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Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)06:25 No. 21315 ID: 36504b

Mine was doing that too. I was using 7 and a fuck ton of problems like this started popping up so I decided to say fuck it and upgrade to 10.

After removing all the shitty bloatware like Cortana, Minecraft and fucking Candy Crush it works fine and swf files FINALLY started playing again.

Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)07:37 No. 21316 ID: 0fd7e6

I didn't know that was minus 8 but DAMN it's good!

Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)09:23 No. 21317 ID: 15d6c5

I'm pretty sure the song is a remix of Super Mario Bros 3 Overwold 1, but for the life of me I can't find it.

Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)10:08 No. 21320 ID: 2dc4b6

This is an easy fix. Go to chrome://settings/content, scroll to Flash, and set to "Allow sites to run Flash". "Ask first" will make chrome download the .swf files.

It's grown on me, too. I don't think anyone can complain as long as it isn't furry.

Three? And they're all amazing? -8 I love you forever.
The music you use is so nostalgic! Love what you did with the Hotel Delfino pink boo sheets, lol.
There's a lot of nice, little things in the kuri flash: the expressions, the hoodie, the movement; man, you never cease to impress. We are not worthy.

Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)14:24 No. 21321 ID: ff31d0

Question, what did you use to make the mp4? Swivel? It's perfect quality for that small filesize. I find swivel usually HUGELY inflates filesizes.

Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)15:02 No. 21323 ID: ba6e3a


Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)17:11 No. 21324 ID: 8fa1ff

File kuri.swf - (1.53MB )

I wish I could share fla..:p

Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)18:01 No. 21325 ID: 9b6c3f

I'm in love with your drawings and animations of Peach, please do more with her

Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)19:11 No. 21326 ID: 456e07


Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)20:13 No. 21327 ID: 73ab04

Gr8 job my man!!!

Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)20:55 No. 21328 ID: 79e43f

Can someone make a scene select version for the new flash like with the mighty switch force one? The scenes transition too fast to truly appreciate each one.

Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)21:49 No. 21329 ID: be5d8f

Finally some new -8 material,

My dick actually came in rainbows.

Cheers for the new stuff, and never give up, -8.

About uploading the .FLA... Justadoo444 17/05/23(Tue)23:26 No. 21331 ID: a2a000

Why not use an online file host? Is something like Dropbox, Google Drive or Mediafire available in your country?

Anonymous 17/05/24(Wed)05:05 No. 21332 ID: 7cba9c

This is awesome!! I always love your new art Minus8, really appreciate your work man ;-;

Anonymous 17/05/24(Wed)08:27 No. 21334 ID: 78c6ff

Why? Half the point of flash is to not having to use inferior movie formats.

Anonymous 17/05/24(Wed)09:10 No. 21335 ID: 5fa401

I wouldn't call video inferior considering its utility.

Can't play Mp4's on your phone.

All I know is that I started making those videos because some of minus8's flashes actually have FPS issues and I wanted to make a video version that ran at high quality at consistent framerate and available everywhere.

Anonymous 17/05/24(Wed)15:28 No. 21336 ID: be2b43

what's the best format or settings to export a flash movie with high fps and quality?

Anonymous 17/05/25(Thu)00:05 No. 21337 ID: 5fa401

Also you can track through the video. The rosalina riding flash was 8 minutes long if I remember and being able to track through that was a help.

It honestly depends on the flash.

Anonymous 17/05/25(Thu)15:11 No. 21339 ID: d21448

I can play SWF on my phone by installing flash on it, no longer supported by adobe but still works.
I can open SWF either with the standalone player, or I can open with MPC, if I want a seekbar.
I'm glad -8 doesn't upload his stuff as video because it would be impossible to edit.

Anonymous 17/05/25(Thu)17:53 No. 21341 ID: 6a9a75

oh, it's that time again

Anonymous 17/05/26(Fri)04:15 No. 21343 ID: fef397

It's just routine at this point. I don't even give a fuck. Everyone is so good at archiving his shit now and he starts posting again like nothing ever happened after a day or two. It has absolutely 0 impact on anything now.

