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Anonymous 17/04/26(Wed)02:52 No. 21211 ID: 7a1503

File RHPP34.swf - (2.09MB )

Peachy Pop is the new minus8!


Anonymous 17/04/26(Wed)04:56 No. 21212 ID: 4b2dfa


Anonymous 17/04/26(Wed)07:34 No. 21213 ID: e28090

I disagree. Not because PeachyPop is inferior artistically but because it feels like PeachyPop is chasing after minus8.

Also PeachyPop doesn't really do any rhythm syncing with their works.

Anonymous 17/04/26(Wed)08:42 No. 21214 ID: 7a1503


At least he includes a proper cum button, though...

Anonymous 17/04/26(Wed)19:52 No. 21215 ID: bef766

Nah, -8 does it for the enjoyment and his fan and Peachy does it for the $$$ and locks her content behind the paywall known as patreon.

Anonymous 17/04/27(Thu)16:19 No. 21216 ID: ffb08c

PeachyPop's stuff is alright for what it's worth. I wish the patreon stuff they make would be "officially released" after so much time has passed but as long as they aren't hunting down people reuploading it, it's fine.

But yeah it'll never match minus8's stuff just due to his specific style. Saying "She's the new minus8" because "Made porn of same thing minus8 did" is... something else.

Anonymous 17/04/28(Fri)02:44 No. 21217 ID: 61fb9b

When they start making not-clickables, multiple faces, randomization and actually funny crap, THEN they'll be "The New -8"

Anonymous 17/04/28(Fri)11:41 No. 21218 ID: 3a960a

>actually funny crap
Did I miss something?

Anonymous 17/04/28(Fri)18:22 No. 21220 ID: 0016f1

This is pretty interesting. Do you know more about privacy- and user-friendly, decentralized services where people congregate and host content?

Who are you on gs.smuglo .li ?
Or if you have a Discord, we can chat through there.

Anonymous 17/04/30(Sun)21:00 No. 21222 ID: 6569e4

File TF_PP34_7.swf - (1.78MB )

Since we're on the subject of PeachyPop, I'm gonna post a few flashes from her Patreon

I have no remorse for paywalls

Anonymous 17/04/30(Sun)21:02 No. 21223 ID: 6569e4

File PP34_Meetup.swf - (654.05KB , PP34 Meetup.swf )

Anonymous 17/04/30(Sun)21:05 No. 21224 ID: 6569e4

File Peach_Rosa_Daisy_Full.swf - (1.52MB )

Anonymous 17/04/30(Sun)21:09 No. 21225 ID: 6569e4

File Palutena_Extra.swf - (1.32MB , Palutena Extra.swf )

Anonymous 17/05/01(Mon)06:08 No. 21226 ID: 0ed7a0

I can respect people like you.

Anonymous 17/05/01(Mon)12:43 No. 21227 ID: be5d8f

I respect you for your intent and outlook, however, honestly, this work isn't even near the level of -8. I do not enjoy it, I find it very mediocre, so I would prefer you abstaining from posting this work in a -8 thread.

Thank you and all the best.

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)00:05 No. 21230 ID: cbada8

I feel bad for people who actually payed for this.

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)04:05 No. 21231 ID: 6a9a75

Did people really pay for this?
I dont want to sound like a fanboy but minus8 is far superior than this.

I mean -8 did these

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)05:04 No. 21232 ID: 9a3271

Pornographic depictions of non-statutory rape are hella common. They're tolerated on the same principle- people should be able to distinguish fantasy/fiction from reality.

If they aren't capable of that, well there's already access to tons of media that depicts murder/gun violence etc., on top of the aforementioned depictions of rape, underage sexual relations, and generally unsafe sexual practices.

So this cat's already well out of the bag, people are just particularly uncomfortable with kid stuff.

That being said, actual kid-diddling is bad. I'm not going to condemn them for those fantasies, but they should probably seek some sort of help for that.

Maybe not professional therapy necessarily, but some outlet to sort out these thoughts and feelings in a healthy way.

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)05:07 No. 21233 ID: d2786c


You're replying to a post that's a month old. No one cares about that anymore.

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)05:14 No. 21234 ID: 9a3271

Death of the Author(Artist?)
If the art itself doesn't advocate child rape then it's fine.

