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Cacoethic Cavalier 16/12/11(Sun)21:58 No. 24322 ID: f2a2fd


and here's some content after that wall of text

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/11(Sun)23:24 No. 24323 ID: 3009c8




Vulpes Inculta 16/12/12(Mon)06:57 No. 24324 ID: bfe2b2

File 148152224545.jpg - (1.26MB , 1000x6328 , Zelda and the Beast by halcy0n.jpg )

>Giant Hunting
Using it requires downloading some software right?

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/12(Mon)16:02 No. 24325 ID: affbaa


im interested in becumming 2 and pokemaidens, have becumming 4 in return.

if you are interested feel free to email me

[email protected]

i would post it but bendz is making a lot of effort to the tf community so i wont just for respect to the artist

just people with interest in trading content please

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/12(Mon)16:04 No. 24326 ID: affbaa

also check solone's patreon

great artist with a lot of great tf content, really recommended

24325 Vulpes Inculta 16/12/13(Tue)06:44 No. 24329 ID: b228f6

I don't have those, anything else you would want?

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/17(Sat)05:47 No. 24338 ID: cce3db



Vulpes Inculta 16/12/17(Sat)05:52 No. 24339 ID: cce3db



Vulpes Inculta 16/12/17(Sat)05:57 No. 24340 ID: cce3db

File 14819506736.jpg - (462.03KB , 850x838 , 29801305_p0_master1200.jpg )

Link: https://dropfile.to/JZKyc7k
Key: xOAQ6AG

This what shall not be named, but everyone wants it.

If you like her work please buy it (just consider this a demo and purchase afterwards if you enjoyed it).

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/18(Sun)02:19 No. 24343 ID: c5101a

Well to late to this party, but on behalf of the people who got it thanks and merry Christmas.

PS. If it happens to find its way back here, then Christmas has come early

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/18(Sun)18:54 No. 24345 ID: 1ed587

I was able to download it. I must say it's a complete let down. I'm see why they are mad when people distribute their work, people get to see what they are paying for and change their mind - like I have. Mediocre at best.

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/18(Sun)19:04 No. 24346 ID: 341882


Could you re upload and share then?

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/18(Sun)21:15 No. 24347 ID: 2a652c

reup plz

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/18(Sun)21:56 No. 24348 ID: bfe2b2

File 148209456280.jpg - (99.90KB , 367x1263 , request__true_love_by_stormpaw.jpg )

Is the jig up or do they only work for 24 hours? Considering dropping by more often.

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/19(Mon)20:41 No. 24349 ID: b9cdbf

Okay here it is. https://mega.nz/#!ftwhDaiB!n5j9o2LqxafDF_2o9zI6kb3z0_P6ecyehpjAg7PBw-Y

In return can anyone upload one of Angrboda's new stuff? Escape from the Zone for instance or Morphological monster manual.

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/20(Tue)00:16 No. 24351 ID: bfe2b2

I have never heard of either of those but will see what I can scrounge up just because you're that nice.
Dude it's still up.

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/22(Thu)02:51 No. 24356 ID: 96a0b1

File 148237151511.png - (1.31MB , 1639x1600 , thumbnail_.png )

The 30 second sample and the full version of this audio story is here : https://sellfy.com/p/JhHh

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/22(Thu)03:48 No. 24357 ID: 420d6c

Dude, I laugued so hard. Please give us more, this is SO FUNNY!

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/22(Thu)21:58 No. 24360 ID: 7dd350

I wouldn't last 10 minutes of this thing

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/23(Fri)12:21 No. 24363 ID: ace411



Anyone have Patchyeas videos with sound? specifically the dragon and cow tf's

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/23(Fri)17:53 No. 24365 ID: b9cdbf


My Pet ferret girl. https://mega.nz/#!jpw2TTJD!qMmDaaPjaXcEo342BbqNoSBihMlgRgk5PuBkwGhNXWg

Can anyone upload Hivemind or the Party by Angrboda? Also still hoping for Monster Morphology Manual or Escape from the Zone.