Anonymous 17/05/26(Fri)04:32 No. 21344 ID: bf24b5

summertime is peach time!

please do more -8, something involving creampies or based on http://i.imgur.com/RjGqBNz.png this image <3?

music inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNE2oCZH_4k

i love all of your work!

Anonymous 17/05/26(Fri)08:19 No. 21345 ID: effb99


Some fucking retard called HTD Mason keeps triggering him on the stream, which is why he nukes his tumblr. We need to solve the HTDMason question...

Anonymous 17/05/26(Fri)09:28 No. 21346 ID: 5fa401

Lol never said I didn't want the original swfs though? Also -8's flashes can't be tracked through unless you decompile and get the flash inside the flash.

You can't control other people on the web. Minus8 needs to just grow thick skin. TBH though, that wouldn't solve the problem either. Before this what-his-name showed up he'd nuke his tumblr just from people not thinking of him as better than other artists.

We just need to be patient, follow his work and support him as much as we can while hoping he grows stronger emotionally.

Anonymous 17/05/27(Sat)04:34 No. 21349 ID: ba6e3a

dox him ask him kindly to not even bother to say anything in -8's streams

glossfan 17/05/27(Sat)09:20 No. 21350 ID: 5ae0fd

File kuri3.swf - (1.03MB )

I made an edit of the last flash with alternate skin color and removed underbite (I am not minus8)

Anonymous 17/05/27(Sat)21:06 No. 21351 ID: ba6e3a


Anonymous 17/05/28(Sun)01:08 No. 21352 ID: 81baab

So who is that sheep that throws her hands up then points at the floor? Is she OC or a character from something? I like his two-frame doodle of her.

Anonymous 17/05/28(Sun)03:49 No. 21353 ID: 79e43f


That's Leggy Lamb, a minor character from an old Droopy Dog cartoon.

Anonymous 17/05/28(Sun)03:50 No. 21354 ID: 79e43f


Can you make an edit that removes the stomach bulge?

Anonymous 17/05/28(Sun)05:44 No. 21356 ID: 76f95e


Anonymous 17/05/28(Sun)11:47 No. 21357 ID: ac1d8e

I'd do it myself if I either had a better windows computer of if mac wasn't shit for editing flash (due to lack of support for flash swf editors that I know of)

Anonymous 17/05/28(Sun)17:49 No. 21358 ID: 7df9f9

How does Minus8 feels about fan art? Is he ok with it?
And if he is, is it appropriate to post them here?

Anonymous 17/05/28(Sun)20:07 No. 21360 ID: 84d660

Thanks for making it fappable, that underbite was off-turning.

Anonymous 17/05/29(Mon)07:38 No. 21362 ID: 79e43f

File kuri_nb.swf - (1.53MB )

Went ahead and edited it myself. Everything is the same just no stomach bulge

Anonymous 17/05/29(Mon)09:09 No. 21363 ID: c7d531

how do you edit these? any basic tutorials for beginners?

Anonymous 17/05/30(Tue)12:29 No. 21365 ID: eec0d3

Get a flash decompiler (Google FFDec or jpexs-decompiler, decent open-source free one)

open up the swf, and then look at the shapes/sprites assets. Sprites are a combination of the shape assets (For example, a shape might be a nipple and boob while sprite will be the combination)

Edit/delete the shape/sprites, I'm assuming for the no-bulge edit he just edited the bulge sprite so it's just an invisible, empty shape/sprite.

Anonymous 17/05/30(Tue)17:49 No. 21366 ID: 1b1773

>not liking fangs

gscot 17/05/31(Wed)05:46 No. 21367 ID: 439fdc

I'm a knockoff -8. Peachypop is a knockoff me.

Anonymous 17/05/31(Wed)15:28 No. 21368 ID: c7d531

thanks man much appreciated!

