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24469 Vulpes Inculta 17/01/17(Tue)04:05 No. 24474 ID: 72c964

i be glad take wat you can send me in any extra limit as long as it fits the upload to [email protected] thx.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/17(Tue)08:58 No. 24478 ID: 552d28

File 148463993529.png - (0.99MB , 2700x1200 , giraffe_transformation___commission_by_carolzilla-.png )

pls :3 [email protected]

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/17(Tue)09:21 No. 24479 ID: 783c9c

File 148464128076.jpg - (1.06MB , 2550x3300 , teamspirit_pg23_fin.jpg )

I'd be very much appreciative if you could send me this collection, thank you.

[email protected]

24468 24468 17/01/17(Tue)10:33 No. 24480 ID: b228f6

I'd love your futa and Angrboda if you don't mind. Email:[email protected]

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/17(Tue)16:11 No. 24481 ID: fee978

File 148466586370.jpg - (103.38KB , 1280x504 , 1399432329_jitensha_tf-dragonsequence.jpg )

can you send me a link
[email protected]

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/17(Tue)20:00 No. 24482 ID: 3915c7


please set de imagenes TF y mangas,doujinshi y hentai tf pls

[email protected]

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/17(Tue)21:38 No. 24483 ID: b4a42c


I immediately regret this decision.

That said sent to the first few people, rest'll have to wait until 8.8 gigs of girls growing cocks finishes uploading. Rest of y'all got the rest of the day to ask, after that sod off I don't want to singlehandedly shit up the thread.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/17(Tue)22:11 No. 24484 ID: e0717f

That escalated quickly. Can't wait for the dick growing girls. You are too kind and someday it will be repaid tenfold. I'm the original asker, btw.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/18(Wed)02:40 No. 24485 ID: 9e6731

Hate to contribute to the flooding but can you pass the link please? [email protected]

dla 17/01/18(Wed)03:21 No. 24486 ID: 41d1f6

me too? please
[email protected]

l8trboi 17/01/18(Wed)03:42 No. 24487 ID: d3a178

File 148470733391.jpg - (22.05KB , 400x240 , [email protected] )

Anyone have oinkment by miss missa?

Axillia!!SvAQplL2L4 17/01/18(Wed)04:16 No. 24488 ID: 0a7bae




I would very much apreciate a hookup if it's not too late, i'll try and spread what i get around if anyone wants any of it after the cutoff date.

[email protected]

Thanks in advance.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/18(Wed)05:16 No. 24489 ID: 5f8588

Could you pass only the angrboda ones? Thnx Mail: [email protected]

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/18(Wed)08:19 No. 24490 ID: 5d4006

If the OP of that huge amount of files is still willing to send some of it my way I'm at [email protected]. If anyone else who got it from them is willing to send it to me that would be great too! I have loads of files (mostly tf) that I would be willing to return the favour with...

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/18(Wed)10:36 No. 24491 ID: cb3082


DragonDyTy 17/01/18(Wed)21:11 No. 24492 ID: c4589f

File 148477029946.jpg - (711.27KB , 1100x817 , 6b2f835c12325f861c3ec5836121b83f.jpg )

[email protected] pls

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/18(Wed)21:23 No. 24493 ID: c29eca


Vulpes Inculta 17/01/19(Thu)01:43 No. 24494 ID: 2d8919

File 148478662783.jpg - (309.98KB , 1280x1280 , 890ca6b9aac9b1bb3998bb3e55866097.jpg )

[email protected]

pls pls :D

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/19(Thu)02:24 No. 24495 ID: b4a42c

File 148478908595.png - (1.03MB , 1280x1364 , 1482688184161.png )

It's been sent, everyone after this guy fuck off forever now, I just want to enjoy content again christ

Trades BarkerBob 17/01/19(Thu)03:25 No. 24496 ID: 5f8b3e




Been a lurker for a while, but I've been inspired by the massive share dump to appear and post! I have a pretty decent TF collection that I've cultivated over the years organized by the species of TF, some photomorphs, some art, some gifs, you name it. I was hoping for some trades, specifically for some of the better quality live-action TF videos out there from the more...infamous creators. I'm sure you know the ones eh? Let me know what species you're looking for and we can trade it up.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/19(Thu)04:13 No. 24497 ID: cb3082

It's not worth it. Live action TF is just bad in general.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/19(Thu)12:22 No. 24498 ID: cdc831

Thank you kindly

Anon In Need :^) 17/01/19(Thu)12:37 No. 24499 ID: 57aea5

Anyone wanna help an anon out and send them that folder?

[email protected]

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/19(Thu)15:40 No. 24501 ID: 57eeb3

if one of you guys can send it to me aswell ill be very grateful ty :)

[email protected]

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/19(Thu)17:19 No. 24502 ID: b4a42c

File 148484277154.jpg - (92.07KB , 1280x482 , 1482271739_age_sora.jpg )

I'm gonna nuke the files shortly, stop asking. Also maybe contribute something?

