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To answer your question, you can modify the speed of the flash but you have to export it as an .fla file and open it in Adobe Animate or Flash and change it there. Or you can look up the location of the FPS in the hex of the file, which isn’t easy.
JPEX is bad at editing shapes in a swf, you should TORRENT Sothink's flash decomplier because it lets you edit shapes IN THE CLIENT. Please don’t buy it
JPEX is good for modifying actionscript and has a built in hex editor, it’s very technical. I use Sothink to edit shapes and JPEX if i need to delete lots of stuff and modify code in the swf, EX press 1 to do this, 2 to … etc. If you have time on your hand, learn to use ‘Sothink decomplier’ its fun as fuck and I would love people to make edits that look different not just color changes.
I started off with that horrid pearl edit of God -8's not_new.swf, then improved it, still came out bad, then I did that Mable and Trixie edit of PP.swf (tentacle one), I made a shittload more [like this one; I doubled the framerate as well], none of which I thought are worth uploading anywhere.
And is the person who requested me make this ever sees this, I'm sorry I made it an hour after you commented that sorry it so late. :^) love you minus 8 have my kids please