Anonymous 17/06/01(Thu)01:53 No. 21369 ID: c567d4

Do you know how to make the camera still?

Anonymous 17/06/01(Thu)03:50 No. 21373 ID: c7d531

File DK_Pounds_Pauline_by_BozzoPervert.swf - (43.15KB , DK Pounds Pauline by BozzoPervert.swf )

so i downloaded it and tried to screw around with some of the stuff. how would you alter speed of an swf? how would export a selection of the swf in a video format like mkv or mp4? anytime i export it as avi its just a single frame. lets say i wanted to make a stomach bulge bigger, how would i go about doing so? or is i wanted DK to pull paulines hair back further (i realize i would have to locate the sprites associated with her boobs, bulge, head face eyes eyebrows, hair, dks hand and arms. can i edit these all in the jpex program or do i need to install adobe flash editor? can i edit the pictures in GIMP if i cant do so in the JPEX program itself? sorry for all the questions. just a horny bastard with a lot of time on his hands and would like to learn how to do edits to my liking, and hopefully people would enjoy my edits as well.

Anonymous 17/06/02(Fri)05:14 No. 21376 ID: d4fce0

File PPcandig.swf - (70.21KB )

To answer your question, you can modify the speed of the flash but you have to export it as an .fla file and open it in Adobe Animate or Flash and change it there. Or you can look up the location of the FPS in the hex of the file, which isn’t easy.
JPEX is bad at editing shapes in a swf, you should TORRENT Sothink's flash decomplier because it lets you edit shapes IN THE CLIENT. Please don’t buy it
JPEX is good for modifying actionscript and has a built in hex editor, it’s very technical. I use Sothink to edit shapes and JPEX if i need to delete lots of stuff and modify code in the swf, EX press 1 to do this, 2 to … etc. If you have time on your hand, learn to use ‘Sothink decomplier’ its fun as fuck and I would love people to make edits that look different not just color changes.
I started off with that horrid pearl edit of God -8's not_new.swf, then improved it, still came out bad, then I did that Mable and Trixie edit of PP.swf (tentacle one), I made a shittload more [like this one; I doubled the framerate as well], none of which I thought are worth uploading anywhere.

And is the person who requested me make this ever sees this, I'm sorry I made it an hour after you commented that sorry it so late. :^) love you minus 8 have my kids please

Anonymous 17/06/02(Fri)05:16 No. 21377 ID: d4fce0

>And is the person who requested me make this ever sees this

God i fucked that up

And *if the person requested *I *make Candy ever sees this,...

Anonymous 17/06/02(Fri)06:29 No. 21378 ID: ac1d8e

One of the layers on the swf controls the movement of the camera. Try hiding layers and see which ones hide objects, the ones that don't (usually at top and bottom of layer list) are probably it. At least that's how I did it. I forget the actual process.

Anonymous 17/06/03(Sat)02:05 No. 21380 ID: b084b7

post all of the edits

Anonymous 17/06/03(Sat)13:54 No. 21381 ID: cfd711

Never even implied you said you didn't want SWF... People. lol

Anonymous 17/06/04(Sun)03:57 No. 21382 ID: c7d531

thank you so much for all the help man. im going to screw around with it and hopefully tweak some of my favorite swfs.

Anonymous 17/06/05(Mon)05:55 No. 21383 ID: 1121ba


Cinematone - Hef

fucking soundhound caught that shit bless

Anonymous 17/06/06(Tue)09:19 No. 21384 ID: 895439

From what I'm seeeing, all layers are being rotated and scaled. I'm not sure how to accomplish a still cam without undoing the rotation and scaling which would be extremely time consuming.

Anonymous 17/06/08(Thu)09:22 No. 21387 ID: cac372

>removing the underbite

I am honestly more surprised that this exists than the whole white dick edit thing. Goombahs literally all have that underbite, it's simply a part of what they are. You're just making them into generic, brown hoodie girls by doing this.

Anonymous 17/06/08(Thu)09:34 No. 21388 ID: 071f27

Never underestimate the power of normies.

