buttler 17/03/30(Thu)07:47 No. 24828 ID: b8b57d

can anybody upload Werewolf in the park by tfxgroup

Some+Guy 17/03/30(Thu)17:37 No. 24832 ID: 20ed6e

I'm curios, it seems like everybody has at least one of the Becumming comics (the first one doesen't count).
Maby someone can upload one?>>24828

Loki 17/03/30(Thu)21:57 No. 24833 ID: c99f0b

I'll upload them all today. Just takes a bit a time.

Loki 17/03/30(Thu)23:01 No. 24834 ID: c99f0b

This is the Third Date.
I'm testing out a upload site.
Someone tell me if it works. If not, I'll upload it will MEGA.

Loki 17/03/30(Thu)23:09 No. 24835 ID: c99f0b

Pokemaidens 2

Loki 17/03/30(Thu)23:10 No. 24836 ID: c99f0b

All Becumming stuff
You are all welcome bitches

The Slug Guy 17/03/31(Fri)02:35 No. 24837 ID: 5c74fd

File 149092054232.jpg - (575.24KB , 1977x875 , 1459160964_tgwonder_easter_butts_flats.jpg )

works fine with no delay, seems like an improvement

a little disappointed they change back at the end of that though

Cake Buttler 17/03/31(Fri)03:54 No. 24838 ID: 49535b

can anybody upload Werewolf in the park by tfxgroup

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/31(Fri)04:15 No. 24840 ID: 56ecad

File 149092655638.png - (451.77KB , 1125x900 , tumblr_on21o9ZPFX1rgo0hqo1_1280.png )

Anyone happened upon Solone's patreon only sequences? Been hoping that someone would have uploaded that Harley & Ivy thing already.

Cake+Buttler 17/03/31(Fri)04:51 No. 24841 ID: 49535b

Been looking for team spirit but all links ive found lead nowhere

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/31(Fri)06:21 No. 24842 ID: 6cdebe



I have all of solone's stuff, but I am unwilling to upload it. Solone's stuff isn't floating around, and I don't want to be the one to start that. It is really good and worth the one dollar a month.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/31(Fri)06:27 No. 24843 ID: 6c777b

File 149093447177.jpg - (30.51KB , 600x468 , mah-nigga.jpg )


Vulpes Inculta 17/03/31(Fri)06:34 No. 24844 ID: bb86ed

reload pleas All Becumming stuff
You are all welcome bitches

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/31(Fri)06:42 No. 24845 ID: bf5503


Some+Guy 17/03/31(Fri)15:19 No. 24846 ID: 956599

Dammit,to late for both links.
Maby someone can upload it again and can tell
me why some MEGA links work fine for weeks and others
go down after 6 hours?

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/31(Fri)16:33 No. 24847 ID: 5198a3

Can you give me a link to the legal stuff of this Solone?

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/31(Fri)16:37 No. 24848 ID: d2ca26

File 149097106029.png - (1.56MB , 2480x3508 , 1489787547_luxianne_1[1].png )

Because Bendzz (and Abe E Seedy and a few others)lurk in this thread and send take down requests the second any of their stuff is posted.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/31(Fri)16:39 No. 24849 ID: d2ca26

File 149097116197.png - (1.49MB , 2480x3508 , 1489787547_luxianne_1[2].png )


Vulpes Inculta 17/03/31(Fri)17:18 No. 24850 ID: 6cdebe


Vulpes Inculta 17/03/31(Fri)17:24 No. 24851 ID: bfe2b2

I'm aware, just like to avoid downloading software for various OCD reasons. Especially if it's for porn; I waste enough time on it what I can get easily as is!
Thanks for the gesture, though maybe others can get use out of it.
Try desuarchive.

bendzz 17/03/31(Fri)20:08 No. 24852 ID: ff9137

File 149098373143.png - (1.48MB , 3800x2850 , pet bunny.png )


That or, TF fans hang out in TF threads, and they send us a heads up if someone's messing with our income. Because they know that means less TF in the future.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/02(Sun)14:07 No. 24861 ID: a72b37

Lets be real here, I'd be pretty pissed off too if people freely distributed my art on other sites.

Then again, my stuff is remix of copyrighted material so it's a grey area anyway.

The Slug Guy 17/04/03(Mon)09:54 No. 24865 ID: 5c74fd

File 149120609428.jpg - (248.22KB , 989x1280 , 1417102654_bendzz_bunny_png.jpg )

(disclaimer: I see this every time an artist posts and I'm probably unjustifiably annoyed)
the pretending to be offended/trying to suck his cock thing just because you know an artist is in the room is a little sickening. I'm pretty sure he and everyone else realizes that half the purpose of the internet is for those of us too cheap to pay for porn to violate IP. All of us will be doing the same thing thing everywhere else within the next few minutes. You do not have to pretend otherwise.

love the pic though, the world needs more guys turning into bunny girls.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/03(Mon)11:09 No. 24866 ID: 5435d7

File 149121058252.png - (62.27KB , 750x1240 , IMG_3266.png )

>expects money for this
Whew lad

bendzz 17/04/04(Tue)06:00 No. 24869 ID: ff9137

File 149127840991.png - (436.55KB , 1632x2110 , cat PJs.png )

Damn right, there's never enough bunny TF

*shrugs* You do what you have to. And people will keep blowing up my inbox when you do. Just know that I'm trying to do some cool shit with that money. I can't spend months developing porn tech without rent and equipment https://trello.com/c/dmiqCZcD/41-new-character-animation-paradigm-soft-body-characters-with-physically-simulated-internals

And if y'all actually manage to fuck up my income enough that I can't afford to do that, well, guess I'll have to get a real dev job like the rest of my peers. Honestly it'd be nice to make 3x as much money and be able to tell my friends about my work.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/04(Tue)07:45 No. 24870 ID: 8709f1

as if you could do better.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/04(Tue)11:34 No. 24871 ID: e038e4

>to judge something you must be able to do better than what you're judging
>presumes I can't draw
preschooler detected
+1 to bendzz for not giving a shit or taking it in stride

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/05(Wed)11:15 No. 24872 ID: 68646e

that pic is saucy, bendezz.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/05(Wed)21:34 No. 24874 ID: c7f0d0

>+1 to bendzz for not giving a shit or taking it in stride

It's called be professional. He's probably dealt with that before.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/06(Thu)11:34 No. 24875 ID: 98a0be


>uses meme arrows in 20anyyear

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/06(Thu)16:54 No. 24876 ID: f2e33f

Last time I used greentext here I got a ban. Some unwritten rule the admins cooked up.

bendzz 17/04/06(Thu)17:30 No. 24877 ID: ff9137

File 149149263793.jpg - (51.88KB , 480x446 , ^146867A1BA77D18556F37ED6BF00AB97CBC862D3DD38A7812.jpg )

>mfw someone on a chan board was rude

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/07(Fri)17:20 No. 24880 ID: a72b37

This. I might have been replying too you at the time.

Vulpes Inculta 17/04/07(Fri)17:29 No. 24881 ID: a72b37

Did it occur to you that I might not be pretending?

I am Anon, I have no motive to lie right now. I just happen to be able to sympathise with this artist based on my own experiences.

(That said, people dickriding artists is often revolting so I understand why you are annoyed. I remember a group of people on /trash/ who were complementing an artist so hard he actually had to tell them to fuck off and critique his work. They kept flaming anyone who made suggestions to the artist on how to make his comics better. It was properly toxic.)

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