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Vulpes Inculta 17/02/23(Thu)09:42 No. 24675 ID: 56ecad

File 148783936832.jpg - (154.82KB , 1500x598 , mid-change_by_SentR.jpg )

Does anyone have a copy of sortimid's new comic, Study Break?

Vulpes Inculta 17/02/23(Thu)13:12 No. 24676 ID: 483b10

File 148785197094.jpg - (354.90KB , 480x671 , 60584138_p0_master1200.jpg )

Does anyone have a this manga

Vulpes Inculta 17/02/25(Sat)00:09 No. 24678 ID: 0dd0b1


Rando 17/02/25(Sat)07:15 No. 24679 ID: afa7d1


Vulpes Inculta 17/02/25(Sat)10:46 No. 24680 ID: 69d99a

File 148801596634.jpg - (177.53KB , 614x578 , Ravermoo.jpg )

Vulpes Inculta 17/02/25(Sat)19:32 No. 24681 ID: cce3db


Hey guy's recently found this TF Novel game on Patreon that is in development. See attached pictures.

It looks like a nice high quality game and I just wanted to let you guys know it exists if you want to play it when it's finished (or support it now). Like I said I don't own the game, or am making the game just think it's great and want more people to see it.

Mod's can removed the link if it's against the rules.


cockamouse 17/02/26(Sun)05:27 No. 24682 ID: 0fd09b

File 148808323546.jpg - (178.46KB , 789x1008 , Opp01[1].jpg )

Does anyone have the comic Unforgettable, from you know who?

Vulpes Inculta 17/02/26(Sun)11:33 No. 24683 ID: c5101a


Mister+ABC 17/02/27(Mon)19:15 No. 24689 ID: 8d9849



Has Anyone one or more of these? ->

"Textures of Fever" https://www.doujinshi.org/book/554919/Textures-of-Fever/
"Transition Filled with ***" https://www.doujinshi.org/book/521366/Transition-Filled-with-***/
"Drakos -Jinrui Ryuuka Keikaku-" https://www.doujinshi.org/book/940037/Drakos--Jinrui-Ryuuka-Keikaku-/
"THE TRANSFUR" https://www.doujinshi.org/book/626435/THE-TRANSFUR/
"TRANS FES SIDE A (B)" https://www.doujinshi.org/book/479761/TRANS-FES-SIDE-B/

Mister+ABC 17/02/27(Mon)19:15 No. 24690 ID: 8d9849


Vulpes Inculta 17/02/27(Mon)20:16 No. 24691 ID: 6e2157


2nded Holy shit this is hot as fuck

Vulpes Inculta 17/02/27(Mon)20:20 No. 24692 ID: 6e2157


Is this from study break?
Sauce please.

Vulpes Inculta 17/02/28(Tue)00:53 No. 24693 ID: 931d21

File 148823958587.jpg - (214.32KB , 764x1045 , pokemaidens_2_by_locofuria-db0a9zp.jpg )

Anyone Have it, seems good...at least it looks

Some Guy 17/02/28(Tue)01:29 No. 24694 ID: d02214

Sure, how can I upload it with MEGA?

Some Guy 17/02/28(Tue)01:29 No. 24695 ID: d02214

Sure, how can I upload it with MEGA?

Vulpes Inculta 17/02/28(Tue)01:37 No. 24696 ID: 931d21


you need a account, then you can upload and send the link

The Wandering Pikachu 17/02/28(Tue)04:01 No. 24697 ID: a1a4fa

Wow, didn't expect a continuation so soon! Of course, not to discredit the creator, but some comics that were labeled #1 (at least on the cover if not in the title, like the DBZ comics) haven't had a continuation done after a significant amount of time, even if some others have (like Treehouse of Horror, Night of the Vampires, and a couple others).

Would love to see it ASAP, hasn't been too long since I got the first one... along with some others by locofuria that have been mentioned on here/past TF threads! And see what awaits Delia and whomever else is changed by that stone Mewtwo possesses! Though I hope the cover doesn't promise something again that the comic didn't have: like how the last cover featured Jenny AND Joy changed by Mewtwo, but it only involved one of those two in the comic at all.