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/23(Fri)18:38 No. 24366 ID: 9678df


I dunno if I fucked it up or something, but all the zips are full of empty files when I decompressed them. The fileNAMES are all there, but each one is Zero KB.
I got >>24231 's files alright, so I think I might be safe in assuming it's something on your end not mine - I'm on a Mac 10.6.8 and I used The Unarchiver. I'll try it on one of my Windows in a sec to see if it works there, as it appears there were some success stories for others.

Also, I went to the trouble of downloading almost every image I could find in the depths of the Wayback archive of the OLD Transfur Forums - not entirely sure whose art is rarest but there's a bunch of BlackRat stuff under the handle of BlackDragon.... ;-)

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/23(Fri)18:56 No. 24367 ID: 9678df



Nevermind, I got it to extract properly on my tablet. My opinion of Macintosh has decreased slightly.

Here are some of the BlackDragon stuff, these first two are apparently the first things he ever drew.

...you can tell.

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/23(Fri)19:01 No. 24368 ID: 9678df



That said, it's actually pretty good for a first go. a far cry from his later works, but certainly better than what I could do. XD

Does anyone have any of BlueberrySnow's OLD stuff from her long-gone Deviantart? she had some excellent equine TF's there. but apparently she's actually lost her own copies! These are all I could find, using the Wayback again.

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/23(Fri)19:03 No. 24369 ID: 9678df




(I'll stop hogging the board now.) XD

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/24(Sat)04:53 No. 24370 ID: cc6cf4

Anyone know a good file hosting site that doesn't require an account? I'd be willing to upload a few Christmas presents if so.

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/24(Sat)05:46 No. 24371 ID: 55c993

File 148255481979.jpg - (572.12KB , 671x869 , Cat girlfriend.jpg )

Sabercat is the only thing who come in my mind, maybe you can use it

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/24(Sat)05:49 No. 24372 ID: 55c993

File 148255495451.jpg - (459.33KB , 1280x995 , Soccadillo TF.jpg )

at least, last time i used, donĀ“t required any registration

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/24(Sat)06:28 No. 24373 ID: b9cdbf

GoFile is one, FileTea as well. I also recommend FileDropper, hassle free experience.

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/24(Sat)06:29 No. 24374 ID: b9cdbf


Anononimous 16/12/24(Sat)07:02 No. 24375 ID: 58600e


Here is Hive-Mind, Merry Christmas! I want some present...


Vulpes Inculta 16/12/24(Sat)07:29 No. 24376 ID: cc6cf4

Thanks for the suggestions, and Merry Christmas to the thread. Not going to say what's in here, though. It'll have to be a surprise.


Vulpes Inculta 16/12/24(Sat)10:12 No. 24377 ID: edf802

!!! oh damn...christmas came a little early. Thanks to you!

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/24(Sat)19:15 No. 24379 ID: cce3db

File 148260330965.jpg - (525.16KB , 578x818 , tumblr_n49g9bwhWb1rf450co1_1280.jpg )


Wow thanks dude! If you want something and I have it it's yours. That was a damn good present.

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/24(Sat)21:11 No. 24381 ID: 55c993

File 148261028796.jpg - (103.02KB , 937x853 , Gwen as naga.jpg )

if someone share pokemaidens, my year will be complete.( and i believe more people here too will be happy aswell)

bendzz 16/12/25(Sun)13:44 No. 24382 ID: 316041

hey so it's xmas, i won't request a takedown today. Can't promise other artists won't mind you.
A few things I'd like to point out:
-Becumming #3 is a 400mb package, not 15mb
-Going off my 2015 income, each sale of B#3 bought me 10.8 hours to exist
-Most of my free time goes to TF. Drawing, making open source algorithms for tf animation and games, etc

Merry xmas

Felis Catus 16/12/26(Mon)10:50 No. 24383 ID: a72b37

This guy is chill. I hope 2016 was more profitable for you than 2015 was, mate.

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/31(Sat)03:48 No. 24387 ID: 70191c



NKEN posted a bunch of (old?) tf sketches on his twitter a while back and I haven't seen them posted anywhere else. Mainly female to male animal transformation, possibly merging, but I don't know japanese so I dunno.

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/31(Sat)03:53 No. 24388 ID: 70191c



Part 2 out of 8, might post the rest if people are interested. (mobile is slow as hell, lol)

If anyone knows japanese I'd be really interested in translation! This is my fave kind of thing, and I'd love to know more context.