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)05:15 No. 21235 ID: 9a3271

Not to say minus8 advocated it either, but even if he HAD gone that far, that reasoning for keeping the archive would stand

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)05:16 No. 21236 ID: 9a3271

Also not quite the correct usage of DotA if I recall correctly but w/e

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)06:09 No. 21237 ID: ada214

You must be new here, read the thread, learn who -8 is and watch some of his works then you'll be up to speed

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)09:42 No. 21238 ID: 9ba712

I wish I could animate like minus 8 but every time I look at it I'm always like DAMN THIS IS SOME HARD WORK!

minus8 17/05/03(Wed)03:45 No. 21239 ID: 6edefd


Anonymous 17/05/03(Wed)11:42 No. 21240 ID: c893d7

Had a really fun night getting caught up with your art history :) Thanks for the good times, hope you stay around forever.

minus8 17/05/05(Fri)11:57 No. 21245 ID: d4ad92


Anonymous 17/05/06(Sat)11:43 No. 21246 ID: 3a960a

I've seen everything he's made since he first released Rhythm Fever X. I have yet to see anything funny. Enlighten me.

Anonymous 17/05/06(Sat)16:45 No. 21248 ID: 310651

So you haven't seen the ASS raps?

Anonymous 17/05/08(Mon)06:29 No. 21249 ID: cf660e

ASS raps?

Anonymous 17/05/08(Mon)23:28 No. 21250 ID: 3ab561

peachy pop stuff is just reskins of -8's stuff?

Anonymous 17/05/08(Mon)23:28 No. 21251 ID: cfb224


Anonymous 17/05/09(Tue)08:15 No. 21254 ID: 09b316

Thanks for helping me out!

Anonymous 17/05/09(Tue)21:53 No. 21256 ID: 8fa1ff

File this_is_just_rehash.swf - (2.18MB , this is just rehash.swf )

I'm lazy ...
Currently I am creating something similar to noko.swf.
I'm sorry I'm too late, I'm making little bit and little bit...T.T
And I like peachy pop, he has a great talent.

Anonymous 17/05/09(Tue)22:57 No. 21257 ID: a7fddd

PP34's first few animations were reskins but she has begun to make her own stuff. Minus8's stuff is still the best. I'm looking forward to the next animation. I've been catching bits of it being worked on when m8 streams when I'm not asleep.

Anonymous 17/05/09(Tue)23:30 No. 21258 ID: cfb224

its fine bud, take your time.

Anonymous 17/05/10(Wed)02:53 No. 21259 ID: cfb224

can someone help me? flash animations are very slow.

Anonymous 17/05/10(Wed)22:35 No. 21262 ID: 86e20f

Just stay in a positive mood, even if you have to lie to yourself to get through the day. No one truly wants to see you quit and as well as being one of the very few people out there doing what you do, you're very talented at it. The recent concerns about you up and leaving for good was probably what forced Peachpop into doing what they did, imo there's no replacement for the original.

So no more freaking out and getting depressed over what literal fucking nobodies say about you on the Internet, thick skin and all that jazz.

Really looking forward to your new flash, rhythm-fap is something I never knew I liked till some of your earlier works. But yeah, take it easy meng.

Anonymous 17/05/10(Wed)23:44 No. 21263 ID: a74f3f


Rehash? Bitch, this is my favourite of all of your sex flashes, the fact that you remade it just makes my dick harder

Anonymous 17/05/11(Thu)06:30 No. 21266 ID: ec7d45


So ready for your next works. Your killin the game.

Anonymous 17/05/11(Thu)16:28 No. 21268 ID: a74f3f

Shiiiiet I want to titfuck that summer 7

Anonymous 17/05/12(Fri)04:26 No. 21270 ID: ac1d8e

In browser or downloading the files? If it's the browser lagging, try the stand-alone flash player or set the quality to low (right-click -> quality -> low).

If you're already using stand-alone flash, and have it set to low, either try different third-party flash players like Swiffer, or save up your money to get a better computer (you can build a really good one for $600-700 using parts from Amazon if ye know which ones to get. I have a wishlist of parts if you're interested in what I'm aiming for, so you have an idea of what you need.)

Anonymous 17/05/12(Fri)10:45 No. 21271 ID: a4d41a

I'm actually interested in that wishlist

Anonymous 17/05/13(Sat)00:46 No. 21272 ID: 871655

No hurries man! I just love your art and I won't stop coming to check every day! I just hope you always do what you like

Anonymous 17/05/13(Sat)02:50 No. 21273 ID: ac1d8e

Aye, ask and you shall receive. I don't suggest getting this exact set-up, since I haven't double-checked with computer geeks to see if it'll fit together like it should. Although from what resources I did look at, it should work.

You'll need some thermal paste to seat the processor, so that it doesn't overheat and basically die. Other than that, you should be good to go. But again, double check. First fucking thing I'm doing when I get it all together is finally pulling up more than one of m8's lengthier swfs and watching them at high quality. Toaster rn won't lemme get a peek at even one smoothly running at medium...