Some+Guy 17/02/28(Tue)23:27 No. 24698 ID: 48bf9f

Sorry to dissapoint you but I thougt you meant the first one. So no, I dont have it unfortunatly.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/03(Fri)13:41 No. 24701 ID: a72b37

>not killing her
They deserve it. First to die in a zombie apocalypse.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/03(Fri)15:01 No. 24702 ID: 7dfee9

Anybody have that MLP portfolio that Miranda Leigh did?

Gamefriend96 17/03/03(Fri)15:47 No. 24703 ID: 643585

I think some people will be very happy about this link


Seth-Rah 17/03/03(Fri)23:55 No. 24704 ID: 0a9d73

Worst part is I would totally buy all of those if there was a way to buy them digitally

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/04(Sat)04:33 No. 24705 ID: a72b37

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't want to watch men transforming. Do people self-insert into these, or is it just for the heightened extent of the transformation?

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/04(Sat)04:35 No. 24706 ID: 5ed30f

you aren't the only one, literally the process forum is ONLY female tfs

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/04(Sat)20:35 No. 24707 ID: c5101a

You are not the only one. When we talk written tfs then I'm not sure if cyoc.net is almost male/male only or that it just the place that it gets posted.
There is female tfs but the amount of jock strap tfs is anomalysly high.

cockamouse 17/03/05(Sun)04:39 No. 24708 ID: 0fd09b

thanks. i don't comment a lot, but i always present attention of what you post here

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/05(Sun)22:57 No. 24710 ID: e9038e




Vulpes Inculta 17/03/05(Sun)22:58 No. 24711 ID: e9038e



Vulpes Inculta 17/03/05(Sun)23:08 No. 24712 ID: e9038e


Vulpes Inculta 17/03/06(Mon)02:07 No. 24713 ID: 1c2257

It's by SentR

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/06(Mon)04:21 No. 24714 ID: d7d705

File 148877046483.jpg - (957.99KB , 2103x1363 , 59695084_p2.jpg )

Found this artist on Pixiv who does these stories and art with OC characters that transform. They don't use the usual transfur/TF tags.

Some other pixiv stuff:
An interesting revert sequence in these sketches: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=61449477

This guy's whole profile:

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/06(Mon)07:20 No. 24715 ID: 738dab

File 148878123764.jpg - (425.98KB , 1200x900 , 59685476_p5_master1200.jpg )

I appreciate you sharing that. Here are two artists I found recently on Pixiv that I enjoy.


I also really enjoy the whole unbirth and transformation stuff. This guy has some great TF sequences and one that includes a naga unbirth tf.


Vulpes Inculta 17/03/07(Tue)08:12 No. 24718 ID: 735c32


I'm fine with both genders, but transgender tfs are always a turnoff. Just not into a guy getting boobs or a girl getting a dick. But man there are so many TG/TFs usually MtF. I've seen so many that every scenario has become trite.

But then I could go on and on about all the things I'm not into that I've got to shuffle through. Sucks being into a niche form of pornography.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/07(Tue)09:32 No. 24719 ID: 68aae5



Vulpes Inculta 17/03/07(Tue)09:42 No. 24720 ID: 68aae5



Vulpes Inculta 17/03/07(Tue)10:18 No. 24721 ID: 797751


Been lurking on here for a while so I thought I'd put something her as thanks for the file dumps. These are rough translations and I've probably got a lot of things wrong.
Also, terrible typesetting too.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/07(Tue)10:19 No. 24722 ID: 797751




Vulpes Inculta 17/03/07(Tue)14:03 No. 24723 ID: a72b37

>image 3
>no indenting inside a control structure

but for real, it's nice to see something intelligent on a chalkboard for once. Most artists just put silly bullshit there.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/08(Wed)23:44 No. 24724 ID: fa48da