Anonymous 17/06/08(Thu)20:35 No. 21389 ID: ad191e

literally this, like those fags that removed koopa girl's eye things on her head along with her tail in the noko flash.

Anonymous 17/06/09(Fri)21:04 No. 21391 ID: f71360

Who cares? It's porn. If you can do something to make it more fappable do it. I think judging someone based off how they fap is probably the most pathetic you could do. Fap and let fap.

Anonymous 17/06/10(Sat)09:32 No. 21393 ID: c2321c

Pretty sure they are just displaying their higher levels of autism. The guy above me goes even further. ;^)

Minus8 17/06/13(Tue)05:19 No. 21394 ID: 8cd1e5


Anonymous 17/06/17(Sat)07:08 No. 21398 ID: cac372

You sure are quick to defend it, even though no one was attacking it or "judging" you for liking it that way. I'm only saying it's surprising is all. It's just such a minor detail.

Anonymous 17/06/17(Sat)08:53 No. 21399 ID: fef397



Yeah, not me who doesn't like it. I think the underbite is hot as shit.

And even if I give you the benefit of the doubt and say you weren't judging (which I don't buy for a second), I was more speaking to the entire comment chain you started than to you directly.

Not looking to start yet another stupid argument in this thread though, so I'm not gonna respond about this again. I just wanted to point out that judging what people fap to is retarded.

Anonymous 17/06/17(Sat)09:56 No. 21400 ID: dfc3fd

Yeah. Just like when people judge my cuckold, scat, obese, pedo (not loli) and gore fetishes!
Open your minds! Don't judge!

Anonymous 17/06/18(Sun)10:43 No. 21401 ID: 2af921

>not knowing how to reply post
>calls him autistic

Anonymous 17/06/19(Mon)02:42 No. 21402 ID: 039195

>Implying I wanted to reply
>Implying know how to reply is important
Another autistic fag found!

Anonymous 17/06/19(Mon)02:43 No. 21403 ID: 039195

Oh yeah.
Don't forget to talk about how my grammar sucks, by the way. ; )

Anonymous 17/06/23(Fri)12:16 No. 21406 ID: 3bf6aa

Love you in the gayest way possible -8

Anonymous 17/06/25(Sun)10:01 No. 21408 ID: 5c1750

Minus8 just had a another mental break down 568 and still counting

Spamming over +150 msgs of the same thing.

I love his art but this kid really needs to get some help

Anonymous 17/06/25(Sun)10:03 No. 21409 ID: 6a9a75

Oh boy, it's that time again, folks!
The traditional childish spam before the traditional nuke.

Anonymous 17/06/25(Sun)10:04 No. 21410 ID: 5c1750


Actually nevermind he is still spamming, seems like it will be over 150 this time

Anonymous 17/06/25(Sun)10:09 No. 21411 ID: 6a9a75

What makes it even more pathetic:
This happened because of one single harmless criticism to the last pic he uploaded.

"Buttholes should be up higher"

"You are right
This drawing is shit"

And cue the spam.

Anonymous 17/06/25(Sun)10:12 No. 21412 ID: 5c1750

I mean it is sorta to be expected from a guy who admited to being a pedofile and wanting to have sex with real children on tumblr. He is kinda mental.

And yes he will well known for throwing a fit even if a single person does not like his art.

Anonymous 17/06/25(Sun)10:13 No. 21413 ID: 562e89

10 posts per page, 25 pages, about 249 posts of the same message. The amount of time this man spends copy pasting the same message into a text post and posting it over and over could be spent in therapy or doing something else to help his mental health.

He doesnt like being called "baby" but boy does he act like a baby. I wonder what he would do if someone spammed his inbox calling him a baby 200+ times. Do you think he'd spam post 400+ times in return?

Anonymous 17/06/25(Sun)10:15 No. 21414 ID: 6a9a75

I'm surprised trolls haven't taken advantage of his crippling insecurity already.

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