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/20(Fri)01:05 No. 24503 ID: 173173

File 148487072825.png - (0.97MB , 1000x950 , 884a2f1de1fb57adb8758a8349df3b22.png )

Can I have Angrboda, Jintesha, locofuria and blackshirtboy? My email is [email protected]

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/20(Fri)02:17 No. 24504 ID: 17ffea


Anyone have pokemaidens?, i losted mine, so can someone help me
[email protected]

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/20(Fri)04:26 No. 24505 ID: f16bef

Just so i can contribute heres pokemaidens https://www.anonfiles.cc/file/81783e54a8642f5084416b2f694b6911

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/20(Fri)06:05 No. 24506 ID: b4a42c

Ayyyyy, thanks mate. Another to add to the pile of Locofuria comics I wish were drawn by someone else

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/20(Fri)06:07 No. 24507 ID: b228f6

>> 24505

Link doesn't work dude

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/20(Fri)06:28 No. 24508 ID: c5101a

All this hype and we get this....

Well it is loco, so I need to stop hoping every time.

Thx for the share

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/20(Fri)06:42 No. 24509 ID: 8e217f


i thanks for share but, is not opening the anonfiles.cc, someone can put on mega, or any other site?

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/20(Fri)08:59 No. 24510 ID: d90c08


Cacoethic Cavalier 17/01/20(Fri)09:55 No. 24511 ID: adeaac


This shit is why there used to be a thread rule against offering to distribute stuff via email

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/20(Fri)12:08 No. 24512 ID: 9678df

File 148491049586.jpg - (243.37KB , 889x1280 , tumblr_nx375fGhpJ1ues3lqo1_1280.jpg )

Anyone know where to find the rest of this? I think I remember seeing the full thing somewhere but this is the only page I can find. 70% sure it was to do with a basketball court.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/20(Fri)13:10 No. 24513 ID: cdfed0

its not that hard to find, artist is blackrat located here http://black-rat.deviantart.com/

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/20(Fri)18:46 No. 24514 ID: 9dce33

File 148493438917.jpg - (96.81KB , 1280x949 , 76cd35059a7470c431de2a93dc5a1d29.jpg )


Some will have complete Japanese games with thematic of transformation
[Ponkotsu Teikoku] Trans Story
Omae wa Juujin Niku Benki
Shokusai no Miyako
Kotou Yotogibanashi
Tanpen Hen Ai Monogatari Hentai Pazuru

I would greatly appreciate it

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/21(Sat)02:36 No. 24516 ID: 9678df

File 148496259571.jpg - (46.54KB , 436x600 , kw-roary-clsmall.jpg )

I know it's Keanon Woods / BlackRat (nee: BlackDragon), his style is unmistakable. I mean, I can't find the rest of that specific 'basketball court' sequence.

It's not on his DevArt or even his Transfur (old boards or new) and I'm not entirely sure where else to look - even reverse image searching balked at it...

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/21(Sat)06:53 No. 24517 ID: 173173

Try this link, pal

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/22(Sun)02:50 No. 24518 ID: 9678df


THAT's the one, thank you! I always seem to forget about e621 for some reason, lol

Anon+In+Need+:^) 17/01/22(Sun)12:23 No. 24519 ID: 57aea5

I can't really contribute any art, but I guess I can contribute a story.

So I worked with a commonly known guy around here goes by the name of "Bendzz"(not sharing any of his comics).

When the Becumming comic was in its first stages, we spent like 2-3 days with brainstorming ideas for the comic and such(Myself, Judoo, & Biohazardy). I think there was another guy, but its been a while since we all chatted.

We were trying to come up with a name for the comic that was "catchy" "related to the theme" "sexual" & it did take us a while, If I go back far enough in our skype history, some names for the comic were:

Planet of the Fur
Rise of Fur
Age of Fur
Canine rising

There were some trouble such as if we went with "Canine rising" then it would have to be only dog species, which doesn't appeal to everyone.

Eventually I put the words "becoming" & "cumming" together and got Becumming, which we ended up rolling with that.

He's a really great guy, and taught me some basics of drawing, also please consider buying his comic :^)


Vulpes Inculta 17/01/23(Mon)20:46 No. 24526 ID: b4a42c



jesus christ if I ever do that again I'm making a damn google doc for people to post their emails, this is cancer

mamabliss isn't even paycomics it's just the halfdozen galleries of theirs freely available on panda that really pushed my buttons

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/24(Tue)09:18 No. 24529 ID: b3daf2

File 148524589121.jpg - (709.58KB , 1200x877 , 1458610874_angrboda_postcard_frontback.jpg )

Still no Escape from the Zone or Morphological Monster Manual?

I'd like to buy both of them, but I'm leaning towards only the 88 page one. I wanted to see if Escape from the zone is worth it regardless of if I bought it or not. I usually buy them afterwards to say thank you for the good tf action.