File 148901304087.jpg - (1.89MB , 2048x1538 , the_spirit_have_choose_you_by_tsilver-d8xoyz0.jpg )

What was in it? I missed it completely, rip.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/08(Wed)23:56 No. 24725 ID: 619e9b

Interludes 6

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/09(Thu)10:00 No. 24726 ID: c7f0d0

Here's the reupload for who missed it.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/09(Thu)21:58 No. 24727 ID: bfe2b2


TheFAME 17/03/10(Fri)07:34 No. 24729 ID: d3a178

File 148912768934.jpg - (124.42KB , 792x1008 , beast_belle_cel_by_chronorin-daxuc85_png.jpg )

Anyone have lily adams- through the eyes of a cat by primal transformations?

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/10(Fri)20:49 No. 24730 ID: fd3c43

expired, can upload again please?

cockamouse 17/03/11(Sat)07:58 No. 24731 ID: 0a85e0

English versiĆ³n

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/11(Sat)10:48 No. 24732 ID: 60613a


Seconding request for Study Break

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/11(Sat)12:46 No. 24733 ID: 2a5df4

File 148923279119.png - (739.49KB , 1024x590 , allure_of_the_trough_by_peanutt_buta-d93n0e5.png )

Post content

Axillia!!SvAQplL2L4 17/03/11(Sat)21:03 No. 24734 ID: af4d2d


I 3rd the request for sortimid's Study Break

P.S.: Full TF Sequence of the 2 pictures included can be found @ https://www.mediafire.com/?o7xedg3jnd184qw

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/12(Sun)00:11 No. 24735 ID: fa1679

Study Break

Axillia!!SvAQplL2L4 17/03/12(Sun)02:39 No. 24736 ID: af4d2d

File 148928278892.jpg - (1.87MB , 1920x1080 , Chamber Made - 29 by Solone.jpg )

Thanks for sharing Study Break in record time. Here have an additional CGI Catgirl Comic as a sign of my gratitude.

P.S.: Full Comic Download of the preview picture provided @ https://www.mediafire.com/?4h49gepbbwrqjjq

Loki 17/03/12(Sun)05:07 No. 24737 ID: fa1679

Hey, thanks. These are actually pretty good.

Axillia!!SvAQplL2L4 17/03/12(Sun)06:01 No. 24738 ID: af4d2d

i feel like offering anything below 'pretty good' while requesting payed content to be a bit of an insult, so i always try ;)

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/12(Sun)07:28 No. 24739 ID: 7de5a5

What. These are free on DA

Axillia!!SvAQplL2L4 17/03/12(Sun)08:40 No. 24740 ID: af4d2d

The topic of discussion here is quality, not price.
You can have one without the other (which goes both ways).

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/12(Sun)17:06 No. 24743 ID: bb86ed

Have some body Bunny Egg-gasm from Missax.com and can post this video?

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/12(Sun)17:34 No. 24744 ID: 5198a3

I'd be happy with any of her tf vids, they are impossible to get.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/12(Sun)19:36 No. 24745 ID: c7f0d0

They're actually easy to get. She puts them up for sale on her website. I wouldn't mind buying them myself and sharing but they aren't any good and a complete waste of money.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/12(Sun)19:38 No. 24746 ID: c7f0d0

Requesting Escape from the Zone. Here's Morphological Monster Manual : https://mega.nz/#!z4InFCTI!NLDwz-TIEFyE1HUWmoQahfsvMu_VaWJZrH0fV-Hy97E

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/12(Sun)19:51 No. 24747 ID: 41c33f


With this poset you saved my day.
Reals, thank you.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/12(Sun)22:09 No. 24748 ID: c7f0d0

File 148935295817.jpg - (120.96KB , 1280x1280 , 008cf57b55acb0da08c6bc60a989fbb0ae68dec3a8a4727ab9.jpg )

How so?