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/31(Sat)05:27 No. 24389 ID: b9cdbf


Why is it that when I see something like this I automatically expect and hope for her to be ploughed and transformed by the animal...

I need help.

Vulpes Inculta 16/12/31(Sat)07:47 No. 24390 ID: b9cdbf


I hear it's worth it.

Seth-Rah 17/01/01(Sun)02:43 No. 24395 ID: 9d54d6

File 148323500519.png - (187.87KB , 1800x574 , 1401941227_kyrio_speedcharm.png )

Happy new year

Artist: Kyrio

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/01(Sun)20:06 No. 24398 ID: b9cdbf



Vulpes Inculta 17/01/02(Mon)05:04 No. 24400 ID: 47b3ce


(It's happening...) Vulpes Inculta 17/01/02(Mon)09:46 No. 24402 ID: b3daf2

File 148334678080.png - (498.80KB , 704x600 , It's happening.png )

Just an edit I did, what do you guys think? I'm a novice at this stuff, Please leave feedback. Thanks.

Another edit Vulpes Inculta 17/01/02(Mon)11:21 No. 24403 ID: b3daf2

File 148335248337.png - (304.79KB , 369x600 , 005.png )

I was thinking of a forced transformation on this one. She was forced to slowly transform over a few days while suspended in the air. Eventually she'll become fully a bear, Notice a tail has just about popped itself from her behind.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/02(Mon)13:55 No. 24405 ID: 9678df

The photomorph thread just bit the dust. Please tell me there's a Desuarchive-equivalent for 7chan?


I even had it open in another tab but made the mistake of refreshing the page... XP

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/02(Mon)16:30 No. 24406 ID: 930751


i love them, would you keep doing it? they are great

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/02(Mon)21:57 No. 24407 ID: b9cdbf

Alright! Will do. Does anybody have any preferences that they'd enjoy seeing?

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/02(Mon)22:47 No. 24408 ID: 55c993


will be amazing if you do sequences of the transformation process, and i suggest canine transformations

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/03(Tue)08:13 No. 24410 ID: 2cf35d

Munio does great stuff to begin with, and you somehow make it even better.

Maybe it has something to do with them not pissing themselves.

Keep it up.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/03(Tue)09:12 No. 24411 ID: cb3082

Yea I was looking for subject matter to edit and the first thought that came to mind was Munio. They all seemed to have the expression of abject horror and seemed preoccupied with their bodies. Perfect for a Tf edit.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/03(Tue)13:05 No. 24412 ID: a19348

I like them.

So you did not draw the original pics?

Usually, I hate edit, because it'"s done on Real Life photos and it's bad, but I actually like what you have done.

I am surprised there isn't more people who edit drawing instead of photos. It definitely look better.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/03(Tue)13:07 No. 24413 ID: a19348

I like forced transformation where the transformed remain anthro and has no hair less and keep her cute sexy curves.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/03(Tue)13:37 No. 24414 ID: 930751


for me the first image is really good, it would be perfect if the tail was a little bit longer ( but still wrowing ) and a little more of fur or clothes ripping, but this is just my personal favourite.

Anyways the think of being transformed and knowing you are changing like you did in first picture is just great for me

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/03(Tue)14:00 No. 24416 ID: a72b37

Did you just draw in freckles?

Do you understand how rare that is?

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/04(Wed)06:04 No. 24417 ID: f144ca

the originals are all piss and scat porn. very happy with these versions tho.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/04(Wed)08:15 No. 24419 ID: b9cdbf

Yea, it sure does. Photomanips more often than not extremely cringy and even 'icky'. I'm a person that gets tired of waiting for content. So I recently took up editing non-furry art into furry ones. It's really not that hard to learn but I can see the difficulty in getting it right everytime.

I'd like to see more people take up editing like this. It's simply a free program and a bunch of free time.

Vulpes Inculta 17/01/04(Wed)08:22 No. 24420 ID: b9cdbf

If anyone is even slightly interested in learning editing I wouldn't mind posting tutorial images on how to get started. It only takes a slight eye for TF art and the dedication to learn.

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