After I get MMM, whenever that is, might share it.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/24(Tue)15:31 No. 24531 ID: abb273



requesting this I guess >>24529

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/24(Tue)15:33 No. 24532 ID: abb273




Vulpes Inculta 17/01/24(Tue)18:03 No. 24533 ID: b3daf2

File 148527742039.png - (895.25KB , 640x1136 , IMG_0046.png )

Morphological monster manual is pretty good. I don't mind sharing with the guy who mass shared by email. Aside from that everyone else should definitely buy it.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/24(Tue)22:03 No. 24535 ID: 9dce33

File 148529180155.jpg - (701.82KB , 856x1196 , 1485275808248.jpg )


[email protected]
pls :D

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/25(Wed)00:41 No. 24537 ID: 8edb36

File 14853013115.jpg - (102.95KB , 1280x800 , 03e1e9ada4d00217427a52ba936cf4aa.jpg )

I would buy it, but its been a while since I dont have credit card anymore. I would appreciate if you sare it with me. Im a huge fan of Angrboda artwork, even bought some stuff earlier... but cant anymore. If you want to share my email is [email protected]

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/25(Wed)03:08 No. 24538 ID: fee978


can you send me a link as well
[email protected]

LuckyDay 17/01/25(Wed)16:47 No. 24541 ID: c4589f


Me too pls)

LuckyDay 17/01/25(Wed)16:52 No. 24542 ID: c4589f



LuckyDay 17/01/25(Wed)17:24 No. 24543 ID: c4589f



[email protected]

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/25(Wed)17:49 No. 24544 ID: 46fbc2

File 148536294451.jpg - (337.64KB , 779x1100 , tumblr_ok9kptNOA51rwb39co1_1280.jpg )

For me it's the same. I also have no way to buy it online. Would be great if you could share it to me.
email is: [email protected]
If you send it, thank you in advance

LuckyDay 17/01/25(Wed)21:49 No. 24545 ID: c4589f

File 148537739092.jpg - (97.85KB , 340x400 , [email protected] )

My collection, collecting 3 years, there are 3000+ pictures.

LuckyDay 17/01/25(Wed)21:53 No. 24546 ID: c4589f



Vulpes Inculta 17/01/25(Wed)23:56 No. 24547 ID: 00ed29

Can't get in.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/26(Thu)02:50 No. 24548 ID: b4a42c


I can, it's a problem on your end. DLing it now, lots of sharing goin' on, thanks for that.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/26(Thu)09:04 No. 24549 ID: cb3082

I'd be willing to share a single story from the Morphological Monster Manual. Think of it as a preview, and you can always buy it for the full thing.

So the choices are:
Tentacle monster girl
Sphinx chicks
Futa Snake girls

Each has 3 images, pick option 1,2 or 3.

Voting Starts now, state which story and which image number. I will .pdf a single story from the most voted one and the corresponding image. Buy the full publication and support the author for the rest.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/26(Thu)09:37 No. 24550 ID: 2cf35d

Tentacle monster.
Image 2. The halfway point can be a TF in and of itself.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/26(Thu)23:13 No. 24556 ID: c11fbf


Were Rats

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/27(Fri)00:24 No. 24557 ID: d920da


Preview would be nice

Were Rats P2

Personally this format is really nice because it's better incentive for purchase if the page is good :o

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/27(Fri)02:19 No. 24558 ID: de89de



Would appreciate snekposti@gmail .com

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/27(Fri)02:20 No. 24559 ID: de89de




Vulpes Inculta 17/01/27(Fri)03:10 No. 24560 ID: c11fbf

File 148548305373.jpg - (206.72KB , 889x1000 , 130.jpg )



Unfortunately, the rest of his work isn't as good.

(the image below is not of his. just adding another image to the thread)

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/27(Fri)07:05 No. 24561 ID: ae5668



does anyone has all/any of miranda leigh's stuff?

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/27(Fri)07:39 No. 24562 ID: abb273

yes see

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/27(Fri)10:13 No. 24563 ID: b3daf2

Were-Rat out numbered Tentacle Monster 2-1. Here's the preview of Morphological Monster Manual, 1 story, 1 image. SOOO much more in the 88 page book. Buy it, support the author.

https://dropfile.to/ksWqsPx --> Key: DSePrsX

File expires in 24h

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/27(Fri)10:14 No. 24564 ID: abb273

thanks, saved me $10

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/27(Fri)17:23 No. 24566 ID: bdb8e4

File 148553421691.png - (657.11KB , 1250x792 , 5925d2983536c0362ba8a7e115127c4a.png )

pls again pls pls

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/27(Fri)19:04 No. 24567 ID: abb273

you didn't miss anything, it was just the picture from the sample

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/27(Fri)22:48 No. 24568 ID: cb3082

Picture from the sample? Aren't you a daft fellow. https://dropfile.to/dCYJRtb

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/28(Sat)04:44 No. 24569 ID: 0ab331


Tip for the next thread, let´s bring back the old rules, i pretty sure this will fix this mess of emails, and no images posts.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/28(Sat)08:48 No. 24572 ID: abb273


>page 7

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/28(Sat)21:06 No. 24574 ID: b3daf2

Lol, I see you clearly only care about the pictures. The people who voted picked Were-rat and img 2.

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