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/13(Mon)02:31 No. 24749 ID: 571831



does anyone have Miranda Liegh's recent stuff

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/13(Mon)02:32 No. 24750 ID: 571831



Vulpes Inculta 17/03/13(Mon)06:38 No. 24751 ID: bfe2b2

You know what: anybody have Giant Hunting?
Off-topic, I know. But hey worth a shot.

This is uncannily similar to that StilettoPink/Watsup comic.
MC even has the same neckerchief.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/13(Mon)08:39 No. 24752 ID: 2cf35d

File 148939076272.png - (634.50KB , 1133x1200 , Lyranian TF.png )

Anyone have Lunate's Patreon stuff?

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/13(Mon)23:32 No. 24753 ID: 118bcc

Here escape to the zone https://dropfile.to/dHWsdta

Thanks for uploading Morphological Monster Manual.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/14(Tue)09:22 No. 24756 ID: a2fa36

File 148947976266.jpg - (238.35KB , 612x792 , IMG_24.jpg )

Can someone post shortcuts 2 from Abe E. Seedy and Ang?
It's the last of the pay comics of them, that i need.

After this I'll poste the complete folder her.

Anononimous 17/03/14(Tue)10:33 No. 24757 ID: c05c34


Again please...

Gamefriend96 17/03/14(Tue)10:45 No. 24758 ID: c5cd2e

Here it is

Gamefriend96 17/03/14(Tue)10:47 No. 24759 ID: c5cd2e

Sorry. Had to save the folder first.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/14(Tue)15:41 No. 24760 ID: c7f0d0

Thanks man, means a lot. I'm planning on buying Candy bombed 2 when it launches.

Abe E Seedy 17/03/14(Tue)22:57 No. 24761 ID: 988fcd


I get that stuff gets pirated all the time, but do you have to pirate *all* of it like this? That's just taking the piss.

You've even got all our free stuff up there, which is what we give out to thank everyone for our stuff selling well. I know I'm not going to convince people on a chan not to pirate stuff, but seeing it all posted like this really makes us want to stop making thank you stuff like that.

So yeah. I can't really stop you if you're going to pirate it, but c'mon man. Don't be a dick about it and give out every single thing we've ever made. That's easily several hundred hours of work collectively you're just throwing out there.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/14(Tue)23:05 No. 24762 ID: 9937e3

Already gone...

Abe E Seedy 17/03/14(Tue)23:05 No. 24763 ID: 988fcd



And some content, because I'm not a *monster*

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/14(Tue)23:11 No. 24764 ID: 9937e3

Wow, that went out fast.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/15(Wed)06:12 No. 24766 ID: bb86ed


Download down please open it again.
Gamefriend96 17/03/14(Tue)10:47 No. 24759 ID: c5cd2e Replies: >>24761 >>24764

Sorry. Had to save the folder first.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/15(Wed)08:23 No. 24767 ID: e7ead4


Shit went down faster than the English pound after Brexit

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/15(Wed)12:44 No. 24768 ID: e756d0

File 148957828916.jpg - (330.20KB , 1317x900 , 1373994377_blackshirtboy_syn-bus.jpg )

Nice to see you still have a sense of humor about this kind of thing.

I'm not the one who posted it, but I have gotten and posted your stuff in the past, and I just want to let you know that your work is far and away the best paycontent out there, and pretty much the only producer of the same I'd consider routinely worth the price of admission. I've personally stopped distributing your stuff until ~6 months after release, and ended up ponying up a bit to you guys after being exposed to some of your earlier anthology-type works (experiments, the party, shortcuts) just because I've been shown how good they are - which I guarantee I'd never had done without getting exposed to you here. I don't know how much distributions like this affect your routine buyers or how much overlap there is between people who check piracy threads on chans and those same buyers, but do know your quality does create fans and I'll try to curtail mass uploads in the future. Please don't punish your regular fans for the actions of us bad apples, we're gonna profit off your hard work one way or another it's all potentially free to us, the non-pirates are who'll get hit.

Vulpes Inculta 17/03/15(Wed)13:15 No. 24769 ID: 880a08

Nice joke, except that was a quote with the exact same link.

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