Anonymous 17/05/13(Sat)13:41 No. 21274 ID: 3a960a

What's funny about an asshole moving to a song? Seems pretty gay.

Anonymous 17/05/13(Sat)19:17 No. 21275 ID: ac1d8e

I forgot the damn link. http://preview.tinyurl.com/kxd9lze for the list if you're interested.

Anonymous 17/05/14(Sun)02:42 No. 21276 ID: d9920f

Many thanks

Anonymous 17/05/15(Mon)02:57 No. 21278 ID: cd8b9d

My computer never has issues with your flash loops.
This one runs really slow and laggy.
Could you please optimize it to have it run smoother?

Thank you for all the hard work you do.
Saw your next loop in your stream. Looking forward to seeing it here.

Anonymous 17/05/16(Tue)08:14 No. 21280 ID: 97275e

why is that sociopath bullying my minus 8

Anonymous 17/05/16(Tue)08:43 No. 21281 ID: 0a7d8b

why do your words sound like super-ultra-gay

Anonymous 17/05/17(Wed)00:52 No. 21283 ID: 94d1db


the last dregs of social justices trying to go out with a bang by scaring off minus8 AGAIN

i mean look at this guy's blog, he's freaking crazy

god i hate dumblr community

Anonymous 17/05/17(Wed)02:10 No. 21284 ID: e85a94

Too much blur, cant run flash.

Anonymous 17/05/17(Wed)02:45 No. 21285 ID: ba6e3a

i hope -8 doesn't freak out badly this time

Anonymous 17/05/17(Wed)05:44 No. 21289 ID: ba6e3a

didnt find them. did she deleted them???

Anonymous 17/05/17(Wed)08:42 No. 21290 ID: 0e3f91

Id rather have someone whos not a sperglord but puts stuff behind a cheap paywall than someone who gives out free mid tier junk and cant even handle a basic internet criticism.

Anonymous 17/05/17(Wed)22:42 No. 21291 ID: a05206

his stuff is god tier noob

Anonymous 17/05/18(Thu)20:06 No. 21292 ID: d4aaac

Hang on buddy, so you're saying you'd rather support someone who gives out low tier junk behind a cheap paywall instead? Mid tier my ass, peachypop is an imitation artist. No skill other than copy and paste/new-age tracing of other people's success, talents and abilities then passing them off as their own with the freaking nerve to ask for money

The world is in shambles thanks to people like you. No respect to the people who provide originality and worship those that steal other people's crafts just so long as they can jerk off regardless of how much they're being swindled or made to look like a desperate and pathetic dingus

No real hatred for peachypop though, they took a chance that the majority of people would take. Problem is that they'll fade eventually, there's no replacement for something that comes first hand to you rather than picking up from where someone else left off.

Minus8 has the mind and imagination for this, however unstable his emotions might be. Peachypop needs to make it on their own, not become the "new minus8" by imitation

Anonymous 17/05/19(Fri)10:36 No. 21294 ID: 0e4f8c

he dumped something on korean recently

Anonymous 17/05/19(Fri)22:03 No. 21295 ID: a7fddd

It's just the "beep beep I'm a sheep" song in Korean

Anonymous 17/05/21(Sun)19:06 No. 21297 ID: dc7a65

did she refuse to give nudes to a nice guy like you? what a whore

Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)00:38 No. 21298 ID: 927039

She was spamming messages to -8 calling him a pedophile and telling him that he should've been the one to have died and not his neighbor. And when it turned out nothing was going to come of it she nuked all the messages so dumblr doesn't have to hold her accountable. She's a sack of shit.

Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)00:46 No. 21299 ID: 927039

Long story short, this is the kind of person who makes up the "SJW" stereotype.

Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)02:03 No. 21300 ID: 8fa1ff

File 233223.swf - (3.22MB )


Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)02:04 No. 21301 ID: 8fa1ff

File 223.swf - (3.20MB )

:D sorry

Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)02:12 No. 21302 ID: 8fa1ff

File 24qwhud2.swf - (3.47MB )

OAO sorry

Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)02:45 No. 21303 ID: 927039

Minus8 your avatar is as cute and fuckable as Peach, at least he is to me~

Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)04:34 No. 21304 ID: d9f163


Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)15:28 No. 21306 ID: 6178b9

whenever i click on a flash it automatically starts downloading it. chrome://plugins wont work anymore so i cant change that setting from there. how do i get it to play in another window again?

Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)16:47 No. 21308 ID: c3603e

Dude... you're not the only one!

Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)16:49 No. 21309 ID: c3603e

if you look really close the veins on the dick says SWEET!!!

So I found this... Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)23:10 No. 21310 ID: 6652f7

And I think it's Minus8?


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